
The bar was a relatively quiet one. Surprisingly so, given that it wasn't far from a main thoroughfare. The sound from the traffic nearby was reduced to no more than a dull and distant roar.

A Togruta female sat in a chair at a bar. She was idly swirling the teal liquid in her glass around, not really paying attention to her surroundings. She was utterly lost in her thoughts.

The bartender in front of her, who was an incredibly busty Zeltron female in a skin tight bodysuit that not only left absolutely nothing to the imagination as to what lay underneath, but had a portion cut out on her top to reveal an impressive amount of cleavage. Ahsoka knew she was young and still had some growing to do, but despite having finally begun to fill out in the past few months, she would never have the bust of the Zeltron.

The bartender had inquired several times about whether the young girl wished for another drink. Despite her occasional inquiries, the woman hadn't done it in a way to be insistent about buying another or in irritation with Ahsoka taking up a seat at her bar. The young girl thought it a genuinely nice change of pace from her previous experiences of wasting times in bars. Especially considering how deep she was in the side of Coruscant the politicians didn't wish to talk about and the news crews long realized should never be shown to the public.

Drinking, unfortunately for the goddess serving customers at the bar, wasn't on the forefront of the Togruta's mind. In fact, she had barely touched whatever it was that was inside her glass. The request 'Surprise me!' had always brought Sky-Guy interesting looks, and often free information out of the banter established, but right now she didn't have the energy for the follow through that would be required, nor any reason for it.

Today, had been a day like no other in her admittedly insane life. The decision to walk away from the Jedi Temple had been both the easiest and hardest thing she had ever done. The problem she was only now truly realizing was that the Jedi Order had been her entire life. She had next to no recollection of her life prior to the age of three when her Force sensitivity had been discovered on the planet of Shili by Jedi Master Plo Kloon, someone she still felt as a sort of father figure to her.

Of course that meant nothing when she had been standing in the pit before the Jedi Masters who had passed judgement on actions they thought she had taken.

Every possible close tie and relationship she had was connected to the Jedi Order. Idly she wondered if that was another reason why the Jedi took children from their families; to give them really no place to go, other than the temple. Ahsoka admitted to herself that the thought was rather cynical and bitter but at the moment she didn't much care.

Someone slid up beside her at the bar and leaned forward arms over the bar as he leaned forward. Ahsoka barely glanced over at him, as the unassuming human male's profile didn't register as being important to her at all. She did register that he had dark brown hair, or maybe black. She didn't really care to focus on his features. The bartender in front of her however lit up with a wide smile in recognition. Ahsoka did note that it didn't seem to be the false happiness many bartenders across the galaxy would do for repeat customers so that they would attempt to purchase more alcohol in an attempt to kill their livers or whatever bodily organ the species had that might process alcohol through the body. No, this bartender was genuinely happy that this man was here.

"Harry! Long time no see! Last time I heard you were out exploring some old ruins on… Ziost or something?" The bartender grinned at him, her arms braced on her hips.

The man, presumably the aforementioned Harry, chuckled good naturedly. "Keeping tabs on me?" Ahsoka realized he spoke with a pleasant accent, albeit one she couldn't identify offhand. The bartender grinned, "Nah, one of my suppliers mentioned he'd hauled some cargo out that way and docked near your ship."

Harry laughed and groused playfully, "The paint job, no doubt."

"Got it in one!" The zeltron laughed and nodded with a bright smile. "So… the usual I presume?"

"Of course. Closest to a good cup that I don't have to make myself or that doesn't taste like liquid dirt." The human male chuckled an amused way.

Ahsoka Tano repressed a sigh, she felt a pang in her heart as the sound was almost identical to the one SkyGuy used to give her when she'd been a touch too enthusiastic about something or he was humoring her.

"Yeah yeah, that's why you keep coming back." The zeltron said as she turned around and seemed to be heating up something judging by the little spurts of steam coming out of one of the drink mixers.

Harry winked at the Zeltron. "You know I keep coming back for your wonderful company, the tea is just a bonus!"

"Flatterer," The bartender said a moment later as she slid a cup across the bar.

"Maybe, but you love it." Harry said as he slid a credit chip across the bar carelessly. She rolled her eyes and picked up the credit chip, depositing it quickly. To Ahsoka it was obviously familiar banter between the two and enough of a distraction to give her something to focus on beyond her own troubles.

He picked up the steaming cup and took a sip, before closing his eyes and letting out a deep sigh of satisfaction at whatever was in the cup. He allowed a slow smile to cross his face. "Perfect as always."

The zeltron snorted and rolled her eyes, "You know you're the only one that drinks that swill."

Harry looked affronted, though Ahsoka could tell from his tone that it was teasing. "This… 'swill' is the best drink in the galaxy! Believe me I know. I've tried most of them." "Yes, but it has no alcohol in it. Most who come here aren't looking for drinks without alcohol. In fact, I'm relatively certain that some of my patrons are unaware that there actually exists drinks that don't contain alcohol." She said, her tone turning thoughtful. Then the bartender focused her attention to Ahsoka. "Except of course that one sitting beside you. Hers isn't any more alcoholic than yours."

Harry barely glanced over at Ahsoka, dismissing her casually. "Their loss." He replied easily, turning his attention back to the bartender. Ahsoka noticed how his eyes lingered in her bared cleavage before he continued after taking a sip of his tea.

"Any deliveries for me to pick up?" he asked. "Several, you've been gone almost six months. I keep dropping them into the safety box you gave me." The bartender had already chuckled and stepped around to the storeroom right behind her, returning a few seconds later with a metal box which she set on the top of the bar.

Ahsoka peered curiously at the box with a frown on her face, it was a decent sized box, but it almost seemed hard to notice, unless she was looking right at it, otherwise her eyes seemed to slide right off. On the top of the box was a little opening to slide things in, but otherwise the box seemed like a solid hunk of metal.