
Of course that didn't stop the removal of their limbs from hurting like a bitch... something proven as cries of anguish filled the air after encounters with Aayla's lightsaber started to divest the lizards of their extremities.

Harry wasn't being overly exotic or creative with his casting. Between shields and cutting curses, and every so often managing to quickly transfigure pieces of debris into tigers of different sizes that would immediately attack the trandoshans. The fur still had traces of the wooden origins, tails were nonexistent and fur was completely brown from the origins of the stuff he had transfigured. They weren't creative or very well animated, and the final result probably wouldn't pass any mastery tests, but they got the job done.

Of course the finer details of the transfigurations were probably lost on the Trandoshans as they were attacked by savage animals.

Aayla eyes widened several times at Harry's abilities, doing things she had never imagined. However she knew now wasn't the time to get distracted so she managed to refocus on the battle at hand. The Jedi whose face she had yet to make out and whose identity she was uncertain of was alternating between helping build the barricade and keeping any opportunistic blaster bolts reflected.

Harry mixed the transfigurations with overpowered stunners at the other targets he happened to catch. They weren't as resistant to stunners as the Trandoshans seemed to be. However, since some people seemed to be just hiding behind cover, Harry was attempting to not just arbitrarily kill people who may just be bystanders.

Still, the Trandoshans, who were very much not bystanders were falling left and right, or both since most of them happened to be in more than one piece.

Aayla and Harry forced their way through toward the structure to join the lightsaber wielder, who had used the respite to help with the fortifications. Harry shifted direction, and was impressed as Aayla moved seamlessly with him, so they were backing into the huddled group. Aayla was trying to get a look at the other Jedi.

Harry however had barely glanced in the direction of the other Jedi as he kept his back to her and shield in front of him. He called out, loud enough for him to be heard over the blasters that were all once more trained in their direction, "Hey Mallie."

Aayla looked at the girl wielding the lightsaber now that she had an opportunity to see her. She had dark hair, which was partially sticking to her forehead from the sweat of her exertions, and was slightly older, though she was a beauty.

"Harry! When did you get back?" demanded Mallie, her breathing heavy and labored.

"About thirty seconds ago," Harry said conversationally, holding the protego up as a constant protection across the stairs and nearly the entire opening of their alcove. He was also giving the exhausted looking woman some respite which she took without complaint.

Aayla had a mystified expression on her face as she looked at the woman. Though her body was still tensed for battle, she too took the respite Harry's force shield gave her. Her mind raced to place the name and face of the woman, and it took several moments before she could pull up a vague recollection of the name though not the face, "Mallie Nissa? You… left the Order when… you became attached to another Jedi and went into exile."

She had never met the former Jedi Knight before, but she had certainly heard the rumors. A Jedi leaving the order of their own volition... was definitely newsworthy. Thought it wasn't as newsworthy as Ahsoka Tano leaving, which was simply because of the public grand spectacle that preceded it and her very public role in the war. Though it was more notable in Aayla's mind because Mallie had left the Order with another Jedi.

"The last name is Marek now, and yes Kento and I married," The woman responded shortly, answering Aayla's thoughts. Her tone contained more than a hint of challenge as she shot the Twi'lek a matching look.

Aayla didn't respond, to Mallie's words, instead responding to a prodding of the Force, she turned to the side to parry some shots that came at them from a raider that had moved around to try and get shots from the side in an area he wasn't shielding in. The instant she parried the final shot Aayla felt a curious lurch in the Force, in a way she hadn't before, and this time it wasn't from Harry.

A similar feeling had been happening often, and only since she had come within close proximity to Harry, but this time it seemed to stem from her actions rather than anything Harry or Ahsoka was doing. Aayla made a mental note that she would need to discuss that with Master Yoda when she got a chance.

Harry was mostly ignoring the byplay as he kept the shield up, one of the Trandoshans had now opened fire upon them with some sort of rapid firing blaster gun shaped like a bazooka with multiple barrels and a connection to a nearby starship. The gun was firing far faster than any Jedi would have hoped to deflect and pounded against Harry's shield, and they were already setting up a second one.

Despite his distraction and effort, Harry spoke up, "Speaking of, where are Kento and Galen? They're not caught up in this are they?"

Mallie shook her head quickly as relief filled her voice, "I made Kento take him and flee the instant the ships were spotted. I sense they're fine."

She paused a moment to pick up a piece of debris with levitation and send it hurtling toward a trandoshan who was trying to climb a nearby building for a better shot at them. The debris dislodged the lizard and sent him tumbling to the ground. Despite the impact and blow, he was dazed for only a moment.

Harry just nodded and then jerked slightly as there was the sound of low flying starship over their heads.

He looked up and Mallie quickly reassured him sounding relieved as she commented, "Looks like the planetary defense force has arrived."

"Good they should keep any additional ships I didn't… disable from taking off," Harry said with an amused chuckle. He wished he could see the faces of pilots as they tried to figure out what to do with portions of the ship that were just gone. Almost as much as he wished he could watch a ship or two try and take off despite the pieces that were missing.

"It also means reinforcements should be here any time," Mallie added, relief filling her voice.

Harry nodded, he could already see more crossbow blasts being fired in the distance, a clear sign that reinforcements were already moving in to offer relief in the city.