
"What do you mean Anakin?" Obi-wan asked.

"His freighter, it's got flight plans on any number of worlds, even on ones where filing them isn't mandatory like here. There doesn't really seem to be any pattern. A slight majority of hits come from Hutt space, both Nal Hutta and Nar Shaddaa, also repeated appearances at Kashyyyk and then scattered all over the place, assuming they're all the same freighter." Anakin shook his head a little bit.

"Wait," said Anakin, as his fingers danced over the datapad, requerying the data with different criteria and sortings. The results seemed to not please him, but he was quick to offer them anyways. "The only pattern I can tell, and it's certainly not one frequently performed, is that he makes Nar Shaddaa his first point of entry every time he enters Hutt Space. The second trip could remain there, or go to the Corporate Sector, but the first is always there."

Obi-Wan spoke up, "It's possible, having saved Jabba's son may be to Ahsoka's benefit if that is their destination. Jabba has done nothing but expand his fortune and territory throughout this war since his son was rescued."

Yoda had his eyes closed and was frowning slightly. "Think, have someone investigate this man, we should. Committed no crime this man has, yet troubling this is. Like a beacon was the Force around him, however temporarily."

"Yes, but when we met him, until he used that flash to blind us and just disappeared there was no sign at all that he was a Force user." Ki-Adi-Mundu replied. "I tried to sense him or his actions and I couldn't sense a single thing."

Obi-Wan waved his hands dismissively at this information. "We already know from multiple sources that whoever the Sith is leading the Separatists is a Force user here that has significant influence in the Senate. Whether it is a Master or an apprentice."

Mace Windu nodded in agreement. "The idea that this man could shield himself from us is not something new, it is merely the first time we've been in the presence of someone who's actively used the ability in front of us without caution or worry. Though we have yet to determine why. We know the Sith are definitely capable of that."

"Are you implying that Ahsoka Tano is now in league with a Sith? Possibly the one we've been looking for?" Master Tre'jin demanded incredulously "And that I had him at my very fingertips?"

"It is good to see some things never change, Master Tre'jin. You are still as clumsy as you are stupid." Anakin interjected sharply, his voice cracking. He stared at the man with blatant dislike and disgust on his face.

"Why you arrogant little sno-" Master Tre'jin half shouted half growled.

"Enough." Mace Windu cut them both off with a commanding voice. The antagonism between the two was well documented, and he felt no need to let them degenerate into arguments now. As much as he sometimes disapproved of Skywalker and his actions from time to time, Mace was forced to concede that Master Tre'jin was as much at fault as Anakin was in this case.

Master Shaak Ti spoke up with an audibly exasperated voice, "Do you really think that a man who plays word games on various registration forms, quite probably to amuse himself, is some sort of dark mastermind behind the happenings in the Galactic Senate and the half of our galaxy for the past two decades? That this man, who is apparently in his mid-twenties according to you, masterminded the invasion of Naboo before he was a teenager?"

Master Tre'jin choked at the verbal jab from the unflappable Togruta Jedi but his reply was cut off by Mace Windu.

"Despite the accuracy behind the sentiment of Master Shaak Ti's statement, insulting each other does us no good. I agree with Master Yoda that we must go after Padawan Tano and investigate this man."

Yoda's voice rose once more, speaking slowly as if figuring out things on his own. "I sense… key this may be to unraveling mysteries."

"I will go after her," said Anakin with steel in his voice.

"No," said Master Windu almost immediately.

"We can't afford to lose your abilities, leadership, and, unfortunately most important, your presence on the front-lines, Anakin. For good or ill, your presence increases not only the morale of our troops, but the public opinion as well." Master Windu said bluntly with a trace of irritation in his voice.

"Politics", said Obi-Wan as if it was a dirty word before he turned to his friend, seeing the expression on his face he shook his head. "I don't like it either, Anakin, I would like nothing better than to track down this individual as well, but I wouldn't be able to shift my current assignments to anyone else who could handle it and be brought up to speed quickly."

"Need someone to pursue Padawan Tano who she trusts," stated Master Yoda firmly. That drew thoughtful looks across the room while Yoda had yet to open his eyes. Those around could tell that Yoda was merely pausing before continuing so there was no rebuttal to his statement. He lengthened out the silence by occasionally twisting and prodding the floor before him with his Gimer Stick as he leaned forward.

Yoda's eyes opened and he looked around the room slowly. Eventually his eyes focused upon Aayla Secura's presence there as a hologram. "Master Secura, what is your current assignment?"

Aayla responded immediately, "My troops and I had just received instructions to break off a small attachment to investigate a possibly abandoned Separatist base somewhere within the many planets and moons of the Endor system. The majority were to continue as an on-call relief force since we've been temporarily pulled back from the front lines for rest."

"Hmmmm," murmured Yoda as he stroked his chin with one clawed finger, his eyes regarding her but also slightly unfocused as if seeing something a great distance away.

"Important this is," said Yoda after some length of time, his eyes once more focused on her. There was conviction in his voice, and a heavy weight that was heard by all, letting all present know that Yoda believed this with all his being. "Shatterpoint, Master Windu likely call this, would he."

The man in question raised both of his eyebrows at this assertion, and all familiar with the man's method of utilizing the Force while in combat leaned in closer to listen to the Order's Grand Master.

Aayla Secura looked concerned as much by the order as by the statement and met Yoda's eyes. "What exactly does this mission entail?"

"To recover Padawan Tano and to bring back this individual for questioning of course." Ki-Adi-Mundi replied leaning forward, his tone one of surprise that she would even have to ask.

Shaak Ti's reply was immediate, "Under what authority? This man has violated no laws, and there is nothing he could possibly be charged with."

"Beyond having no common decency," muttered Obi-Wan.

Shaak Ti ignored the comment, continuing as if she hadn't heard it, although several masters smiled in response. "By our own admittance this man has broken none of our laws. Nor has he done anything that could justify dragging him back here, especially if he doesn't want to come willingly."

"Truth you speak Master Ti." Yoda spoke before any other reply could be formed.

"And Ahsoka Tano was expelled from the Jedi Order by the will of this very Council, and then refused readmittance, which is not illegal," stated Kit Fisto.