
Minnie's voice sounded vaguely ill, which was impressive for a droid. "There's video."

Harry blinked and then grinned wider before he looked down at his insensate attacker. "Oh yes, definitely taking you back. If out of sheer amusement if nothing else… Minnie, any of the others have bounties on them?"

"All of the rest of them very minor bounties or simple BOLA's." Minnie's voice replied in her once more unruffled tones. "None of them are wanted on Coruscant, nor any of them for violent crimes or slavery. The cost of turning the bounties in would be less than travel expenditures."

"Any of the bounties in the same place where we could lump them together and make it worth a trip?" Harry asked more out of curiosity than real need to know.

"Negative." came Minnie's response.

"Allright. Then you might as well be ready for me. We weren't going to be here long anyway." Harry said with a sigh. He reached to shut down the comlink but Minnie's voice cut him off.

"You should also know that authorities are on their way," the droid cut in before Harry could disconnect from the link. Harry frowned thoughtfully, "That's a surprise, usually they don't get here for a half an hour or so this far down, plenty of time for all parties to escape. Less paperwork and less danger to authorities."

"Apparently, they have two Jedi as escorts." Minnie replied.

"Ah. Oh right." Harry seemed to understand something that escaped Ahsoka before he nodded, "Okay, I'll be back in a bit."

Harry moved over to the bar and grabbed the datapad he had set down before picking up the binders, and sliding it into a pocket of his jacket. He then knelt down to the pile of thugs, and made a show of his hands moving over each of the thugs. Ahsoka could feel minute surges of the Force as he did, though they were soft enough to be barely register. Blasters, holdout weapons, credit bags, and other trinkets seemed to just jump into his hands.

Once he had them in a pile, he lifted the items up and set them on the bar, with a nod to the bartender. "Use them to pay for the damages, and use the rest to treat yourself to some combat pay, instead of letting the authorities just confiscate it all when they didn't do a thing to stop this, or react in any sort of timely manner." He said with scorn in his voice.

Ahsoka watched the bartender just nod, but Harry was already turning away from her. He reached out and laid his hand on the waist of the man lying on his back, who hadn't so much as twitched since Harry rolled him over. Ahsoka once more felt a small surge in the Force and then watched as Harry easily swung the guy off the ground and over his shoulder, looking not at all bothered by the weight

He turned and gave the bartender a final wave, "See you again next time I swing through!"

"Bye Harry! Next time bring me back something nice!" The bartender said with a grin on her face.

As he was about to exit the bar, Harry shouted back, "What? I'm not nice enough for you?"

The bartender grinned and shouted back before he got out of earshot, "Sure you are, but you never take me up when I ask you to let me show you what people from my world are famous for, so I need something else. A girl has needs!"

The last sound Harry made was a laugh as he headed out the door. Ahsoka blinked once more and then shook off her lassitude and sprinted after the man before he got out of sight.

"Wait, wait! Where are you going?" she demanded as she caught up with him.

Harry turned his head towards her as he walked out into the street, crowds of people walking by and apparently not reacting at all to the fact he carried an unconscious and heavily armed man upon his shoulder.

In fact, they seemed to unconsciously give them both a wide berth, even the ones who were engaged in conversations and hadn't looked once in their direction seemed to step to the side to avoid running into him.

"I'm headed back to my ship and then to wherever in the sector, Mister religious-fornicator here is wanted for." Harry replied, "Hopefully, it's right here, planetside. If I'm lucky I can just dump him at the bounty station before taking off." His tone was dismissive as he walked away, clearly attempting to bring an end to the conversation.

Ahsoka walked beside him stubbornly "You should be waiting back at the bar, if your friend was right about Jedi and authorities on the way, they'll want to talk to you."

Harry snorted, "If they wanted to talk to me, they should have gotten there before I left." Ahsoka was brought up short and stopped in her tracks as she processed the blunt response that was somehow logical and illogical at the same time. She realized he hadn't stopped when she did so she was forced to quick step to keep up with him.

"Who are you?" She demanded as she caught back up with him

"Harry, nice to meet you, and you're welcome." He replied cheerily. barely glancing her way.

"Huh? Welcome for what?" Ahsoka asked, once more confused and finding this a normal state of affairs around him.

"Um, those guys did in fact have you dead to rights back there, and I was the one who saved your pretty little ass from our friend here." Harry said lifting his shoulder with the burden slightly.

"Hell, I even got…." he stopped for a second and frowned and then shrugged, "My bartender friend with the big chest who knows how to make good genuine English style tea, shot for my efforts."

"I didn't need saving from them. I'm not helpless, I would have gotten away." Ahsoka replied crossly. She hated feeling helpless.

Harry nodded agreeably. "Good for you. Humble too. Would that have been before or after Mr. Fornicates-with-Religious-Gamorrean-Matron s here added some more felonies to his docket?"

Ahsoka winced at that, and replied in a voice that was less than convincing. "I would have come up with something."

"I'm sure." Harry chuckled, his tone as much amused as patronizing.

His tone turned more serious, and the change seemed to be strange on him, like he suddenly switched personalities entirely. "You know, if you go in public, especially after apparently being on the holonet, people may recognize you. You're going to attract the attention of more idiots who want to kill you, or capture you Miss Jedi-who-claims-she's-not-a-Jedi."

He gestured at her clothing, or more pointedly, her almost lack thereof, "Jedi may normally wear robes, but your outfit is rather unique, especially with how much you've apparently been on the news. If even I recognize you, it's safe to say that you stand out, girl."

"Also, you may be one of the worst liars I have ever met." Harry frowned a bit and then seemed to get lost in some memory that actually caused a half smile to cross his face, "Seriously. Ever. Of all time. One of my best friends was horrible liar, and she was better at age eleven than you were in that bar."