
Aayla frowned, meeting his expression trying to determine if he was serious. Before she nodded and ignited her lightsaber, its soft hum filled the air.

Harry stared at it for barely a moment before he was nearly overcome by laughter. He eventually managed to get his chuckles under nominal control and shook his head before he looked at Ahsoka, "You know, her lightsaber? Blue... totally appropriate."

Ahsoka grinned in response, snorting a little bit while remembering their discussion of lightsaber and color from earlier.

Aayla was watching for any trick, especially with the amount of laughter Harry had suddenly been overcome by, so she was more cautious than normal. Harry was holding the pipe horizontally in front of him, with plenty of space between his hands.

When he had no reaction but to widen his smirk when he saw the saber pointed towards him, she swiped it in a quick slash vertically in front of him. The swipe took her saber through the pipe, not even slowing down the swipe while Harry made no effort to move. He didn't even flinch back, an uncommon reaction when someone is having a lightsaber slash in front of one's face.

The pipe easily split in two, with Harry holding both sides of the pipe as it separated.

"What was the point of that?" Aayla asked looking puzzled. She was well aware of her lightsaber's ability to cut through almost anything.

Harry grinned and put both sides of the pipe together and both Aayla and Ahsoka felt the surge of the Force and watched as the burnt ends of the pipe fused back together looking like nothing had happened in the first place. He grinned at Ahsoka's questioning expression. "Simple repairing charm, remarkably versatile and useful in all sorts of situations."

Ahsoka frowned, "Repairing charm… does exactly what it says, it repairs things…" She ventured, having found the naming of many of the spells Harry told her or showed her self-explanatory. Harry nodded looking pleased as Ahsoka nodded in understanding though it didn't change Aayla's questioning look.

Harry glanced down at the piping, and there was another small surge in the Force causing them both to look back at the pipe though they couldn't see any change in it afterward. Both of them could tell the Force had flown into the object but no idea for what purpose.

Harry held the pipe in front of him horizontally again and then raised his eyebrow to look at Aayla, "Blue, would you use your lightsaber again?"

This time Aayla was less hesitant and twisted her lightsaber in a quick over hand and downward slash. The lightsaber hummed as it swiped through the air, only this time Aayla jerked slightly as her lightsaber encountered resistance. There was the sound of sizzling and sparks flew off of the metal pole held in Harry's hands.

A ghost of a smile moved over Harry's expression while Aayla looked in disbelief as the pipe she had just swiped through held firm against her lightsaber. She frowned and exerted more downward force, pressing the lightsaber against the piping between Harry's hands. More sparks flew off the pipe but she was still unable to cut through it.

Aayla pushed for a few more seconds before she pulled back. She looked at her lightsaber but it hummed just like normal. She looked to the pipe and there was a brown scoring mark where her lightsaber had connected against the metal, but otherwise the pipe appeared relatively undamaged.

Aayla was relieved to note that Ahsoka was staring looking just as surprised as she felt. "Some… trick with mandalorian iron?" Aayla asked, thinking of one of the few physical substances that could resist a lightsaber in that manner.

"That… is the effects of an unbreakable charm." Harry said with a chuckle and then he looked at Ahsoka. "Three guesses as to what it does."

"I don't know, that one seems a little bit difficult to decipher Master." Ahsoka replied with a little laugh before she looked serious. "So, it makes something unbreakable?"

"That's… physically impossible…" breathed Aayla as she tried to come up with some other statement. She knew that the Force could be used in small bursts to make a person stronger or faster, reinforcing body parts to survive falls from great heights, but to make something unbreakable... that... blew her mind. She was finding herself constantly off balance and she'd only been around Harry a few hours.

Harry ignored Aayla focusing on Ahsoka as she prodded the pipe with a finger experimentally. "Every piece of the Gryffindor's hull and structure has this spell imbued into it." Harry looked down at the pipe in his hand and spun it in his hands effortlessly. "Albeit I put quite a bit more power into the spells. I only put a moderate amount of power into the pipe for a demonstration purpose."

Aayla watched as Harry spun the pipe around in his hands. Her eyes narrowed slightly, the ease of movement spoke of more than a little physical familiarity with such a motion, though she didn't say anything.

Harry was ignoring her and focused on Ahsoka whose eyes were narrowed in concentration as she stared at the pipe. Her voice was tentative as she worked things out. "If you have that charm on every piece of metal on the hull..., wouldn't it be possible for the armor on the outside to crush the inside? Just because it can't be broken doesn't mean that it can't be moved or the pieces couldn't separate." She ventured curiously.

"You are exactly right, and that's why I also have the charm on every panel, support strut, rivet, weld and anywhere else I could possibly imagine on the ship." Harry replied, looking pleased at the way her mind worked things out, then a look of irritation crossed his face. "Took a bloody long time to do, and then Dobby asked me why I didn't just shrink it and apply it to the entire thing at once. Cheeky bugger laughed for hours at me afterward."

Ahsoka nodded and then frowned, "What about the other effects of turbolaser blasts? Like... heat and such?"

"Cooling charms, impervious charms, which tend to cover all the other bases." Harry replied, looking even more pleased. "And all the charms on the metal are inscribed with runes as a backup."

"Runes?" Ahsoka asked and she puzzled over the unfamiliar term.

"Yeah. Remember what I said about the more power you put into the casting of a spell, the longer it was likely to last. Runes gives spells a sort of permanence. They're sort of a back up and can make spells that could only last minutes or hours, last centuries or longer. A lot of times they were used on tombs and burial plots on my homeworld, mostly as protection and curses to prevent people from disturbing them."

"Curses?" Aayla interjected, that sounding incredibly ominous in her mind.