"Yes, you learn to clear and organize your mind, and then learn how to defend it from outside intrusion." At Ahsoka's startled expression Harry expanded slightly. "Some wizards could use an art called legilimency to get into your mind. It doesn't require the recipient be conscious, but it usually it requires eye contact… or by other extreme, illogical and extraordinary circumstances."
"Occlumency protects the mind from legilimency and other mind based attacks, even if the person isn't conscious. Though at some point it was also discovered to be quite effective against non-magical interrogation and sensory deprivation techniques." Harry explained.
Ahsoka frowned a little bit as she considered his words before speaking up. "A significant part of Jedi training is spent learning to meditate and clear our minds of thoughts to center ourselves."
Harry blinked and looked taken by surprise, "Really?"
Ahsoka nodded, "It's practically one of the first things we taught to start trying to do. Clear our mind of thoughts and emotions and just be. But it takes years and years to master. Only a few of the Masters would say they've actually mastered it, but all of our other skills and abilities come after we have become somewhat competent in the basics."
Harry was rubbing his chin in thought, when he spoke it was almost like he was talking it out to himself, "Taught the basics of Occlumency from a young age. Or at least… a bastardized version of it. That doesn't require much use of active magic either. So I doubt it would do any damage."
"On the other hand, it would open up younger students to feel the magic around them far easier. And to do that would allow them to understand what they were working with far more easily. I could see how that would make so many Jedi able to feel the magic around them. Huh." Once more his eyes glazed slightly and he seemed to get lost in thought.
After nearly a minute and a concerned look from Ahsoka followed by a wave a hand in front of his face, Harry shook it off. "Sorry, I was just thinking about that. I admit I've only done some cursory looking into how Jedi train, and a lot of what I heard was about mastering emotions, not having connections or attachments. And historically it's all about so and so Jedi dying bravely or falling to the dark side or both."
Harry shook his head, "Anyway, that's something to explore another day. But I bet it helps your learning curve… at least a little bit. Anyway, back to my original point. The same spell, a simple lumos." Harry held up his empty hand and a ball of light appeared in it floating there.
Ahsoka started, despite half expecting it, as she saw the floating ball of light that Harry was holding so casually. After a moment Ahsoka shook off her surprise and nodded, "I feel that!"
It was true, the feeling was incredibly small, but noticeable, much like it had been when Harry had been casting the light brightly with a wand a few moments earlier.
Harry nodded in response, "It's the same spell, only without using a focus, so it generates more magical 'noise'. However given that it's a basic spell I doubt you'd be able to hear me farther than a few yards away."
Harry closed his hand and the light disappeared. "Now for a slightly more noticeable spell." Harry pointed his wand at the wall, and immediately a burst of water shot from the wand against the wall."
Ahsoka jerked violently back in surprise at the sudden appearance of water, enough that she stumbled and nearly fell backwards on her ass. This time there was no doubt at all, she could feel it happening through the Force. It was easily every bit as noticeable as the bits of Force he had used in the bar. And it wasn't some sort of illusion either. She could see it soaking the wall and ground.
She reached out her hand to verify it to her senses, but stopped herself, unsure if that would affect something or hurt her. She slowly stood up and watched as the water began to pool at Harry's feet. Harry just watched in amusement while continuing to channel the spell.
"Is… it real?" She finally asked. Ahsoka realized almost immediately it was a mistake to ask as a mischievous smirk crossed Harry's face.
"See for yourself." He said with a grin turning the wand on her. Instantly drenching her in cold water as she squealed then sputtered and jumped back attempting to get out of the way of the water as it tracked her before Harry mercifully ended it.
Ahsoka was standing there drenched from head to toe. She shook herself slightly as surprise fled her expression leaving her face set in a glare directed at him.
"So Miss Tano, what is your verdict? Was that real?" Harry grinned impishly.
"You… you…!" Ahsoka stuttered inarticulately.
Harry laughed softly and then waved the wand at her. Ahsoka flinched back expecting more water but instead felt herself being subtly surrounded by the Force. It was… one of the most comforting and intense feelings she had experienced in her life. It was like the Force was touching and caressing her everywhere.
For a moment Ahsoka Tano felt warm and completely and utterly safe. A moment later her skin and her clothes were dry. She was even more lost for words than she had been earlier. This time it wasn't because she was amazed at his ability to conjure water, instead it was because of the feelings she had just experienced. She blinked in astonishment, "That's... amazing!"
Harry chuckled, not really understanding why she was so amazed, especially after showing her the ability to conjure a chair. Then he turned his empty hand away from her and pointed it at the wall. She felt a much larger surge of the force one that continued as she saw water emerge once more. It literally seemed to appear from nowhere out of his hand and splash against the wall.
She looked at him, able to sense the use of power much more clearly. She pointed at his hand, "That's much easier to feel in the Force. Not quite as loud as the healing you did in the bar, but definitely noticeable."
Harry smiled, looking pleased and stopped the spell. "I'm not surprised conjuring is one of the more magic intensive abilities out there. It draws the most notice. The reason you could hear it is because I wasn't using my wand, which generally requires less power and is able to focus magic for more complicated things. I also was making no effort to "hide" what I was doing. WIth a bit more concentration I can…"
Harry pointed his hand at the wall once more and water sprayed forth once more, though this time it was much a much softer impact in the Force than it had been before. Though Ahsoka noted that Harry had a look of concentration on his face.
Ahsoka frowned as she extended her senses, "I can feel that… it's… just quieter than it was, I have to concentrate harder to get it."
Harry chuckled and nodded, looking pleased. "That's impressive that you can hear it at all. But yes it either takes a lot of concentration, or some artifacts I have, to hide magic effects so close up to someone who's sensitive to them." He stopped casting by closing his hand.
"So what's the first thing you'll teach me? You actually just showed me a few things, or was that just a lesson in noise?" Ahsoka asked, her eagerness coming to the fore.
That brought him up short.
She could tell he hadn't actually put any proper thought into teaching her, and was winging it