
Chapter 9: The Buried Past and Clash

Glorina, Linna and Ron accompanied Grandpa to the fields and helped him out in all sorts of ways. Collecting the ripening fruits! Linna always wandered to other people’s fields and ran after the squirrels and hamsters! Ron her kept from hurting and any possible troubles! Glorina laughed at them for looked like a cat and dog chase! Grandpa enjoyed the little recreation of the youngsters as well! He felt glad that they are mixing up with the simpler joys of life in the countryside. They spend much time going around in the neighborhood and having conversation and meeting with youth residing in that village. Glorina and Linna were now known by all of the girls and houses in that parish!

Glorina: Ron, have you ever heard some flute playing over night!

Ron: Oh yeah! I have always heard that sound? Why are you asking me about that?

Glorina: You know everybody affirms that it comes from the wind passing through empty passages in the field!

Ron: Do you not believe that?