Feng Fan woke up the next morning on the bathroom floor, his head pounding like a drum. The first thing he noticed was the splitting headache, and the second was Straw Hat humming irritably on his head, as if scolding him with an I told you so.
Groaning, he gripped the edge of the sink with his left hand and hauled himself to his feet. When he looked in the mirror, he barely recognized the mess staring back at him.
'I look like I just came back from a 24-hour party…'
Dark circles hung under his eyes, and his cracked, dry lips stuck together, desperate for water. He considered splashing his face at the faucet, but flashes of the night before made his stomach turn.
'Never mind…'
He stumbled out of the bathroom and chugged a mouthful of water. Pain hit his throat every time a sip went down. Once he felt a little better, he grabbed the quickest snack he could find from the fridge and took a long, hot shower.