Chapter 1 : Prologue

Flames, blood, screams.

King's Landing—a city built by House Targaryen. Three hundred years ago, Aegon the Conqueror used this place as the starting point of his campaign to unite Westeros under his rule. From that moment on, it became known as King's Landing.

As the sun set, the world was bathed in red. It was impossible to tell whether the ground was illuminated by light or stained with blood.

In the Great Hall, a tall, silver-haired knight sat upon the Iron Throne—a seat forged from the swords of conquered foes.

The Targaryen dynasty began with Aegon and ended with Alys Targaryen.

The King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, the ruler of the Seven Kingdoms and protector of the realm—King Aerys II Targaryen—lay lifeless in a pool of blood before the silver-haired knight. History would remember him not as a great ruler, but as the "Mad King."

Across Blackwater Bay, a pregnant woman fled with a young boy in tow.

Meanwhile, high in a tower within the Red Keep, a woman with Dornish features hummed a lullaby. She cradled a sleeping infant in her arms. Her dark hair, a hallmark of her Dornish heritage, contrasted with her deep violet-blue eyes—eyes that told of her Valyrian blood.

The door burst open. A tall warrior strode in, carrying a child in his arms.

"Princess, I found the child for you."

"Ser Granderson, you have my thanks," she said softly.

The knight knelt on one knee and presented the child with both hands. "Your Highness, the forces of Casterly Rock have breached the gates. You must leave at once."

Elia shook her head gently. She took the child from the knight's arms and wrapped him in another swaddling cloth.

"Without the king's command, I cannot leave King's Landing."

Her voice was clear yet tinged with exhaustion.

"Ser Granderson, your uncle was a proud Kingsguard, and House Granderson has always been honorable. Should I place my trust in you?" she asked.

The knight struck his chest with his fist, his expression solemn. "House Granderson swears to serve the king until death."

"Then take this child. Bring him to the Targaryen at the Wall and give him this message: 'After the long summer, the stars will weep blood, and cold darkness will shroud the world. In that dreadful hour, the prince who was promised shall wield the burning sword, Lightbringer.'

He is Aegon, born beneath the stars, the dragon prince of House Targaryen—the prophesied savior of light, the future ruler of the Seven Kingdoms, and protector of the realm."

"As you command, Your Highness."

When the knight departed, the woman forced a smile as she looked down at the child in her arms. His silver hair and round face made him unbearably precious. Her heart ached at the thought of parting, so she turned away, gazing out the tower window. Beyond the walls of the Red Keep, her husband was surely still fighting against the rebels.

"Rhaegar, I hope the old man you so often praised will truly be able to save our son," she murmured.