Let's flee

Goburo effortlessly dispatched the crocodiles before addressing the humans: "Are you unharmed?" His human language sounded slightly awkward.

Hearing the deep voice above, the party looked up to find the massive green beast observing them without immediate hostility.

"We... we're fine," the female warrior ventured cautiously.

"If unharmed, assist me in return for saving your lives," Goburo demanded bluntly.

The humans exchanged uneasy glances, clearly reluctant. Finally, the warrior spoke: "Apologies, sir. We're too weak to be of assistance."

"Your usefulness isn't yours to judge. Follow me."

Realizing refusal wasn't an option against this terrifying creature, they acquiesced: "Yes."

Supporting each other, they trailed behind Goburo as he carried the crocodile carcasses toward the valley.

Upon reaching the camp with its small wooden cabins, the humans expressed surprise - they hadn't expected monsters to build dwellings.

"Sir, is this our destination?"

The warrior's question reminded Goburo of a critical issue - his Goblins spoke Monster Tongue, while humans used Human Language. Language barriers would complicate teaching. This realization gave him pause.

As Goburo pondered, the humans waited nervously.

"Your task is simple: train these Goblins in magic and combat techniques."

The request astonished them - monsters hiring humans to train monsters was unprecedented.

Noticing their hesitation, Goburo's tone turned icy: "Do you refuse?"

Panicked by his shift in demeanor, the warrior quickly responded: "No, no! We're just curious about the duration."

Escape was impossible - their mediocre skills struggled against mere crocodiles, let alone Goburo's might.

"Duration depends on your teaching quality. Leave once you've imparted all your knowledge. Note: my kin don't speak Human Language. I'll teach them basics, which may slow your progress. I trust this won't inconvenience you."

"Not at all!"

They dared not object.

"Good. Inconvenience would complicate matters." Goburo relaxed his clenched fist, easing their tension. "Rest now - you're injured. Two cabins are yours - one for males, one for females."

Relieved at the reprieve, they followed as Goburo summoned two Goblins: "Escort them to cabins. Have Gobli prepare extra food. (Monster Tongue)"

"Yes. (Monster Tongue)"

Though incomprehensible, Goburo's occasional glances during the commands unnerved them. The Goblins led them toward the cabins.

Entering their assigned cabin, the females - Vivian and Rosetta - expressed their anxieties:

Vivian: "What now? Do we really teach Goblins magic and combat?"

Rosetta: "What choice do we have? Besides, he did save us. Consider it repaying our debt."

Vivian: "True."

While the females remained relatively composed, the males' situation differed. The wounded warrior, Ludinan, grew increasingly paranoid, emitting frightened screams.

Ludinan: "Croyer! We're doomed! That monster will kill us!"

Croyer: "Enough! We're useful to him. He won't kill us."

Ludinan: "How do you know! He looks evil!"

Croyer: "He'd have killed us already. Stop screaming and heal."

Ludinan: "No! They're monsters! Don't trust them! Even if he spares us now, what about when we're useless!"

Croyer fell silent, his own doubts surfacing.

Ludinan: "Your silence means you agree! Let's escape, Croyer!"

Croyer: "How? You're badly injured. Vivian and Rosetta are in another cabin. How do we warn them?"

Ludinan: "Fewer is better. They're smart - they'll escape themselves. Just us two."

Croyer: "Abandon them?!"

Ludinan averted his gaze: "We can barely manage ourselves. Worrying about others will only hinder us."

Croyer: "Give me time to think."

Ludinan: "Decide by tomorrow. Time's short."

Unbeknownst to them, a three-meter Goblin eavesdropped outside, his Azure Eyes glinting with murderous intent.