Aayla once more hesitated at the continually asked for information about Harry, and waited for several long seconds before she formulated her reply. "I can tell you that he is likely no threat to the Jedi Order, and he means us no harm, so long as the Jedi Order does not continue to attempt to make him an enemy. Especially since he has done nothing to warrant such treatment."
Seeing that her statement hadn't done much to placate any of the council she added, "I have not witnessed him even once use an ability I would claim was dark. What I've witnessed him do is only because he has allowed me to in the course of him liberating slaves."
Yoda's eyes, which had remained closed during the entire meeting up to this point snapped open and his eyes regarded Aayla sharply and he spoke before any of the other Jedi Council could formulate a response "Reluctant you are to speak clearly. Something troubles you deeply it does?
Aayla took a deep breath before she spoke slowly, "I've had a vision from the Force while in proximity to him, more powerful and vivid than any vision I've ever experienced in my life. It was not just a vague sense or a subtle nudge, it was… deep and vivid and so many things I'm still sorting through."
"Hmm." Yoda responded, rubbing one clawed talon over his chin slowly.
Aayla rubbed a hand over her face slowly, "Ahsoka Tano has also told me she experienced an incredibly disturbing vision the first night after her departure from Coruscant as well, and she admitted to me in the same conversation that up till that night, she had absolutely no talent towards Force Visions."
This got many of the Masters' attention, especially Skywalker, who appeared to be familiar with his Padawan's lack of skill with visions.
"I ask only to play devil's advocate, but could he be influencing these visions?" Obi-Wan asked.
Aayla nodded her head a little bit, "To be honest… it's possible, but… not in the way you're implying."
"Your statement, explain." Yoda said, his eyes focused on Aayla, seemingly to the exclusion of everything around him.
"It's like… I opened myself up to the Force for a moment and it was as if the shroud of the Dark Side was lifted. I could feel the Force in a way I never had before. There… was a sense of deep urgency I felt in the Force as it communicated visions to me.. What I saw was… disturbing." Aayla crossed her arms and shook her head slightly.
"No, disturbing isn't a proper word to describe what I saw. It was… it was absolutely horrific. It was like the Force was desperately telling even… pleading with me what path I should take that might avert tragedy." Aayla's voice shook slightly as she spoke.
"I've never received a vision like that, which so clearly told me what the consequences of my action or inaction would be. There was nothing vague, or cryptic about the vision. It was, do this to have a chance, or don't do this and all will fall to darkness and everyone you know will die, including yourself." Aayla's voice was tinged with emotion as she spoke, for just a moment she had forgotten she was speaking in front of the entire Council and not to just Yoda.
The other Jedi exchanged looks at her pronouncement.
"Concerns you, the path you saw does." Yoda mused, though his tone remained serious and grim.
Aayla hesitated, for a moment she thought he was talking about the future she described as horrific. She was preparing to snap at him, before realizing he was asking about the other path. She nodded a little bit, "The path it directed me to was to accompany Harry and Ahsoka Tano and receive different instruction in the Force."
"Different instruction in the Force? That is dangerous, we have seen what happens when a Master attempts to dabble in other teachings. The renegade, your own former Master no less, is testament to this. No one should do this, least of all you. You have already fallen once! You would choose to embrace the Dark Side following this bounty hunter. Though it hardly surprises me given your penchant toward attachments to others." Master Tiin sneered, his glance flicking toward Kit Fisto when he mentioned attachments.
Aayla swelled up, her patience finally fraying. It was an open secret that she and the Nautolan Jedi Master had been close and had feelings for each other but had distanced themselves from one another at Kit Fisto's discretion, not wanting to betray the Order. However they had done nothing wrong, and for him to bring it up was like a slap to the face.
Of course her mood was not helped by the remembrances of the last two parts of the vision she had received.
She was ready to retaliate and opened her mouth but Yoda's voice cracked like a whip freezing everyone present from talking, including several people that had started to speak. "Master Tiin, on this matter your counsel is recorded. No longer required is your presence."
That caused everyone in the room to blink. Rarely was someone on the Council dismissed from a meeting, it had only happened a handful of times that anyone could recall, and could only be done by the Grand Master of the Order. Yoda was exercising that authority now.
Master Tiin looked at Yoda in disbelief before his expression turned impassive and he nodded. He stood up, casting one final glare at Aayla's holo before he left the chambers.
There was silence in the room and on the holos after the doors closed following the Master's departure. Yoda tilted his head, "Conversation for another time, his behavior merits."
The Jedi Master sighed and seemed to stoop ever so slightly, a lot of the authority and power leaving his physical presence, though the impression he made was still fresh in everyone's minds. He turned back to look at Aayla's hologram, stroking his chin slowly before speaking, "Master Secura, discussing we were… something that intrigues me."
Before Aayla could respond Yoda had seemed to return his mind to the track of thinking he had been on before he had been interrupted, "Yes, Yes. Different instruction in the Force you believe you will pursue, if follow you this path?"
Aayla nodded, and her voice dropped a bit as she spoke. "I know what my vision showed me. If I don't follow this path it could lead us all to ruin."
She knew what she was saying and how it made her sound. She wasn't trying to grandstand or make herself seem vital or anything; she was merely relaying what the vision had shown her. She didn't know how much clearer she could be unless she described every facet of the vision.
However Master Yoda didn't seem focused on the possibility of what she was saying. But rather seemed to be honing in on what she wasn't saying or had hinted at inadvertently. His eyes didn't leave her hologram and she could almost feel the weight of his gaze through hyperspace. "This journey, alone you will not be."