
Aayla whipped her head around to see Harry leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed with a look of amusement on his face, though his eyes flicked to Hedwig, a bit surprised at the owl's friendliness.

Her eyes narrowed as a flash of irritation crossed her face. "Just because I'm a Twi'lek doesn't make me a dancer."

"It wasn't the Twi'lek bit that made me assume that, so much as it was the skintight black leather outfit with the suggestive cutaways that you're rockin," Harry said with a wide grin.

Aayla glanced down at the outfit she was still wearing and cursed herself as she felt herself blush. The very large exposed valley of her own cleavage seemed to speak for itself in this case. "Well, I'm not a stereotype," she huffed ineffectively.

"So you can't dance? You move like you had dance lessons at some point," Harry replied with an amused grin. "I can recognize a predator when I see one, and most of the good ones have taken formal dance classes."

"Yes, I've taken dance lessons in the past. I frequently need to infiltrate places where the only 'in' is as a Twi'lek dancer or slave," Aayla said with a slight shrug.

"I wouldn't have thought the Jedi would covertly send in women to seduce men to find evidence or assassinate anyone," Harry said with a frown. "Sounds seduction and elimination would be against their morals."

She blushed initially at the thought, then responded angrily, "I do not perform seduction missions for the Jedi Order."

Harry raised an eyebrow and moved into the cockpit, Aayla shifted out of the pilot seat for him and he settled in without comment. He glanced at the time and noted they were coming up on Kashyyyk shortly.

He glanced back at Aayla with a wry grin. "Blue, you do realize that we're going to a planet where most of the denizens walk around naked. Where exactly are you planning on getting a change of clothes?"

Aayla frowned but before she could reply, Harry hesitated and then visibly brightened "Unless of course you were planning on taking up local customs and walking around naked too! If so, I totally approve."

Aayla sputtered as Harry's playfulness threw her off. Ahsoka broke down in giggles at her expression which focused Aayla's attention on her. "What about Ahsoka? She's wearing less than me!"

"I'm not dressed in black leather," Ahsoka supplied with a cheeky grin.

Aayla had immediately blushed at the silliness of her come back and then shot a betrayed look at the girl who had responded as good as she got.

Harry glanced over at Ahsoka who was now blushing a bit "Well, we were going to stop and get her some clothes on Nar Shaddaa, but the whole 'Kill the Jedi' tone of the conversations sort of binned those plans. So we'll need to try and find clothes for her, or I guess she could follow your example and just walk around naked, too."

"I am not walking around naked!" Aayla protested loudly.

She would have begun a longer rant but she caught the wink that Harry shot a blushing, but grinning Ahsoka. Aayla huffed slightly, trying to ignore her own blush from Harry's teasing. She purposefully changed the subject. "Ahsoka was trying to pull up the list of people that you gave to the hacker to see who you are looking for."

Harry looked at them with a raised eyebrow, a glance at the countdown ticking to the exit of hyperspace.

"We were looking because you said there may be historical figures, and I wonder if the Jedi archives might have some mention of any of these people?" Aayla explained.

"They don't," Harry replied easily as he began to prepare for the exit from hyperspace.

Aayla frowned, "How do you know?"

"I checked two or three years ago," Harry shrugged lightly.

"You... sliced into the Jedi Archives? What do you need to hire a slicer for then? Anyone who could do that would be a legend," Ahsoka asked in disbelief.

It was true, no one had ever managed to break the encryption on the archives. It was said that a Jedi had originally used the Force to come up with the basis for the underlying systems.

"Nah," Harry said, "I just walked in the front-door and checked the records. Didn't find anything."

Ahsoka and Aayla both had dropped jaws at this. Harry was seemingly unaware as he reached forward and dropped the ship smoothly out of hyperspeed over the planet Kashyyyk.

Harry angled his approach toward the planet and the direction he knew the city Rwookrrorro was in. He flicked open the com to signal his approach and frowned when he only got static. "Huh. That's strange. No challenge from the traffic controllers. Rwookrrorro's traffic is hardly ever too busy for them to be slow on the uptake."

Harry continued to head to the planet though he felt his sense of something being wrong growing inside of him.

Ahsoka apparently felt it too because she had snapped out of her shock and was checking scanners. "Harry... I'm reading... several large ships in the city, not in the docking bays..."

Harry glanced over at the display she was looking at with a frown, on his face.

Ahsoka was frowning, as well "I'm reading weapon's discharges from the ships. They're under attack."

Harry's stared out the forward view screen as if he could see the city and the ships inside of it from there. Though his preoccupation didn't stop his fingers from moving over the controls quickly, as if they had a mind of their own.

"The scanners recognize the ship as trandoshan... slave ships. It's... a slave raid," Ahsoka said grimly.

Harry froze for just a second before his fingers flew over the instruments even faster than before, and the ship accelerated toward the planet. His face was concentrating but he commented wryly, "You know Ahsoka... I thought I was the only one whose luck was this bad. My 'saving people thing' has kicked in more times since I've met you than it has in years.