
"灰色世界交汇点?"陈玲的记忆里确实有这个词,原主应该在什么地方看到了."别跟我说,你竟然忘了那个灰色的世界."林医生站起身来,将茶杯里的血倒进下水道,缓缓开口,"在大劫之前,有人提出了一个假说,在这个宇宙中,有无数个平行的时空.这些时空是由最早的宇宙诞生而形成的,就像蜡烛点燃后释放的光芒,向四面八方扩散,但因为光是无限的,所以它们无限地延伸到所有的可能性,从来没有交集."但在红色流星过后,一切都乱了.""每一次时空搅动,一个未知而诡异的灰色世界开始与现实世界重叠."洗完茶杯后,林医生没有把里面的水倒出来,而是放在桌子上.因为在这个过程中使用了一些力,所以杯子里的水面起伏不定.林医生撕下一张纸,贴在海浪上方.汹涌的水开始浸湿纸张,分布不均匀的小水渍逐渐渗透到整个纸张表面."起初,世界只有一小部分相交,但随着时间的推移,越来越多的区域相交,那个世界的材料和生物开始出现在我们的世界里.即使是现在,原本属于人类的大部分栖息地已经被那个世界占据,只剩下九个'域'来保护人类并继续火势."因为那个世界的天空是灰色的,所以我们称它为'灰色领域'.""当灰界与现实相交时,会发生一系列超出认知能力的奇异事件,甚至会有属于灰界的怪物降临,这就是我们所说的'灾难'.""一般来说,在遇到灰界交汇处或遭遇灾难袭击的幸存者中,80% 的人会患上精神病,而且大多数人永远无法恢复...""我怀疑你现在的情况和'灰界'有关.""仔细想想,你有没有遇到过灰界的交集,并被卷入其中?"面对林医生的问题,陈玲努力寻找原主的记忆,但最终一无所获...无论他如何努力回忆,他都记不起昨晚的其他记忆."我不知道."他苦涩地说.林医生想了想,从抽屉里拿出一张信纸,飞快地写了起来."你的病情不再像精神疾病那么简单...我只是一个普通人,我治不了你.但是,我知道有人可能能够帮助治疗灰色世界污染的后遗症.毕竟,他是一位真正的 [医生].听到这话,陈玲眼睛一亮,"我应该去哪儿找他?"他住在奥罗拉城,但他喜欢四处旅行以获得免费诊所.他听到有困难和复杂的疾病就去哪里.这是他们成为神的方式...总之,你把这封信交给极光城门口的执法人员,留下你的姓名和地址,他们会为你转发.最多三天,[医生]会主动来找你."谢谢你!"陈玲接过信封,真诚地道谢.其实,当他看到路上融化的盐粒时,陈玲已经觉得不对劲了.发生在他身上的事情似乎无法用疾病来解释.他来到这家小诊所,是因为路程已经走了一半,而且他真的不知道除了这里,他还能得到什么帮助.据林医生说,这位 [医生] 似乎很特别,并提到了成神的道路...难道这个世界也有独特的人类修炼体系?否则,根据林博士的说法,当所谓的灾难和灰色世界交织在一起时,全人类都应该灭绝了.Chen Ling even felt that the distorted scientific level of this world might also be related to the catastrophe."You're welcome. Say hello to your brother for me." Dr. Lin smiled slightly."He is still hospitalized in District 2... I will bring him to you next time I visit him."Chen Ling stood up and said goodbye to Dr. Lin, pushed the door and left.As the figure gradually disappeared under the sky with flowing aurora, Dr. Lin's eyes narrowed slightly."Actors..."..."The first time I saw the screen in my dream, the audience's expectation was 29%.""When I tried to escape, it jumped to 30%.""On the way here, it went back to 27%...""Just now, Dr. Lin was tricked by a prank, and it rose to 29% again.""Assuming that the 'audience' is really in my mind, and these numbers are not illusions, what exactly affects the rise and fall of expectations?"The cold wind was bleak, and Chen Ling wrapped in a thick cotton robe, thinking seriously while walking towards home.Stage, audience, expectations... Every time the expectations increase, it seems that an event occurs. Can these events be regarded as "plots" on the stage?The more interesting the events happening around you, the more attractive the "plot" is to the audience, thereby increasing the expectations?The screen said that when the audience's expectation value is less than 20%, the actor's personal safety will not be guaranteed...Chen Ling didn't know what the specific danger was, but judging from the fact that the "audience" could interfere with reality to a certain extent, he might become a tool for them to vent their anger and be spoofed to death!Chen Ling felt that his idea was correct, but to prove whether it was correct, he needed to take practical actions."Maybe, I should try to actively design the 'plot'."Chen Ling muttered to himself."Ah Ling, have you had breakfast?"Chen Ling turned his head and saw an uncle with a towel wrapped around his head fanning the stove in a breakfast shop on the street, shouting to him enthusiastically.The moment he saw him, an idea suddenly flashed through Chen Ling's mind."No, Uncle Zhao." Chen Ling's mouth corners slightly raised, and he walked towards the shop."Come, come, I'll get you some soy milk and fried dough sticks. It rained heavily last night and the air was very humid. You can't warm yourself up without breakfast." Uncle Zhao came over with a bowl of steaming soy milk."Thank you, Uncle Zhao."Chen Ling searched his pockets and took out three copper coins and handed them to Uncle Zhao, but the latter pushed them back."Uncle treats you to breakfast, and I can still ask you to pay?""Don't, Uncle Zhao, although we have been neighbors for more than ten years, we still have to pay.""You kid, uncle doesn't want your money. When you are free, help our Xiao Yi with his homework. Uncle will bring you breakfast every day." Uncle Zhao grinned, revealing a mouthful of yellow teeth."Hasn't he graduated? Does he need to take extra classes?""With his grades, he can't get a job. I plan to let him repeat the year. I can't let him do odd jobs every day, right?""Oh...""A Ling is still the best. She is smart and filial. If Xiao Yi can pass the law enforcement exam like you one day, I will wake up with laughter in my dreams."Uncle Zhao sighed, "It's a pity that this kid is not up to standard."Chen Ling paused with the chopsticks, hesitated for a moment, and then said:"Uncle Zhao... do you know why Zhao Yi is so bad at studying?""Ah? Why?"Chen Ling was about to say something, but fell into silence for a long time, and shook his head, "Forget it, Uncle Zhao, just pretend I didn't mention it... I promised him to keep it a secret.""Don't!"Uncle Zhao's heartbeat quickened. He added a boiled egg to Chen Ling's meal and scratched his head anxiously,"A Ling, I know you are Xiao Yi's good friend, but there are some things... I, as a father, should know something, right? I raised Xiao Yi alone, getting up early and working late every day to earn money to send him to school, just to make his life better in the future...If you know something, you must tell me! We are all for his own good..."Seeing Uncle Zhao's urgent inquiry, Chen Ling was slightly moved. He hesitated for a moment, as if he had made up his mind."Uncle Zhao, you are right. As a friend, I really can't bear to see Zhao Yi fall into such depravity...""Fall, fall? What happened to him?""He's in love.""Ah?" Uncle Zhao was stunned, "This kid still has this charm?"Chen Ling bit a piece of fried dough sticks without changing his expression, and uttered three words lightly:"With a boy."