because that person has something they don't have.
You might be slim, tall, short, average in height, dark or light skin, people will still talk. Like the saying that says, " What goes around, will come around" , that's Karma for you.
Best thing you can do for yourself and show those bullies, that their opinion of you or your size does not count, is for you to strive and live your best life.
Is it not also true that ; Do unto others what you want them to do to you, but she guess people don't just care. But what they don't know or will find out too late, is that everyone of us will pay for the wrong we have done and are doing, one way or the other. We will also be rewarded for the good or right thing we do.
Instead of judging or accusing others why don't you encourage them, correct them lovely , give them solution to their problems, help them get help and call that person to a corner and ask nicely, it wouldn't hurt you to do that , but it would make them know someone cares.
It is not the questions Chelsea was asked that was painful, but the accusations in some of those questions and statements.
But she believes, one day she will have her day in the sun, just like everyone else, because after all; she knows who holds tomorrow and he is her God, not those bullies or accusers.