
At Harry's curious expression, Ahsoka expanded slightly, a little nervously. "Master Skywalker wasn't constantly reminding me that I shouldn't have emotions, that I was in danger of going dark. He was far more… passionate than any Jedi I've ever met."

"And how did other Jedi respond to that?" Harry immediately asked.

Ahsoka flinched slightly, knowing that other Masters at times had expressed displeasure with him. "There were some people that were unhappy with it."

Harry nodded, not needing her to expand "But that doesn't answer my question. How often was the lesson all about the feeling at peace and then whatever other mumbo jumbo they've tacked on as doctrine?"

Ahsoka hesitated before conceding, "A lot of the time, most of the starting training like that… even after we're taken as padawans, a lot of Masters make sure it is in every conversation, much less every lesson."

Harry nodded, "From what I understand Sith are the same way, very similar training, at least historically. Only they seem to indoctrinate students to use hatred instead of always being calm. Similar methods, albeit opposite sides of the coins."

He didn't give her time to protest or mull that point over before gesturing around, "How often did you explore what the "Force" was capable of?" And I'm not talking about meditating or whatever it is you Jedi do when you just sit there pondering mysteries. To me it seems like you're just a few bottles of sherry, coke bottle glasses and some bad smelling incense short of turning into my old divination teacher."

"I… don't understand what you're asking." Ahsoka frowned, in fact only half of what he had said even sounded like terms she understood, much less made sense in any coherent fashion.

Harry frowned, "Ok, as examples. You said that healing on the bartender was far more than the Jedi Healers would be capable of. You never imagined that "teleporting" was possible. You even think the chair you're sitting in is impossible." Harry's voice seemed to fill with pity. "To me that's a sad thing. There are no limits to what Magic can do."

Seeing that Ahsoka was listening with rapt attention, Harry gestured with a hand and the books lying on the floor hopped back on the table almost offhandedly. "That 'teleport'? That was called apparition. It was common on my world. The first time I did it was on accident, at the age of seven to escape some bullies chasing me at school."

"It was so common in fact that almost everyone could do it. At age seventeen, after receiving instruction by Ministry approved instructors, all magicals could take a test and got a license for doing it. It really isn't that hard." Harry chuckled a little bit and shook his head.

"There's so much you can do with magic. From the mundane…" he gestured at Ahsoka and suddenly her entire body, clothes and all, was a bright purple. Her eyes widened slightly as she felt the Force move around her entire body. It took her a moment to realize what happened as she looked down, letting out a little squeak of surprise. Harry smirked for a moment before gesturing and returning her clothes and skin to their normal color.

"To the more complicated." He gestured to the chair she was sitting.

"How do your people learn such things?" Ahsoka asked

"They start going to school at the age of eleven. It gets them started with all the basics." Harry replied with a shrug. "Prior to that, its generally considered… bad, to begin actual instruction that uses magic. People have long believed that active use of magic prior to the age of eleven, actually damages your ability to use it."

"Though that seems to be a bit of a crapshoot. On some people it makes them less powerful and limits their control and potential later in life. On others it seems to magnify their power and control." Harry shrugged a bit. He had seen evidence pointing both ways before.

"But yes, at age eleven we started school. In my own country, school was seven years long, with major exams at the end of the 5th and 7th year, with stupid acronyms, which were what you were 'judged' upon when we went out into the wide world looking for careers." Harry frowned as a thought occurred to him, "We had electives starting in our 3rd year as well, as some people's interests were vastly different than others."

Their conversation was interrupted by the whining of servomotors as the droid Minnie once more approached, "Dobby says the ship is prepped for take off Mr. Potter, and departure clearance has been received."

Harry expression reflected surprise, as he realized that time had passed. "Alright Minnie, I'll be right there."

He turned to Ahsoka and seemed to hesitate. "Well, looks like our evening is at an end. You are free to disembark here if you like… or is there anywhere you're headed? We can drop you off anywhere in the direction of…." he trailed off and looked at Minnie.

"Nar Shaddaa" the droid supplied helpfully.

Harry nodded, looking unsurprised, as if the droid had merely refreshed his memory. "Ah, Nar Shaddaa." He breathed deeply and smiled with mock grin, "I can almost smell the pungent fumes of hundreds of millions of unwashed gangsters, smugglers, prostitutes and other life forms from here."

"Minnie, what do you think the odds are of me going there and managing not to end up causing some sort of trouble?" Harry inquired thoughtfully of the droid.

The droid hesitated and the lights in it's eyes flickered as if processing the information, "Are we planning on landing?"

Harry nodded.

"Non-existent." The droid said shortly before turning away to trundle away.

Harry sighed and looked vaguely wounded. "No faith."

"Hardly that Mr. Potter." The droid paused. "I simply calculated the number of times you can't resist getting into some mischief and divided by the number of planets, moons and space stations we have landed on. That number nearly equals 1. "

Harry rolled his eyes, though didn't argue with the droid before turning his attention back to Ahsoka. He found her expression curious.

Ahsoka was staring at him with a look of deep concentration on her face. She had left the Order with no idea of where she was headed next. Her entire world had been turned on a dime in the past two weeks from the accusations, expulsion, trial, offer to return, and the turning down of that offer.

She literally had nothing to her name but the clothes on her back, and the offer from this perfect stranger for a free lift to anywhere on the way to where he was going, which was one of the seediest places in the entire galaxy

Occasionally in the past, Ahsoka had received directions on her larger actions from the force. Sometimes she heeded it and other times she didn't, or at least at times she misinterpreted it. However in this moment she had never felt an urging from the force like she was now.

For just a moment she had thought perhaps it was coming from Harry, but after a moment's contemplation she realized that it was coming from within herself. It was as if the Force was urging her, and not just urging, her but practically pushing her.