
Aayla furrowed her brow and didn't know how to respond to that statement. She herself had almost been guilty of the same thing, as word of her infatuation with Jedi Master Kit Fisto had spread much further than she had been comfortable with before he had purposefully placed distance between the two of them despite Aayla's protests.

"If you left the Order what were you doing here?" Aayla asked gesturing around at the carnage around them, carnage that the wookiees already were working to clean up.

Mallie's look was scornful, and her voice held a clear reprimand, "I may have left the Order, but the Order doesn't have a monopoly on helping people, despite what they might think. I may have given up that life for a simpler one, but I will not stand by and suffer innocents to be enslaved. Besides the wookiees have been incredibly helpful to Kento and me. My lightsaber skills may be rusty, but I would be doing them a disservice if I abandoned them when they needed me."

Mallie looked around and shook her head, "Now if you'll excuse me. I believe I will check to see what remains of our house..."

Aayla watched the former Jedi leave without another word. She was still watching the woman walk away when she was struck by a sudden bolt of insight about the odd lurches she'd received from the Force. The Jedi moving away from here was not supposed to be. Flashes from the Force showed a familiar body lying a few feet over, shot from the back. But, that wasn't what happened. Harry and her intervention had changed things.

She knew after a few moments of wide-eyed thought that Mallie Marek was not supposed to have survived this battle. Aayla wasn't sure how she knew, but the part of her she trusted to the Force to guide her movements to block blaster bolts, was sure that Mallie would not have survived that fight without her intervention.

Aayla shook her head slowly, thoughts running through her head. Was there a path things were supposed to go? If so, how could it 'shift' so visibly as to be felt? To top it all off, why was it this sort of interference was only happening while in proximity to Harry?

Bizarrely, If Aayla had any way to actually describe it, she felt the Force was pleased.

Aayla looked down at herself and grimaced. She realized she really needed to use a refresher station. She was covered in grime and dirt and a good deal of Harry's blood from where she had caught him. She froze when she looked down at his blood and then reached for a device on her belt.

She hesitated for only a moment, questioning the ethics of what she was about to do, before she took a sample of Harry's blood and entered it into the device. Having no other option at the moment she headed back into the Gryffindor.

Ahsoka was walking around the ship once more while looking for either Dobby or Harry and having no success. Aayla sighed and shook her head when she saw Ahsoka look at her, the obvious question plain on her face.

Aayla turned and headed up to the cockpit, hearing Ahsoka fall into step behind her. She passed the pilot's chair where the owl was back in her normal perch. Hedwig didn't acknowledge them. Instead she stared out the front of the cockpit.

Aayla turned her head as she slumped into a chair, "Ahsoka, you didn't say how your part of the mission went?" She phrased it more like a question than a statement.

Ahsoka shrugged a little bit. She wasn't as tired as Aayla but she was definitely worried about Harry. She gestured around at the cockpit, "This ship may not be glamorous but it isn't a pushover either. I gave chase to the other ship, caught up to it and fired at it from above. The guns on this ship aren't bad, but their shields held over the engines, and I couldn't go all out or risk hurting any of the wookiees aboard."

"So how did you stop it then?" Aayla asked with a puzzled look.

"I took what Harry said he did to the ship to heart and simply moved the Gryffindor over the other ship, and wouldn't let it gain altitude," Ahsoka replied with a grin. "I engaged the docking clamps as they tried to push upward against the ship, but their armor buckled, the armor on this ship didn't. Before they could try anything else, some other planetary defense ships arrived to help."

"They got a tractor beam lock onto the other ship and dragged it to a stop. Not that the tractor beams had to do much, by then the engines on their ship had pretty much burnt out trying to press against whatever Harry's got in this ship," Ahsoka said with a shrug, "The wookiees told me they'd handle it so I turned back to help you just as Dobby popped back and asked if I needed help."

Aayla raised an eyebrow, "What about the ship he went after?"

"I gather that it's parked in orbit right now. I heard some chatter on the comm that the wookiees sent to investigate were… amused? Though I didn't catch why," Ahsoka said as she shook her head slightly and shrugged a bit at her lack of knowledge.

Aayla shook her head slightly, she was almost afraid to ask after the being 'fought' the smugglers on Nar Shaddaa by knocking them out and stripping them. There was silence for a few moments before Ahsoka spoke up and asked quietly, "Are you going to report this to the Jedi Council?"

Aayla hesitated and then nodded, "Yeah, they should know about this… though, I think I'm going to leave the report deliberately vague."

"What he said about the Sith knowing what's happening…having an ear in the Council, you think he's right?" Ahsoka asked, her voice very quiet. The possibility had been something that had been bothering her since Harry had mentioned it, and even now, she worried merely giving voice to it would make it more real.

"I'm... not sure," Aayla stated with a sigh and rubbed her fingers over her eyes, she desperately didn't want to think so. But the words had a ring of truth to them. She didn't think that anyone on the Council would serve the Sith Lord. Although she wondered if someone was doing it unknowingly and had no idea who they were reporting to.

"I don't know, but I'm going to act cautiously," she reiterated as she keyed up the hyper comm unit, once more impressed at how quickly she got a connection. It took a minute or so before the comm was picked up on the other end.

"Master Secura, surprise this is. Expect to hear from you so soon, I did not," Yoda's voice spoke evenly as an image of the Council Chambers coalesced above the unit. She noticed that the room was nearly empty, with only Master Yoda and Master Kenobi present in the chamber.