It just a normal morning for me as always,No going to college today since it weekend and I plan to rest like ever weekend. But this time around my mom didn't stay home with me,She said had an outing like business discussion. Speaking of this she as been secretive lately,I try talking to her but she change the question. "Aargh, home alone again so boring" I was laying on my bed while going scroll through my Instagram after I had breakfast few minute ago. So I decided to have more snacks in my room while strolling through my instagram. Which is one of my plan for today,my routine for the day is to eat,be on my phone for hours,read and sleep, this all my plan for the day and that what I am going to follow for the day,till a call came "Who is it now" I grunt and look at the call banner up,it was Lisa my best friend since elementary school that was in my fourth grade when she transferred,we were nine years old. I was really happy to have a friend,I was really excited and told my mom about it. I pick up the call and what heard was a dull voice from the other "Hey pearl" I know her,when she kind of like rejected someone offer and was forced to do it. "who is it" I asked springing up from my laying position to a sitting one "Tell me I am listening" It nothing serious if she is murmuring,I wanted to laugh but I just hold it back "It my big brother he is travelling and he want me to manage is club house for him" She said "His club house,but he rarely do that what so sudden that he allowed it" I asked because her brother never once let her stay to long in his club only made her run errands,same goes for me he is always like you both should never be here it is to dangerous, he is a really good brother to bad I don't have one cause my dad dead when I was three,he was a good business man well that was what my mom told me and she had prove of that,she even run his company after he died and raise me as a single mom. I have been really use to just me and her alone and never expected a step father and as not really dated any one till I grow up and now I am in college. "He just said it was for this night and he have a business to take care of in another country but he didn't tell me more about it" She said and I smile "that just him and his secret business" I said and went out of my room down the stairs to grab water to take since I had finish the one I had few minute "So do you need help at the club" I said after I had my water "Really,will you help me" I can't see her but with her voice I know she is really happy at my opinion "Yes I can't let my baby girl manage a whole club by herself,I will join you there I could use some fun work time also cause my mom is out" I make my way back up the stair heading back to my room "Really she did but she always stay home with you on weekend" She said "Yes she does but when I woke up cause I was up late today she was gone,so I called and she said she had to go one a business meeting that it important but she will be back by night so I am free to join you at the club" I said hopping onto my bed "good see you tonight then and please call aunt to tell her you will helping me out there" She said with excitement "Sure I will but like what time am I to be there" I asked "By ten pm,we will there over night to run it but I will close it by one am in the morning so we can rest before going to church later" She said "Copy that" I said with a smile and a salute like she can see "what should I wear,cause I don't want to look stupid there" I asked playing with my pen that on the bed side "emmm wear the short shimmering red straight gown we both early this year from the dior shop with a marching hand bag and a nice heel with it" I was confused we are going to work not,she cut off my train of thought like she knows what I was thinking "Yes we are also partying honey" She giggled with excitement "is that right" I asked with a nervously smile "I have never been to a club before you know that I only help run errand to give things to your brother" I said nervous "I promise it will be fine okay" She reassure me "Okay I will hold you up to that okay" I said with a smile "see you by ten pm" I said "sure Plum,bye see you later" She said and hang up "I should get prepared since it six pm now,the earlier the better. I pull up to my walk in closet to pick up the cloth and a silver heel with a matching handbag to the heel. "This should do" I walk out of my closet and set the cloth down on my dressing chair before going back to lay down,I set up an alarm to nine forty pm since I don't dress up for long so it will be easy. I didn't know when I slept off after setting the alarm.
I slept for hours and woke up around nine,few minute before my alarm will go off,so I went to take my bath,clean up then change into my dress after using my necessary skin care,I applied a light make up,curl my hair then wore my heel and pick up my bag and car keys before heading out. Before I started my car I called Lisa to inform her that I am on my way,and by then it like nine thirty "Just head to the club house I will meet you there,okay" She said "Sure see you there then" I said and hang up then started my car,set the map for navigation.I took my driving class at the age 18 now I am 21 going to 22,Second year in college,my first big time birthday gift is this car,Lisa gifted it to me,my family is not an average family,we are actually wealthy which it just me and my mom,and I am happy about it.I pull up at the clubhouse garage,making sure I pack up well before I got out. I stood out side to wait for Lisa.I was there minding my business,I called her but she is not picking up which indicate she is driving,she never pick up when she drives that an habit I know about. Standing there is not comfortable but I don't want to be in that club alone either so I can just stay here till she arrived. Among the stare there is an intense eyes on me,I can feel it. I looked up from my phone to see who was staring at me and right there I was face a breath taking sight,God the blue eyes,it was staring right into my soul. I can say this is best good looking guy I have ever seen,I looked away immediately but hell he was staring at me. I was not really uncomfortable like I suppose to be, Even with my coat on I feel so vulnerable as he stare at me. I felt a tap on my back "Boo" It was Lisa's "Crazy girl you are finally here" I hug her to my self "You were really lost in thought you didn't notice me at all till I tapped you" She said pull out of the hugs "I emmm" I looked in the guy's direction "Who,caught you attention" She asked looking in the direction I was facing,he did look away from me at all,creepy but not scary I think "Oh my god,Maxwell" She said shaking her head "Not good,Plum" She said shaking me back to reality "Maxwell who" I asked in confusion "I will tell you when we get inside" she said pulling me toward the door "Okay" I said following her all the way up stair to the main office. "So as I was saying,you see that guy stay away from him" She said " why" I was getting curious about the guy "Well,he someone really cold and annoying big asshole,one thing I know about him is that he is not a playboy but he don't respect ladies there is a say that he see them as all slut but" she said "what?" I asked sitting on the sofa in the office "I never heard he have a girl in his life before" I eyed her suspicious "How did you know all this" I asked "His best friend is a friend of my brother,He is four to five year older than us,same goes with Maxwell" She said looking away "You get a crush on his best friend or what" I asked with a sheepishly smile "NO I am not,it just complicated,see forget about it and let just work and enjoy our self alright" She changed the topic "Okay" I did push it any more. "I need you supervise the VVIP room at the first floor" She told me "The first floor why that room is always full with playboy all day you know that" I said surprised "Plum you have to help me please I can be in the office and at that room at the same time baituo baituo (please please)" she said it in a cute way "ugh fine just for today" I said and got the schedule from her and went to the upper room to supervise the waiter and the dancers for the main time since Lisa said I will end it after so minute.
The place was crowded for my liking,but for my friend I have to do it. Unlike the VVIP the VVIP is a closed door room with maximum privacy,I had to knock to seek permission into the room. I could hear loud laughter beaming from the room both male and females, so the rumor is true a lot of dirty activities happens in this room but for the sake of Lisa I will risk working here for the night. I knock on the door and I heard some said "come in" the voice was deep and I know it definitely belong to a guy,I open the door and walk in to introduce my self "Good evening all, I will be your supervisor for this night since the owner is not around to watch over here anything you need just beep me up by press on that button I will be at your service" I said in on breath. They are just staring at me, one familiar face caught my eyes "wow I don't know that there is such a pretty little thing here so pleasant to look at" That voices was his, the guy that was staring at me few minute ago down stair out side the club,it was the same guy Lisa told me about,Maxwell "Maxwell she look to young to be in the club,are you even off age" The other guy with him said "Ryan i have the chance to admire beautiful and curve natural figured eight girl" The guy name Maxwell said "I am still here you know that,well I am just here to inform that all" I said and left the room to the office, where Lisa was "You were right he was really annoying and a tease" I said to her, she just laugh it off "Don't let them ruining your day okay" She said 'Okay" I said and sat down on the sofa "Pearl are you not hot,why are you still in the coat" She reminded me " oh is that necessary" I asked tugging on my coat edge "Come on take it off" I took it off reluctantly "Good" she said with a smile. After a few minute, I a red light on the VVIP room board a blink,calling that they need some drink service,I call the waitress to deliver the drink to the room but she was sent out and was asked to call me instead,I looked surprise same as Lisa "What game are they playing at this time around" She said "It found let me go check up on it okay", I decided to go and attend to their need. "You called for me" I said as I walked into the room and all eyes was on me as I walked in, I was now feeling exposed since I took off my coat and I am in just the gown. "yes miss,we asked for a personal service from you not from the waitress" The Ryan guy said "A personal service from me" I said looking confusion "that not on the list given to me so it not possible" I said pulling the gown I was wear cause I could feel Maxwell eyes on me "Oh is that so but they is a rule that state customer is always right" Maxwell finally speak " yes but it unfair you are making me do things I don't want to do" I said "no no we are not forcing you" Maxwell said "let me real with you I just wanted to see your face again that why I called you over,Ryan stop bully the lady,Finally she is out of that coat didn't I tell you she as a perfect shape that I want" he said to me and gave a warning to his friend "but why" I asked "you are one pretty lady and I can't miss the chance" He said while standing and moving toward me,He was close to me that I could feel his breath on my skin "thanks for the compliment I appreciate it but you can't just call me anyhow,i have to attend to other need" I said calmly and sweet "Honey we are the only one in the VVIP no one else so" The Ryan guy said. "So what do you need from me now" I asked "Nothing much just sit with us for a few minute,maybe just like 30 minute so as to get to know you better,I trust today is the only day you will be work here" he said "Yes,so you know all the workers here don't" I finally sat by the couch at the far end "Yes we are regular member here" Ryan said "Wait you are his best friend right" I point at Ryan, so that was his name Ryan the guy Lisa was avoiding talking about to me "Yes why" he asked with a smirk "You are a friend to the owner of this club" I said and he nodded "So?" He said with pride "I am his sister best friend" Isaid to him, He just shook his head "Really you are that little girl best friend" He said "Yes" I said and fold my arm "Maxwell my dream girl best friend is right here in front of me" HUHU I am really confuse now "Dude what are talking about" I asked "Let me formally introduce my self to you then" He stood up and walk to where I was and took my hands but was brush off by Maxwell who is as well standing beside me "Hi I am Lisa Taylor arranged fiancee Ryan Anderson" I was surprised "What!!, How come I never she had one" Too much of information, I can't this Lisa have a fiancee I don't know about,she didn't tell me "You don't know her parent plan an arrange marriage for her" He said "I don't know till now that you are tell me and I am surprised at that" No I need to leave I can't listen to more.But why, why didn't she tell me she will be getting married soon,I though we were friend. I stood up and rush toward the door,open it with out looking at the two guys calling me, I walk straight to Lisa office to confront her about what I just heard 'Hey you lied to" I yelled "About what" she said with a smile "You are getting married" I said "How did you know that" She said trying to hold my hand but I pull back "Why,I thought we were friend but you keep that from me and you just refer him as your brother friend so that was why you were avoiding saying any thing about him,you never said you both are engaged,so this how friendship works now we keep things from each other eh" I said feeling left out "It not like that,Let me explain to you pearl,I was going to…" I didn't let her finish her statement before leaving,as I opened the door I was met with Ryan and Maxwell that was standing out side,I try walking away from there but I felt a hand holding onto my hands "Don't just go like that listen to her explanation" It was Maxwell but I pull my hands a way "I just need to clear my head nothing more" I walked away straight to my car with out looking back,I was really pissed and sad my best friend couldn't tell me something this important before I walked away so far, I could hear two voices scolding someone, I could hear Lisa yelling "why do you have to tell her,I told you before I want this damn engagement cut off" but I don't care I just want to go home to cool off. As I drove all the way back home,I can't stop think about ever thing that just happened and I was still surprise, I pack the car at that the garage and stroll into the house silently,I noticed my mom was back so I decided to greeting my mom who asked what happened and I said nothing,I want her comfort but she just started talking "Baby we need to talk I think it high time I tell about it" she said "What happened mom"I was getting scared and curious,I sat down to listen to her even with my mood "I will be getting married again baby" My eyes went wide in surprise "What!, mom it a joke right" I said with a mocking laugh. "Please tell me it a joke,mom why, how,when" I said confused,she never told me she is getting dating anyone "I have been with him for eight month now, baby I just don't want to bother at all that why, I am sorry" She said holding my hands while I was still in daze "No I really need to think,why is every one of you hiding secret from me,you and Lisa are the one I trust a lot but you both hide things from me, why" I run straight into my room with out saying an thing to her. Why is everyone lying and keeping things from me and never considered how I will react at all,it hurt.