5 Fearsome Creature

This is feels so good. But, I can’t take it longer. I’m about to spit, I then take control of my hand and then tapping my stomach repeatedly.

“Hmm?” Raihan said and suddenly he laugh while flying down.

And then we walking for awhile, walking at the food center and buying a warm drink. It tastes like normal water with a bit of flavor that similar to tea and a bit of plum. Even though it tastes like that, I like this. Raihan says that this drink called ‘Fellodaw cha’.

Named like this because it has a color similar to the red part of the evening sky on this planet and bring the atmosphere are similar to it when we sip it while enjoying the sunset while smoking a mango taste cigarettes.

Well that is what Raihan said to me.

I don’t even know there is a cigarette that has a taste, even I don’t know what cigarettes taste like. Might be confused with it because of Raihan smoked using my body, but I don’t feel anything from it except I feel a bit calm while he smoke his cigarettes.

We continue our walk after I finish my drink while looking at this park, flying ahead to our destination again. I now feel better after I drink that cold tea, even I ask him to fly a little bit faster now! He chuckles and do what I ask. While I look down, I see a couple are walking on the street that has so many shop that selling so many outfits.

Looking so lovely that somewhere on my heart feels a little bit jealous, the girl wears a luxury dress and a sun and moon pin on her reddish purple wolf cut hair. While the man, looks like he is wearing a white and golden outfit for a noble man.

The girl seems happy right here, she laugh so much while holding his hand, while the man… I feel like he is looking to another person on her. A man’s nexus, but well it is not important now.

“We are here!” Said Raihan to me.

A road made of stone they saw bright white and gray fences along the way. They then continued walking to the left and arrived at the gate which has an inscription which means ‘Welcome to the Youglork Park’. The garden was covered by a rather large and also majestic golden white building. Zein guessed from the outside the place was very good but inside it must be bad. He said in his heart, Elizabeth that just paid for the ticket then run to Zein and stuck a sky blue paper to his shoulder. Zein then nodded and they walks away, Zein still holding on to his thoughts, When they enter through the building that is the nexus to the park it looks dark so Zein can’t see anything, over time he see a glimpse of a bright light. He and Elizabeth walks and then when they get outside.

“Ferichtasia Ernest Fil Youglork park!!!” Said the male and female officers who were waiting in front of the end of the room.

How impressed Zein are with the beauty of the park. He goes silent and can only see his surroundings, Children running around, families sitting on small carpets and some people who are dating, those who are contemplating sad on chairs wearing hoodies and also people carrying their pets like a small dragon, an ordinary dog, a cat until a tiger are there, covered with green grass like an emerald.

“This is, Youglork Park, you can call this the town square of Dravistic. Here, you can rest your mind by looking all of the jungle and while sitting on the bench, not only jungle, there’s a wide field to sit or you might be want to laying down there.” Raihan said.

“I see.” Faried said while looking around.

So many people walking to a gate that seems to be the main entrance of this park, Zein walk in while introduce himself with Raihan’s identity. The receptionist looks so surprised and let us in immediately. They them entered the park greeted by a large field with white concrete roads that connect in all directions.

The park with a width as big as Cambodia country. A selkies, mermaid being the main attraction to greet all of the visitors. They came under the small lake that separated by a bridge. Faried impressed with all of the view and all of the attraction, they then walk to a flat field and laying down there while Raihan take another cigarettes with a tea.

Faried playing another slow music on his phone using a hands-free headset that makes Raihan impressed. While looking up to the skies, Zein take a deep breath and slowly exhaled it. Looking around and they suddenly met the girl that Faried saw at the clothing district earlier.

“Ohh? Isn’t that Alexandro and Alicia Michelle from the Voltiaz Kingdom?” Raihan said while standing up slowly and put off the headset.

“Huh? Who are you calling us like we are friends?!” The man of the girl said.

“Ah hah, it is me. Raihan Zein the counselor of Dravistic. I’m in this young man body somehow now.” He answered while lowing his head and putting his right hand on his left chest.

“That salute… sure you are, my apologies for my rude behavior. So what happened to you, sire?”

“It is a long story.”

“I see.”

“So, you are both dating?”

“Sure we are!” Said the girl happily.

“Alright then, enjoy your time! Refclesia!”

They then leave.

They then stand up and continue to walk inside of the forest, there is so many animals lives there. A whale look with 4 legs animal, a cheetah like animal but higher and having a fire hair above on the top of their heads until their back, Unicorn with their fur looks like a zebra with two horns that looks like a goat, and a squirrel with bunny ears. Running all over the jungle, from this one. Faried take over his own body and walking the path he choose.

After walking about 1 hour and 30 minutes, they found a lake that even Raihan did not know about, they take a rest there. Drinking and wash their upper face while suddenly a water spirit slowly comes out along with the lake turns bright.

“An agorn… not from this world. Who are you?” Said the spirit with her face looking calm and peaceful.

“O-Ohh, sorry! I don’t know there’s spirit living here. You are?” Faried said, standing up quickly.

“You know the spirits huh?” Ask Raihan to Faried.

“This voice, the legendary spirit Raihan?”

“You know me?” Said Raihan taking over Faried’s body.

“Yes… we know you. The contract spirit, dark souls saver. Destroyer of Rheudos. Wait, let me help you separate from this younglings.”

She raise her hand towards Zein slowly and a water then envelope their body slowly, warm and softly. The water then split into two, Raihan and Faried separated from each other. Looking at one at each other while touching all of their body part.

“Thank you for your help, o gratenous undine.” Said Raihan putting his hand onto his chest and bowing a bit.

“I do not deserve that praise, My lord. I just paid the good things you did to me at the Semvrawl war.”

“You live since that war?”

“Yes, you saved my father and my mother when we were hunt by the evil Voidar. Raolan Undine and Restiwi Undine. I am, Rihanna Undine, here to serve you since then.” Said her while bowing down like a princess.

“You are the undines princess after all, we saved you for the sake of Dravistic to rise… Just place your loyalty to serve this country.”

“Yes my lord. I will take my leave now.”

And the conversation between the queen of undine and the contract spirit over. She goes back inside the lake and Faried suddenly mummbles.

“Magic, Elementals Skill. Hup!”

He holds his stomach after he takes a deep breath. Make himself calm and slowly raise his palm, slowly he brings some energy to his palm, the wind suddenly appears from his hand and starts to merge in four way, while he the wind suddenly makes a small ball with high pressure, he open his eyes and says.

“Wind… Ball.” The wind ball suddenly flies away from his hand and he clenched his fist.

The ball suddenly explodes, creating a big dome of wind that turning opposites the rotation of this planet.

“Wha-!” Raihan surprised of what Zein did.

“I-I did it! Raihan I did it, YES!!!”

Walking towards Zein. Raihan grab his shoulders and says in a high pitch note.

“Since when you learned to use elemental manipulation power?!”

“What? Uhh… let’s see… ohh, yes! Since you were using all of those magical things!”

“You even not staying here a year. But you can using all of the things you don’t even can do on your planet. Are you genius or what??”

Faried looks blushes with what Raihan said to him.

“No, I am not that gre-”

“It is great, you are a fast learner, if you keep training… you can be equal- no, even surpassing the former king in of Dravistic, or even more!”

“… Is that a good thing or bad thing?”

“You can say both.”

“Hmm, interesting!”

Faried said, not knowing what he said was cringe and sounds disgusting with his face looked ugly.

Then, they are intending to walk again a little bit deeper to the forest, more deep they walk more Faried’s vision starts fading. He suddenly stops, Raihan calls him 10 times, but Faried gives no response.

“Young boy…”

Voice of a man, along with some small monstrous growl calls Faried. He looks around while asking.

“WHO ARE YOU?! WHERE?!!” and suddenly after he shouted, an eyes with a horizontal pupil that have 200 cm height appears in front of Zein and then a gigantic teeth and fangs rise up. Black purple figure of an wyvern with dragon’s characteristics are appears from the dark.

His height are more bigger than earth. Even his wings can make the earth covered by the darkness. The claws are bigger than Everest mountain. While he growls, he says.

“Soon, we will meet again and I will help you…”

And it suddenly disappear.

“Zein, Zein!! Hey, ZEIN!” shouts a that sounds vague, slowly turns clear.

“R-Rai…han?” frightened Zein said weakly.

“What’s happened? Why did you suddenly petrified?!”


“Huh? What is-”

“An enormous dragon… he suddenly said he will help me and such thing!”

“Dragon… enormous… LORD RUGIA?! DID YOU MET HIM?!”

“Who is that…?”

Raihan suddenly petrifies, along with his body start trembling. He then grab Faried’s shoulder tightly and makes him feels hurt and says in a broken voice.

“You just met the Legendary mystical beast. A thing, that I can’t even stand with. A monster, god of destruction.”

“God of destruction? There’s no god but one-”


“I-Is that so?”

Zein’s shares their feeling one to each other. Even though, Faried also feels excited that he met a great thing. He somewhere in his heart feel proud of his terrible achievements.

“What a dark nightmare. We need to go to our office now!” Raihan grab his hand and then fly to the office.

He ignores Zein who are feeling nauseous and fly quickly while he says to his right hand “Miisi open the window!” the window of the higher office then suddenly opens up. A man with a women seems like kissing in their office then looks towards Zeins who are flying. Raihan then throws Faried to the sofa right between both of the couples that were sitting there and separated.

“M-Master Zein, who is this young man?” Said the women.

“William, Felisha, out!”


“Right. NOW!”

Both of them then running out from the office and then Raihan sit above Faried while grabbing his shoulders and says in a low and grunting tone.

“Listen, you’ve just met with a beast that you should’ve never talk or even meet. I don’t know what he is up to but you have to he careful, Got it?!”

Faried starts to be afraid of him, he nods his head quickly.

“Good, so we have to talk about him first since you met him right now.” Said Raihan stands up and walking to the window.

“Is this Rugia bad?”

“I do not know either. But since I was participated on the first war to build the Dravistic state, he were always get in our way, sending his child and vanish most of our people. But at the same time, he helped us winning the battle against the visitors from outer world.”

“Outer space?”

“You may say so, the main thing is you need to be careful with him since you saw him and with your intelligence about supernatural power in this world, understand?”

“Got it…”

“Good.” Raihan then walk to his desk and opened the drawer that filled by report book that he wrote since the first war until Dravistic was standing.

It is written, ‘The Legacy of Feluldacia Kingdom’ at the cover of the book. He brings it out from the desk and put it on the table. Opening, the 43 page of that book, and pointing down his finger to the text that he wanted to tell Faried. But then, he gasp a bit and take a deep breath that makes him calm down.

“Alright before you know the story, you may go to the bathroom to do your things.”

Faried runs away and entered the closet, suddenly a loud voice comes from him, not long a sound of water flushing comes out from it. He walks out and grunting with his body looks staggered while he grab his head, slowly walking to where he were.

“Ugh, it feels good. Now then, what should I do.”

Raihan suddenly brings out a cup of tea, and some Traditional Dravistic snacks in the form of orange-shaped candy, and baked goods filled with apple jam. It makes Zein happy and take the bread then eat it.

“Now… listen closely. Arou

nd 3000 years since now. There was a big war…” Said Raihan sitting on the table while reading the book.