Inheritance? So this isn't just another test... It's a step toward the truth.
After passing the first trial, Jeon stood before the Second Gate, feeling the immense energy vibrating from within.
📜 [Condition Met: Second Gate Unlocked]
📜 [Rule: No one passes without proving their worthiness]
🔹 The Gatekeeper Appears
Suddenly, a bright red light burst from the center of the gate, and a non-human entity emerged…
It was neither a knight nor a shadow creature like those he had faced before.
It was a transparent being, its face unclear, but its glowing eyes locked onto Jeon, as if peering into his soul.
💬 You have arrived here, but passage is not for those who seek it—it is for those who deserve it.
📜 [Rule: Pass the mental trial before the physical one]
💬 A mental trial?
Before Jeon could comprehend what was happening, his surroundings began to change.
🔹 The First Challenge: Facing the Past
He was no longer in front of the gate.
He was in his old childhood neighborhood.
📜 [Painful Memories Activated]
Suddenly, he saw his ten-year-old self, surrounded by children mocking him.
💬 He's the kid with no father!💬 His mother won't even tell him who his father is… Maybe he's just a nobody!
📜 [Rule: Face your past, or let it consume you]
💬 This isn't a test of strength… It's a test of will.
Jeon stood in front of his younger self, watching him silently.
💬 I am no longer that weak child.
Suddenly, the illusions vanished, as if they were never real.
📜 [Phase One Completed]
But the challenge was not over yet.
🔹 The Second Challenge: The Decision
💬 You have overcome your past, but that does not mean you are ready to cross the gate. You have yet to make the real choice.
📜 [Choice Available]
[Option One: Force your way through the gate] → But that may mean losing control over yourself.[Option Two: Seek balance] → But this requires understanding the inheritance before using it.
💬 I'm here to find the truth, not just power.
📜 [Balance Between Will and Power Achieved]📜 [Shadow Inheritance Activation: 50%]
The gate slowly began to open, and the energy vibrating from within made the air around him tremble.
Jeon did not hesitate.
He stepped forward and passed through the gate.
🔹 Emerging from the Gate – The True Transformation
As soon as he crossed the gate, an overwhelming surge of energy flooded through his entire body!
📜 [Shadow Inheritance Activation: 60%]
💬 This feeling… I feel stronger than ever!
Looking around, he found himself in a completely dark chamber, illuminated only by flickering mysterious energy.
📜 [Mental and Physical Trial Completed – Shadow Inheritance Begins Integration]
💬 So… this is the first step toward the truth.
But this wasn't the end.
In the corner, a mysterious figure was watching him silently…