
Dobby shook his head and a sad expression crossed his face. "She is just like Master Harry's Miss Grangy."

Harry allowed a wistful smile to cross his face before it turned wry. "She grew out of it as she grew up… eventually… kinda." he finished somewhat sheepishly.

"Maybe Missti will grow out of it when she grows up too!" Dobby commented helpfully, "Or like Master Harry used to say about Miss Grangy, she will learn better after she removes large stick imbedded in her posterior." He nodded before disappearing with another pop.

Shaak Ti looked more than a little affronted at the creature's comment before her focus was once more taken up by his disappearance, it was something she had never encountered before and even seeing it multiple times hadn't dulled all of the shock away.

"Did you get all the information you needed from our blood?" Harry asked, his tone cordial but firm as his eyes focused on her machine deliberately.

Shaak Ti had been about to ask about the teleportation when Harry changed topics, causing her to hesitate and then realized what the look was for and removed the smaller sampling devices from the larger medical scanner and then pressed a button on them so they self sterilized, returning to shiny and chrome.

"Thank you." Harry nodded a little bit, looking relaxed now that he had witnessed the disposal, he tilted his head curiously, "Was there anything else you needed?"

Shaak Ti shook her head and looked around at the room once more, seemingly unprepared for having nothing to do.

"Harry, do you mind if I talk to Shaak Ti privately for a bit?" Aayla spoke up quickly.

Harry hesitated a moment before he shrugged, "Sure. Knock yourself out. Let me know when you're ready to go, and I'll take you out beyond the wards so you can head back."

He paused and actually looked sheepish for a moment, "Or If you prefer, I can take you directly to any of the spaceports here on the planet you want to go to. You did venture down here to check on me after all."

Harry grabbed his shirt and glanced over at Ahsoka. "C'mon if I'm going to teach you, I probably should actually take time for some actual instruction."

Ahsoka glanced at the Jedi Masters who were staring at her. Shaak Ti's expression was more surprised than Aayla's but both seemed to be rather jarred by Harry's remark. Ahsoka allowed herself a small smirk unable to pass up a golden opportunity, "As you wish, Master."

Her eyes traced his torso as he tugged his shirt back on unable to stop a small blush as it climbed on her cheeks, before she followed him out the door, it swinging closed behind her seemingly of its own volition.

When they were outside, Harry turned to face her with his arms crossed and an amused smile on his face. "So, what's your issue with our guest?"

Ahsoka stiffened to look at him before shaking her head. "There's no issue."

"Right, which is why the ambient temperature dropped about twenty degrees whenever she spoke to you, or you spoke to her," Harry replied sarcastically, amusement still on his features.

"It's nothing," Ahsoka replied somewhat defensively.

"Do you want me to kick her out now?" Harry's expression lost its amusement. When she turned a surprise look on him, he shrugged his shoulders, "If I'm really taking you on as my student, then your words carry weight. Besides… I've known you longer, and I definitely like you a whole hell of a lot more. And while you've certainly made events more exciting in the past week or so…I'm not going to keep people around who you think are a cause for concern or I have to worry might be a danger to you."

"No… no it's nothing like that," Ahsoka shook her head, noting that Harry had omitted danger to himself. She chose her words carefully. "Just… there are some people who you look up to that end up disappointing you and that disappointment can linger."

"Ah. One of those." Harry said nodding in a way that made Ahsoka believe that he had understood everything she had left unsaid.

She shook her head and then held up her wand, her expression brightening. "So are you going to teach me some magic?"

The two Jedi Masters watched Ahsoka follow Harry out of the door while it shut behind them.

"Apprentice and Master…" Shaak Ti said quietly, her voice filled with concern as she turned her head to look at Aayla with an inquiring look.

Aayla looked uncomfortable and smiled weakly, "To be fair, Harry refers to her as a student. The Master thing is all Ahsoka's doing. It seems to be more to irritate him than it is anything else. Harry does not seem like he stands on ceremony."

Shaak Ti shook her head a little bit and gestured toward the door while her gaze fell on Aayla. "Even I can see the attachment formed. That is not the relationship between a Jedi and a padawan. It is one between a Master and an Apprentice."

"He has saved her life multiple times, as well as mine at least once," Aayla defended half-heartedly as she slumped a little bit and leaned against the table for support. She was well aware that her thoughts mirrored Shaak Ti's. While the terms weren't all that different, the emphasis placed on them implied the relationship of a Sith Master and pupil.

"He has asked for almost nothing while he does this, in fact, it's just the opposite. But he clearly has protected her and more than earned her trust," Aayla said with a sigh.

"She is… remarkably trusting of him." Shaak Ti observed, her tone becoming more neutral.

"I know… But to be perfectly honest… that's just one of the things that worries me," Aayla rubbed the bridge of her nose.

Shaak Ti raised her eyebrow curiously as she looked at her fellow Jedi Master. "Oh?"

"She trusts Harry, implicitly after what he's done for her," Aayla said as she gestured around herself. "He's someone who uses the Force in ways I've never imagined possible."

Aayla frowned realizing from a tug in the Force that she was skirting the edges of her oath. "And to top it off, even though I trust you, I can't actually tell you about any of the specifics because of the oath I swore to him."

"I would not ask you to violate your word of honor," Shaak Ti replied.

Aayla was about to open her mouth, then grimaced and stopped herself. She was unsure if the oath covered discussion of the nature of the oath itself. She decided to let it pass for now.


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