
That was the ultimate challenge for the man who called himself Darth Sidious. He would take his Master's work one step further and utterly master Death on every level. He had already taken several steps to ensure his survival, delving deep into tattered histories and manuscripts of the Sith in order to find the appropriate ideas. Most of the time he found half-formed or half missing rituals. He had then applied his own knowledge and command of the Force to take the final steps.

So he had taken all the knowledge he could acquire from as many different sources as he could find, living or dead. Palpatine felt the Force itself was behind his quest, for some of the breaks and knowledge sources he had acquired had at times seemed to literally fall into his lap.

That is why he was not worried about occasional issues. The Force itself supported his quest to rule rather than remain weak as the Jedi Order seemed intent on. In fact, the little bursts in the Force had just drawn his attention to events, practically inviting him to use his brilliant tactical mind to use them to further his own cause.

Palpatine was content. He knew that the future, he had seen it.

The Jedi Order would fall.

The Republic would fall.

The Sith would usher in a new age, have their revenge on the Jedi for the defeat so long ago, and they would reign supreme.

Ahsoka woke up with a start. She wasn't sure what had woken her up so abruptly but was left with an odd feeling from whatever images had entered her sleep. She tried to identify the odd feeling the images had left her with. It was like the sensing of the coming of a storm, still distant, but now very much on the horizon and heading in her direction.

She looked around quickly, re-adjusting to her surroundings. She was laying in one of the most comfortable beds she'd ever laid in. The beds at the Jedi Temple were always flat and uncomfortable. It was always about a Jedi not giving into distractions and overcoming them. The less said about the bunks on the different capital ships she seemed to spend her recent life on, the better.

This bed was completely the opposite, it was fluffy and Ahsoka actually found herself enjoying just laying there. She honestly wondered why she had been given a bed like that and Harry had face planted on a cot out in the main area. She was also very interested in the various ways the Force seemed to be… embedded into the mattress, for lack of a better way to describe the effect of how it seemed to naturally flow underneath her.

The bed was in a corner of Harry's house. On two sides were walls of the house, on the other two sides, the room was boarded by bookshelves that rose up quite high. There was a small gap where both bookcases came close that functioned as an entrance. Ahsoka looked over and saw that Aayla was in the second bed in the area a few feet away and was still asleep.

Ahsoka was certain the Rutian Jedi was still asleep. Judging by the way she was naked and sprawled across the bed, quite blatantly on display, she definitely was not awake. That brought a blush to Ahsoka's cheeks as she saw the rather unintentionally lewd display that would likely mortify the older woman if she knew Ahsoka was staring at her like this. Then she blushed further wondering if Harry had been having more of an effect on her than she expected.

She also cursed her own development in comparison with the older Twi'lek's prominent display of maturity. Ahsoka was definitely a late bloomer, though the past year had definitely seen her body blossoming, but nowhere near on the scale of the Twi'lek who was a little over a decade her senior. Despite this, she found herself somewhat self-conscious of that fact more and more of late, wholly opposite to the fact the Jedi had drilled into her as a child that appearances meant nothing in the study of the Force. She herself wasn't naked like her far more aloof roommate, but was in a long plain white shirt.

She hadn't initially intended to sleep in just the single garment, but when Dobby had guided her to bed he had told her if she left her things out, he would clean them and return them. Considering that she had been wearing the same outfit for several days, she was going to jump at the opportunity, but wasn't so sure about sleeping completely in the nude.

Dobby had either been prepared for this or was very perceptive as he offered a what he called a "nightshirt" to her. The shirt was just a very long shirt which fell to her thighs and preserved her modesty. A glance at the bedside table showed her normal outfit folded and waiting, and definitely looking clean.

A glance over at the bed Aayla lay sprawled across showed her that Aayla's clothes were also on the table beside the bed, but it also appeared that a long folded nightshirt was there as well. Apparently she had eschewed the offer of the shirt, and Dobby had left it there just in case. Ahsoka belatedly realized Aayla likely had ignored the shirt because her head likely wouldn't fit through the hole at the top. Ahsoka recognized the same fact, and instead simply ripped the top open so her head could easily poke through.

She realized with a glance around that it was still dim in the area and that she had no idea if it was day or night. The dim light provided by the blue flames and absolutely no light from the system's star was very disorienting. With her duties to the Republic taking her to many worlds, she found her body easily able to adapt to worlds that ran on something other than galactic standard. Her sleep schedule was very flexible, but she usually had something to tune it to. Down here she had no such luxury.

She wasn't surprised that she had woken up before Aayla. Aayla had stayed up later than she had looking around the place, though they hadn't found anything more interesting than the portraits in the study room. Ahsoka had been firmly put off looking around when she'd opened one of the books at random off the shelves and it had screamed at her.

Dobby had arrived and scolded her for messing with that particular book. The effect of the scolding was somewhat limited by the multiple hats seemingly chosen at random that were perched on his head. But she had promised not to touch anything else. She had Dobby guide her to her bed shortly after.

Ahsoka laid back on the pillows and looked up at the dark ceiling. She was reluctant to get up. Part of it was because she didn't want to get up out of the comfortable bed, the other part was that she was able to use the time to continue to sort her memories. Of course sorting the memories as Harry had instructed her brought to the forefront of her mind so many questions she had, most of them about Harry Potter.