
Ahsoka was once more walking alongside Harry, this time down a side alley just outside the starport where the ship was docked. Enough time had passed that Harry felt it was appropriate to return to the ship and quietly leave the moon of Nar Shaddaa.

Prior to this sudden bout of uncharacteristic sanity, Harry had dragged Ahsoka along to a stand he was looking for and had gotten them each a berry tart. He was seemingly unconcerned with the danger they were in just by waltzing around the smuggler's moon.

He actually hadn't spoken very much since their departure from the bar until they'd ordered some food. Most of the trip, at least to Ahsoka's eyes, he seemed lost in his own thoughts, though not in the way that he zoned out, but more like he was turning something over in his mind while Ahsoka kept her gaze on him, concerned.

Whatever was on Harry's mind seemed to resolve itself after they left the vendor. Harry's stride was once more confident rather than distracted as they made their way back toward their ship.

Ahsoka was positive they had passed at least one group of bounty hunters staking out the entrances as they entered the area of the docking bays. The group didn't even look at them twice. Even though Harry and her had their hoods up, Ahsoka was surprised that their mere presence didn't attract more attention. Eventually she realized that Harry had used some more "notice-me-not" magic up that kept the groups from reacting.

In an effort to slip him out of his silence, that was bordering on brooding. Ahsoka had asked him to explain the magic behind the spell more fully. Harry went on to explain some of the finer beginning points of how it worked to her as they to walk at a leisurely pace back toward the docking bay.

Prior to their departure from the food stand, Harry had contacted Minnie about possibly getting a report of Ahsoka being sighted somewhere else. Minnie had come back with the surprised comment that that had already occurred, twice. There were reports of a Jedi showing up at the bar they had been at, where all the chaos had been well after they left and a brief skirmish in the same area.

However, there was also a report that the bounty hunters had blown up a Jedi fighter which had just landed. Harry rolled his eyes and muttered a comment aloud about stupid Jedi announcing their presence in a Republic Military vessel in Hutt Space that was currently in the middle of a galactic war.

Minnie had also momentarily worried them when she said she was monitoring another report of bounty hunters that were converging on Ahsoka, but they were put on ease when the protocol droid clarified that the spot they seemed to be converging on was nearly a quarter of the moon away, and happened because someone had reserved a hotel room under the name Ahsoka Tano.

Harry had frowned at the news, but Ahsoka had wondered out loud if the slicer that he had hired had done them a favor for the generous bonus. Harry immediately told Minne to add the additional 20k credits he had promised the slicer to the payment account he had set up before he forgot about it.

Almost two hours after they had escaped the chaos of the bar through a wall, they arrived back at the docking bay where they had left the Gryffindor. Harry was a few steps ahead headed down the path toward their ship's docking bay and stopped suddenly.

When Ahsoka stepped close she couldn't figure out why he had stopped. He explained quietly without her prompting him, "The intent wards on the ship are up… anyone intending to harm us or the ship will suddenly find themselves with other urgent errands to run."

"But Dobby was only supposed to activate those if they damaged the ship… or he was being overwhelmed somehow. I'm sure I would have felt that." Harry commented as he began walking again, this time his stride was quicker and much more purposeful toward their docking bay. He frowned as he approached the door to their hanger

It was clear something had happened, there was blaster scorches all around the door but the door appeared untouched at the moment. In fact it appeared practically brand new.

As they approached the door, a shadow separated itself from the doorway just meters from it. The shadow resolved itself into the figure of a humanoid in a black cloak, though the cloak was clearly muddied and torn.

"It's been a long night. Nothing you're selling could possibly interest me," Harry said, as the figured approached. Harry felt Ahsoka tense from beside him, her hand went to her belt instinctively and he heard her restrain her groan of frustration. The figure held up her hands showing that they were empty anyway, as well as revealing an extremely voluptuous female form underneath. But even the sight of half exposed breasts and skin-tight leather were enough at the moment to distract him from the safety of Dobby and his ship.

The figure hesitated and then pulled back the hood revealing a Twi'lek with blue skin and her head adorned with black-leather headgear. Her featured were marred by a slight burn mark on her cheek that was a testament to the fact that she'd certainly had her own rough night.

Harry blinked as his eyes flicked up and down the attractive Twi'lek, "Okay, I take that back. What you're selling could interest me, but not at the moment. Sorry."

Ahsoka's expression which had turned to one of recognition, morphed to a combination of horror and shock at Harry's blunt statement. The Twi'lek didn't look much different, although more than a little indignation was added to the expression that crossed her face. Before she could overcome her initial shock and say anything in retort Harry continued.

"And if you're looking for the Twi'lek dancing auditions, I think we passed the docking bay running that scam a few minutes back. Thought you might want to get cleaned up a bit. Your body's smoking, but the whole 'just escaped from a burning junk yard' chic look you've got going on probably isn't most people's thing." He said as he looked up and down her once more.

"Dirty clothes aren't likely to help you land a gig," Harry summed up then looked away dismissively, and proceeded to ignore her as he passed her and approached the door of the hangar tossing over his shoulder as he went. "Although it might get you kidnapped and sold either way, if that was your goal to begin with."

"Harry!" Ahsoka gasped, once her powers of speech had returned.

She had seen him being irreverent and disrespectful to the Jedi who had irritated them back on Coruscant, but those Jedi had been antagonistic towards him. Both of them had taken issue with her turning her back on the Order, and that was further compounded by an old grudge one of them held with her master. This behavior surprised her though. She hadn't seen him blatantly insult someone for almost no reason before.

"Hmm?" Harry replied absently as he put his hand on the door and felt the magic recognize him. He realized that the entire door had been repaired magically. He wondered how damaged it had been by those who forced the issue if it had required efforts like this from Dobby.

"This is … she is… you just… this is Master Aayla Secura!" Ahsoka sputtered.

Ahsoka's comment was rather loud, and the Jedi Master looked around furtively, but there was no one was around to hear the exclamation in sight. Her hand dropped to her lightsaber as she waited for any reaction. Finally, when she was assured that there were no further Bounty Hunters in the immediate vicinity, she said, "We shouldn't talk out here. This entire place is in an uproar."

"Oh… so not selling... anything and not looking for phony dancing auditions?" Harry asked blandly, looking back at her briefly.

Aayla Secura fixed Harry with a glare as he pushed open the door. He winked unashamedly and gave a jaunty wave back just before he stepped through the door, not giving her time for a stuttering reply.