
Ahsoka just shook her head and gestured around the bookshelves that stood higher than the two of them combined.

Aayla nodded a bit. The books were certainly an anachronism, "You're right, but it's not what bothers me."

Ahsoka turned to her with interest as they walked down the row of books aimlessly.

"Did he tell you about his people?" Aayla asked, taking her companion's expression as one of interest.

Ahsoka nodded easily, "He talked about their understanding and use of magic quite a bit. It was one of our main topics of discussion."

"Then where are they?" Aayla asked bluntly.

"What do you mean?" Ahsoka replied, a puzzled look crossing her face as she observed her friend.

"Where are his people? Why has he made a home here on Kashyyyk?" Aayla asked gesturing around.

"He said his people haven't managed to escape their gravity well." Ahsoka answered, remembering an offhand comment Harry had made.

"Then how did he get here? And why does he make his home in what is widely considered one of the most dangerous places in the galaxy that is still hospitable to sentient life?" Aayla asked.

Ahsoka paused and looked puzzled, "You know… that's a really good question. I hadn't really pressed him about his history or his people. I was more interested in some of the things we were discussing on Magic."

Aayla sighed a bit, still not liking the fact that Ahsoka seemed much more comfortable with calling the Force, Magic than she should have been. She was pondering Harry's effect on the former padawan when they made it to the end of the long aisle and came out of the bookshelves and found a small study like area, completely surrounded by the rows of bookshelves in its own little square.

There was a large easy chair that was made of a dark material that looked well worn, as well as a desk with a wooden though cushioned chair. There was a fireplace along one wall, and their entry seemed to be the catalyst for the fire to ignite. Only the fire was different than the floating blue fire balls of fire that filled the rest of the area. This was normal looking fire that roared to life and filled the area with light and warmth.

"Huh… looks cozy." Aayla observed.

"Who are you?" Inquired a curious female voice

Both Aayla and Ahsoka jumped in shock at the sudden comment. They looked around rapidly for the source of the sound. Both were in instinctive defensive stances while scanning the room for threats or any sign of movement. Though they found nothing, the area was empty. The two of them without needing more than a glance at one another began looking down the aisle ways of the books for a sign of someone else around.

There was a soft and throaty chuckle of amusement at their actions.

"Where are you hiding?" Ahsoka demanded

"She's not hiding. You're simply not looking in the right place," Another amused female voice responded dryly.

When both Jedi continued to express confusion there was a sigh. The second voice took pity on them, "Look over by the fire."

Both Jedi followed the direction and looked at the fire.

There was another sigh, "Now look up."

The two Jedi looked up, as one. They found themselves facing two beautiful life size human women. Though they were both very different.

One was blonde, looking down at them with an imperiously raised eyebrow. She was wearing a very stately dress. It was a less formal version of something Aayla thought she might see at a high society function on some worlds. The woman was sitting in an easy chair, similar to the easy chair sitting in the room. In the background there were shelves of books, very similar to the ones surrounding the little study.

The other woman was as different as could be. Firstly, she had vivid pink hair and was standing with her arms crossed. She was dressed in dark pants, a coat and a light blouse. It was clear that the combination was uber casual and well worn. She had a wide and amused smirk on her face as she looked down at the two Jedi.

The background of her portrait was even more varied. A door was off to one side, which was open to reveal a lush green meadow behind and some kind of stands for possibly a sports stadium. Other than that, there were a few chairs present, along with a bookcase that mirrored the one in the opposite frame.

Aayla and Ahsoka exchanged a look, "Is it… high definition view screens of some sort?" Aayla ventured as they moved closer.

The woman on the right with blonde hair snorted indelicately, "You haven't answered my question. Who are you? And… for that matter, what are you?"

"My guess? Hookers with very exotic makeup." offered the pink haired one brightly,

"Doubtful. Harry would never invite hookers into his home. Perhaps it is muggle Halloween again. Those costumes get more complicated every year." the blonde offered after a few moments of silence from the two non-humans.

Aayla and Ahsoka exchanged a look before Ahsoka shrugged a little bit still looking for the view screen buttons.

"I'm Ahsoka Tano and this is Aayla Secura, and we're not wearing makeup or anything..." She replied honestly,

Aayla however had moved in for a closer examination before she shot Ahsoka a startled look, "They're… paintings."

The blonde sniffed haughtily, "Of course we're paintings. It seems that only one of you possesses manners. It's a pleasure to meet you Ahsoka Tano, I am Daphne Potter."

The pink haired one rolled her eyes, "Lighten up, Daph."

The pink haired one had a more friendly expression on her face, and spoke again, "If you are not in costume, would you mind telling us what you are? We've never seen beings like you."

"Er... I'm a Togrutan, and Aayla is a Twi'lek. Who are you?" Ahsoka replied somewhat uncertainly, looking closer to see that the blue Jedi master was correct, they did seem to be paintings.

The pink haired one grinned, "My name is Tonks, and like blondie said, she's Daphne."

Daphne narrowed her eyes and turned to shoot a glare at her companion, "My friend isn't entirely honest. Her real name is Nymphadora."

She narrowed her eyes, "You know I hate that name."

Daphne shrugged, "And you know how I despise 'Blondie'. Besides, we've gone over this ad nauseam. After you married, you no longer were Tonks at all."

Tonks groused and rolled her eyes at the cool reply before focusing back on the women.

"So what are you doing here?" Tonks asked curiously.

"Um. Harry brought us here, said it was his home," Ahsoka replied looking up at the women with confusion.

Tonks and Daphne exchanged a long look, though they didn't say anything to that comment.

"So… what are you?" Ahsoka asked and then shook her head quickly, "I mean, if you're a painting, how are you alive? Is this more magic?"

Daphne twitched her lips thoughtfully before she replied, "We're not alive. Not really. Portraits are done and then a person imprints their personality, opinions, thoughts, and memories with magic."