
Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi stood in shock at the empty space where three people had once stood. Even for the few bystanders looking on, who viewed the exchange with fear more than anything else, it was an amazing sight. It had seemed, like the three people just twisted slightly and disappeared with a pop and a flash of light. To the Jedi though, it had been a nearly blinding pulse of the force.

"We should have expected this from her!" spat Master Tre'jin as he looked around, his head moving quickly in an attempt to spot them.

"What, walking around with a Force wielding Bounty hunter that can literally play with the minds of Masters? You must be far stronger in the Force than I to have predicted that." Mundi shook his head, still unable to look away from the spot where Ahsoka and the stranger had disappeared. Sure that he could focus his sight through the illusion.

"Don't be a fool. I meant that Skywalker's precious padawan causing trouble every time we turn around. It's obvious he is incapable of instructing someone properly." Tre'jin glanced at his fellow master with more than a touch of disdain.

"Stretch out your senses, if you are right they can't have gone far." Mundi said with a small calm smile, as he realized that he could already feel a distinct lack of Ahsoka's presence. He couldn't feel her anywhere close by, certainly not within a few miles.

Tre'jin stretched out his own senses, and reached into the Force to search for the two. Even at top running speed, enhanced through use of the Force, the two couldn't have been more than a few hundred meters away, especially since one of them was weighed down. Much to Tre'jin's dismay though, he could feel nothing. Master Tre'jin couldn't help but grind his teeth in frustration, the situation had gone from bad to miserable in seconds. He didn't want to think about how this was going to affect the future.

Ahsoka Tano was gone, and now they had a squad of Clone Troopers looking agitated and fidgety, with fingers dancing over the triggers of their blaster rifles.

Loud noises and bright flashes tended to have that effect on soldiers.

"Look around, see if they're still here." Commander Jet spoke in a tone that forced his men to reign in their fears. He knew he definitely was going to be expected to report this, though assumed it would just be round filed for the future.

Master Mundi nodded to his friend and colleague, then turned towards the surrounding buildings and the civilians who were already beginning to move about their business. Sometimes working in the less reputable parts of Coruscant had some advantages.

"Let's check around for more information, someone has to know who that bounty hunter is." Mundi spoke with a bit more calm than his partner, but he too didn't like how things had played out. Deep in his gut he feared that young Tano had fallen into the clutches of someone with questionable, and potentially evil motives.

"Fine." Tre'jin muttered as he turned towards the Clone Troopers and motioned for them to set out to canvass the area. He was quite certain this was going to come back to bite him in the ass.

Ahsoka Tano was going through the most disorienting sensation, an assault on her senses, perhaps more powerful than any she had experienced in her entire life. One moment she was standing there with a near stranger, albeit one who had possibly saved her life, and healed another person far more than she ever imagined possible.

She had been confronted by two Masters and found herself thinking the Jedi were once more being unilateral and unfair in their treatment and that she was about to end up detained for "questioning" once more.

Then in another moment she was completely awash in the Force, as it squeezed and pushed against her. It was unlike anything she ever experienced or imagined. It seemed to stretch on forever, but in reality ended only a few moments later.

Whatever had happened had completely messed up her echolocation ability, and made it go haywire for several seconds. Much like a bat who had been blasted with a pitched sound, it left her incredibly disoriented, causing her to fall to the ground in an undignified heap due to dizziness. It was like the world around her completely changed in an instant.

Harry however seemed to be utterly comfortable as he landed, staggering only a little bit because of the unfamiliar balance of the body unconscious over his shoulder.

He straightened up and chuckled, looking down at Ahsoka, "Well that was fun." Harry observed dryly.

Ahsoka sat up weakly, looking queasy and barely restraining the urge to throw up everything in her stomach. She took several deep breaths and managed to prevent puking, as well as blinking several times to adjust to her surroundings.

She found herself sitting on the hard concrete floor of a hanger. It was a medium sized hangar, but was empty of everything but Harry and and a freighter. However, what was most noticeable was the freighter in front of her painted a brilliant red and gold.

"Where are we? Whose ship is that?" She asked blearily, still looking around.

"We're at my ship, The Gryffindor. And this is a pay by the day hangar." Harry said gesturing grandly.

Ahsoka had to blink twice to take in that comment. As far as she knew there were no pay by day hangars within maybe 500 kilometers of where she had been. They were very nearly at the center of the planet's many activities. Within a dozen kilometers, they had the Grand Jedi Temple, the Senate Building, the recently constructed Military Headquarters, as well as the corporate headquarters of over 100 different galactic corporations.

However, any of the ships landing in the area were for large commercial vessels, large military vessels or ships privately owned by the innumerable governments with representatives on Coruscant. Each race and world requiring their own access and needs met, and all ridiculously expensive and overpriced.

Of course those were the upper levels of the area. The lower levels still had shops and bars that served all those "regular" folks who managed to actually keep things running above.

There certainly wasn't pay by day docking bay nearby.

Ahsoka was slowly coming to the realization what all of it meant. They had traveled from one place to another, seemingly using the Force as a conduit. It was unheard of, unprecedented and by everything she had ever been told, it was completely impossible. However, before she could managed to form any of the dozens of competing questions in her mind, Harry had already headed toward the ship.

Her mind idly took stock, with the brilliant gold and red paint job, it certainly stood out, and given the fact that she couldn't detect the slightest bit of chips or peeling in the paint job she would have said it was a brand new ship. She idly noted that it was a Gymsnor-3 Light Freighter.

Her eyes flitted over the freighter with an experienced eye. The technical skills from being in close proximity to SkyGuy managed to rub off on anyone started to scream that although the pair of turbolaser canons on the forward underside of the ship had clearly been upgraded and looked like they meant business. This ship in front of them still looked like it needed major upgrades to be worthy of SkyGuy's needs of speed, destruction, and mayhem.