Monica: How could that be! How can I believe you when Glorina woke up and asked me straight about who James was?
Anna: What, why would Glorina ask about someone she doesn’t know?
Monica: She would because she knows them, because you told them the lie that you made about your mother being killed by James . . ..!
Michael: That is enough . . . Both of you! Stop it! I don’t want to hear a word!
Anna: You know what! Papa and Aunt, you guys can stay here, and I am taking the girls back right away!
Michael: Anna, Listen . . . Where are you off to? Don’t be so hasty!
Michael followed Anna in the hallway to the storeroom where they laid their luggage.
Anna: Papa, I have struggled all my life and denied the very thing that Aunt has accused me off! I have turned myself into a crazy person, my husband and my girls keep me sane! Why is she doing that to me?
Anna sobbing and weeping! Her father took her by her shoulder and hugged her!