
Aayla couldn't believe that he was rambling about a school dance while they were in their current predicament. Below them they could see the city coming up on them quickly. There were clusters of areas where it was easy to see the fighting. Aayla was bewildered as she felt them start to be pushed through the air, not just down but toward the shapes of ships she could begin to make out distantly on the ground.

"Harry, now is when you tell me you have everything under control and you have a plan, or I'm really going to start panicking here," she spoke with a voice that rose in pitch as she realized she was able to start making out individuals beneath them and a firefight worthy of any skirmish she had seen with her clone trooper division.

"My plan is to try and guide us so we land on the ring leader's head and hope that the slavers are so distraught by his death via our heroic sacrifice that the wookiees manage to overwhelm them in their confusion," Harry said with a level tone, "Can't thank you enough for volunteering to join me! With your body mass added to mine we might manage to take out two or three when we land."

There was a pause and then a shriek from Aayla, "WHAT?!"

She felt Harry chuckle in amusement from behind her. "Don't worry about it. We'll be fine. I hope."

"Now isn't the time to explain the theory of what I'm about to do," Harry said speaking over any attempt she made to reply, his voice still calm and level, "If you're really serious about learning from me, you may learn to do this someday. You'll just have to trust me for now."

Aayla was about to say that the ground was coming up awfully fast. But as she opened her mouth to do so she felt a wave of the Force wash over her and their descent started to slow rapidly. Even as she felt the slow, she simultaneously felt another sudden surge and her eyes opened wide.

Up to now, Harry had been a blank slate to her. She hadn't been able to sense anything from him. He didn't register as a Force user except when he actively did something, and even that sensation came from whatever Harry was doing, and not Harry himself. But he was also a complete blank slate when it came to emotions.

All of a sudden that changed on both levels. Behind her she felt a huge disturbance in the Force. It was unlike anything she had ever felt before. She belatedly realized, from what Ahsoka had told her of her adventures thus far with him, that this must be like what the others had felt on Coruscant when Harry had healed the woman to initially attract the attention of the Order.

There was nothing in her prior experiences as a Jedi she could compare what was happening just behind her to, but imagined it was what it was like to be close to a star when the universe decided to ignite the fires that would spark and give it life. It was hot and thrummed with power that seemed to bathe her in its presence.

It was different, in that it had none of the gentle flow that a Jedi Master like Yoda would possess when he decided to flex his spiritual muscles. When he used the Force, it filled the area like a warm and soothing breath of fresh air. It passed over the senses and most in the area could tell he was using it.

What she felt now was nothing like that. The Force was gathered behind her, and Aayla struggled to figure out how to describe it. On one hand it felt almost… primal, like it should be like an animal caught in the wild and brought to captivity, waiting to be freed. But there was no frustration, there was instead glee. The Force seemed to be singing in preparation, like it wanted to be wielded.

It seemed like comparing two entirely separate things because of how different the powers felt, but fi Aayla had to guess, it was more powerful than anything she had ever felt from Yoda or from Anakin. It wasn't just the amount of energies in motion, it was the way the Force seemed… so controlled. As if it was gathering in anticipation and waiting to be unleashed rather than just surrounding someone and filling them and then aiding them in completing tasks.

It was a very confusing puzzle for the Jedi, feeling those sensations from the Force.

And she knew it was the Force because she also felt a sudden flood of emotions, as if whatever was stopping her from sensing his feelings, whatever barrier he had in place was suddenly down. Those she could easily tell were from him. Aayla found herself marveling at the feelings coursing through him. There was excitement as adrenaline coursed through him. There was lingering humor, no doubt from their previous interaction. There was a sense of distraction that came with any sentient being with a number of feelings.

But there were two overwhelming feelings that Aayla was suddenly hit with. First there was anger, which is what truly surprised her and almost made her miss the second emotion. But the anger wasn't the overwhelming and towering rage she was used to experiencing when she had dealt with the various servants, minions and apprentices of the Sith.

Instead, this anger was almost righteous in its nature, an ever present conviction in his body and mind, yet not driving his decisions or use of the Force. It simply existed underneath his normal Force presence. It wasn't being utilized or focused. Instead it seemed, like his excitement and humor, to be completely compartmentalized. It was held behind a confidence and will of forged steel, tempered and laser honed and now focused and pointed at the enemies below.

But, it was what was behind that pure will that made her almost forget there was a battle going on below, with the lives of thousands of civilians at stake. Hidden, almost deliberately, behind it all was an overwhelming sense of loneliness. But not just loneliness, there was a sense of isolation, of resignation all tied together. It was deep and underlying his entire being.

Aayla thought she had understood the concept of loneliness. It was the path that all Jedi walked. But this was loneliness on a scale she struggled to comprehend. Not just being lonely, or being isolated. It was the sense of being utterly alone in the universe. It was a scale that Aayla not only didn't understand, she just couldn't grasp.

Within it all, she noted one other thing. There was absolutely no fear. Unlike most Jedi she sensed who did not give in to fear or succumb to it. There was a complete and utter absence of fear in Harry Potter.