
His face turned serious and he shrugged, "She's going to have to learn to get used to expressing emotions."

Ahsoka tilted her head curiously, "And the best way to do that is to drive her crazy?"

Harry blinked innocently at her, "There's another way?"

He grinned a little bit and then turned to head out of the ship. Ahsoka shook her head bemusedly and followed, noticing that Aayla was near the access panel for the exit ramp, arms still crossed.

"Hey Blue, you coming to help out or not?" Harry grinned.

She didn't dignify that with a response but she did follow them out of the ship to help with the clean-up with the wookiees.

Harry was rubbing his eyes slowly, looking to all the galaxy as if he was trying to fight off a headache, "I'm sorry Salporin, can you run that one by me again?"

The large wookiee gestured emphatically amongst a series of growls in Shyriiwook.

"And… why don't you want to bring the ship into the atmosphere? Don't you want to transfer the slave crew from the ship? That's more than a bit complicated in space… especially with prisoners..." Harry replied with a slightly discombobulated look on his face.

Salporin gave what could only be a feral grin to go with a rather rambling response.

"What do you mean, the ship didn't have any crew on-board, and what decorations? What are you…?" Harry froze for several seconds and then sighed visibly, "DOBBY!"

Ahsoka's montrals picked up the small crack and sudden presence as Dobby appeared behind some crates and came running out. She scowled at the behavior, then realized that it was possible Harry didn't want Dobby's abilities widely spread. Just as her frown was beginning to fade as she realized this, it returned in full force as she saw he was wearing a bizarre outfit she had never seen before.

The little house elf had a triangular hat, that had a picture of a skull and two bones crossed underneath. He also wore a patch over one of his overly large eyes, so much so that the patch dominated his face. There was a green representation of a bird on his shoulder and one of his hands held a crudely fashioned hook.

"Yes Master Harry Potter sir?" The small creature hesitated and then tried to lower his voice without much success, "I mean ARRRR Master Harry Potter, sir!"

Ahsoka and Aayla were both staring back and forth between Dobby and Harry. Trying to decide who was more amusing; Dobby in his current outfit or the look on Harry's face of someone who was attempting unsuccessfully to fight off the rise of a migraine.

Harry took a breath and spoke quietly and with deliberate calmness, "Dobby. Why are you wearing that? And talking like that, for that matter?"

Dobby bounced eagerly, "Arrr! Dobby is dressed up like a pirate!" He waved his hook around for emphasis and succeeded in bonking himself in the head with it which caused him to blink a few times before shaking it off.

Harry once more spoke calmly, though his expression was somewhat forced, "Yes, I see that. The question is why?"

"Master Harry Potter encourage Dobby to dress however he feels like." Dobby expressed in confusion.

"Yes, I know Dobby, and why do you feel like a pirate?" Harry asked with that same fixed expression and patient tone.

"Because Dobby stole a ship! Master Harry Potter say peoples who steal ships are pirates. So Dobby is now Pirate Dobby! Arrr!" Dobby waved around the hook as he tried to get across his point.

Harry groaned softly, rubbing a hand over his face before he took a very deep breath, "Okay Pirate Dobby."

It really wasn't worth getting into a discussion about at the moment. Harry filed it away to talk about later… or possibly never. He had more important things to figure out, "What did you do with the ship's crew?"

"Nasty snake men. Pirate Dobby not be liking them. Pirate Dobby used sticking charms on them, and then moved them," The diminutive being explained.

Harry had a suspicious look on his face and a slightly sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach, "Sticking charms… where did you stick them?"

"Pirate Dobby be sticking them on outside of ship for safe keeping!" The little figure bounced up and down proudly.

Harry blinked. Then blinked again. He groaned softly, understanding why suddenly the wookiees liked the decorations on the ship. Salporin was quite eager in his desire for the ship and now Harry understood why.

"Dobby. The snake men can't breathe in vacuum," Harry said with a sigh, not really remonstrating his friend. But clarifying for him.

Dobby blinked innocently at him, "That not being Dobby's fault."

Ahsoka and Aayla both stared at Dobby in a mixture of shock, horror and only the slightest tinge of amusement while Harry was rubbed his temples and muttered under his breath before he responded, "Alright. Thank you Dobby, you can go back to the ship."

Dobby saluted Harry proudly, or attempted to. Instead he managed to poke himself in the eye not covered with the patch with the hook. He yelped in pain and then stumbled first into a wall and then into some crates before walking around them in the direction of the ship, though a few seconds later there was a soft pop in the air.

"Harry… did he… just kill the Trandoshans on that ship by spacing them?" Aayla asked, sounding vaguely horrified.

Harry nodded with a little bit of a resigned expression on his face and in his tone, "Yes, and the wookiees want to buy the ship, bodies and all, because they say it will send a powerful message in order to ward off any other slaver attempts."

Salporin roared in a bit longer of a statement.

"Oh, and because they say it's the ultimate hunting trophy." Harry added.

Ahsoka frowned still processing the concept of what Harry was saying, "Why didn't he just incapacitate them… he didn't have to… execute them?"

"He was worried about the safety of the wookiees that were kidnapped and Dobby doesn't like slavers any more than I do," Harry replied with a shake of his head.

Harry couldn't help but shrug a bit after he said this. He really wasn't all that bothered by what Dobby had done, more just caught off guard by the entire thing. Every time he thought he could predict the little creature, he would do something bizarre and throw Harry completely for a loop.

"Still…" Ahsoka trailed off, it wasn't so much the killings that bothered her, nor who was killed. It was Harry's blasé acceptance of Dobby's actions that were a little startling to her. Her tone was shocked though not overly challenging.

Aayla frowned but also had a thoughtful look on her face. She knew what the Wookiee's response to the slavery attempt would be. Still though, she struggled to wrap her mind around the concept. Though she wasn't sure whether it was in response to Harry's acceptance or Dobby's seeming complete lack of awareness of the situation and its moral implications.

There was also the minor thought in the back of her mind, that she honestly didn't care for the ultimate fate of the slavers, as long as she wasn't directly linked to it. With Dobby's involvement in their death, the full impact of what had been done seemed all the more significant. Vaguely, she realized it was rather hypocritical of her to think that it wasn't a big deal to execute the slavers, so long as the Wookiees did it and no one associated to the group she was now part of.