
Obi Wan's voice came across in a sigh, "Especially since she was tied so closely to Anakin, and he is by far the most popular figure in this war. Alienating him alienates most of the popular support for the war as well as for the Jedi. In fact, while there is a massive sense of disapproval and resentment for the Council and its actions, Anakin's popularity just grew even more."

There was silence in the room as they considered that fact. Anakin who had thus far been silent spoke up, "I didn't ask for that. I was just trying to save my padawan."

Aayla noticed a small smile on Ahsoka's face at Anakin's statement. She had to admit that while his behavior showed a worrying tendency toward attachment, he was also loyal and stood by those he believed in. It was hard to argue with the results.

Finally, it was Shaak Ti who spoke up, putting the conversation back on topic, "So the Jedi High Council has full authority to deal with Barriss Offee, without influence from the Chancellor's Office or the Senate?" asked Shaak Ti.

"My former padawan has been corrupted by the Dark Side, as much by the war as anything else." Master Luminara Unduli spoke up quickly, her headdress bobbing slightly. "I would volunteer to see if she can be brought back to the light."

Plo Kloon spoke up at this point, "I believe in the distant past, it was preferred to subject offenders such as this to either the severing of their link to the Force entirely, or to the Death of Personality, and then reprogramming, rather than attempt to guide an admitted unrepentant murderer such as Barriss Offee back into service."

Grumbles went through the Council at this, and it was Master Windu who spoke, "Yes it was, and its most spectacular failure was with Darth Revan."

Obi-Wan looked at Master Windu incredulously. "That's your reasoning? Citing an example from nearly four millennia ago? The Death of Personality has only been used a handful of times in history, and that failure was against an admittedly justified Dark Lord, not a once-promising Knight who has lost their way."

"Master Unduli, believe you do, that you can help your former padawan?" Yoda spoke up before the argument could really get started.

Master Unduli bowed her head slightly, her headdress making the movement far more noticeable than it might otherwise be. "I believe I can. She is a healer, not a warrior by nature. I think the constant presence of death and suffering in this war has taken its' toll on her psyche and on her soul. I believe she can be redeemed."

Yoda looked around the room at different Jedi Masters who shook their head or nodded. Lastly he looked to Obi-Wan who shook his head slightly. Then he looked to Mace Windu who just looked back impassively. The two seemed to communicate for several long moments.

Finally Yoda nodded, "Decided the Council has. Into your custody Barriss Offee will be placed. Unfit for Jedi duties she is until cleared by this council."

"What?! My padawan was at risk of being executed, and the person who put her in that position escapes punishment completely!?" Anakin verbally exploded.

That was enough for Ahsoka who pushed up from the chair violently, though without a word and stormed out of the cockpit. She was incensed and if she stayed there she was likely to start shouting at the Council. She went looking for Harry, needing to be anywhere but the cockpit.

Aayla was sorely tempted to follow her, but then her absence would be noticed and then no explanation of events would have been provided. It likely wouldn't have been appreciated by many of the Council if it became known that a non-Jedi had overheard an official Council discussion.

She heard the door to the cockpit seal shut upon Ahsoka's exit, and Aayla felt a wave of resentment go through her. Because her back was turned, she had no idea that Ahsoka was ten feet past the door when it slammed shut on its own behind her.

She honestly was nearly as angry about the Council's decision as Anakin visibly showed in the holo, even the small cockpit one. She however, wouldn't have called them out on the difference in how the Council was handling each person. She would have just called them all hypocrites behind their backs. Anakin just didn't have the strength or the political acumen to know better.

Or maybe he did…. he was the former apprentice of 'The Negotiator' after all. It was highly possible that Anakin simply no longer cared after events like these.

Barriss Offee was an admitted murderer of troops, support personnel, and Jedi who had died in the explosion, along with the guards that she had murdered outside of Ahsoka's cell. She had also set up another Jedi Knight to take the fall for it. She had not just exceeded authority and executed enemy combatants who had surrendered. She had murdered trusted allies, who should've considered themselves safe while stationed where they were.

Aayla wondered now if the Council's decision would backfire, to simply give her a slap on the wrist. Both internal and external to the Order. It could actually be an even bigger embarrassment than the handling of Ahsoka's trial. Anakin had calmed a little bit, but only after a private conversation that looked to be more remonstration by Obi-Wan and Mace Windu.

Yoda turned once more focusing on a new topic, "On the topic of Padawan Tano, update Master Secura has?"

She recognized it for what it was, the subject of Barriss Offee had been officially closed, or at least tabled. The inclination to bring up whether that truly was the final decision regarding Barriss Offee jumped into her mind, but she held her tongue, as she had mouthed off numerous times in the past to the Council, and doing so now wouldn't likely serve any good.

Anakin was literally in the room to defend his former Padawan, he didn't need help doing so. He had defied the entirety of the Council, the Chancellor's Office, and the upper military hierarchy in order to defend Ahsoka once. She didn't even need to ponder whether she should trust him to continue a vendetta against Barriss on his own.

Besides, she had a feeling she would need to mouth off a bit to the Council once they'd heard her report. "I have made contact with Ahsoka Tano, and the person accompanying her." Aayla said.

All of the masters straightened in their seats or sat forward slightly. "What have you discovered?" Mace Windu asked.