A Daughter

Pain.. is all I felt and then nothing. No colors, no dark, just nothingness. No feeling, no pain, no emotions, I just existed. Then I could hear slowly, I could feel what felt like centuries later I could see and all I saw was darkness. Observing myself I could I'm just a orb a white orb but an orb nonetheless.

"What is that"

Light started rushing toward me at first just streaks then like a tidal wave it bored down and I lost consciousness. Upon regaining consciousness I look around.

Sigh.." Well this is hell."

"And what would make you think that?"

Came a grandfatherly voice.

I turned to see a tan man about mid 60's with silver hair and blue eyes in a white suit. "You're either god or this is just one massive hallucination."

I could hear him exhale a chuckle, with a wave of his hand and my body began to elongate and grow slightly taller until it formed into a human shape.

Seeing the chair pop out of nowhere I plop down and get comfortable as the man in front of me does the same.

"Alright, to business." he said as he clapped his two hands together to get my attention.

"Let's get this out of the way, I am god not a god or angel or pretending to be a god but I am the god."

I sat there a bit stunned and I swear he's grinning because he knows it too.

"And… you're dead."

"Shocker, right meeting the big G in the afterlife, must be a surprise."

I shift in my seat a bit uncomfortable as sat. "Do people usually take a pitstop here before they go to heaven?" I was genuinely curious about it since fanfics mention all sorts of afterlifes.

He chuckled "Not at all heaven is more… of a dimension for believers and doesn't exist in every reality."

I could only nod my head, still stunned by everything. "So… God what do you want with me?"

He smiled warmly at me "You indeed are… I want you to become my daughter."

Pausing for a second then taking my pinky to my ear to clean it out. "Come again? For a second there i thought you asked me to become God's daughter."

God laughs heartily. "Of course child, it does get lonely managing reality by oneself. Anyway let's get back on track shall we?"

Waving his hand my body began to coalesce and confidence. My skin turned a good tan and my eyes shifted between blue and purple before settling on a mixture of both slightly glowing. My hair turned silver and grew to the middle of my back.

When it was all over I looked like a 14 year old girl. I had fit khaki cargo pants with shin high black boots and a white shirt with a gray hoodie under a brown leather jacket.

Looking down at my self I nodded in satisfaction. "Thanks, this feels… right." I look toward God seeing him smile. "What does being your daughter entail?"

He smiled at me and then simply pointed in my direction and a blue screen popped up. [System integrating please wait.] [System integration complete.] 'Oh a system… I didn't quite expect that.' [Welcome host to the Gachaverse system.]

God chuckled at my reaction. "In short that system will allow you to pull things from all over the omniverse to aid you"... "Of course in moderation I don't need you breaking reality." He chuckled.

"Alright now to the fun part." Waving his hand 3 wheels pop up.

One is labeled (World) with different universes on it like Harry Potter, Marvel, Avatar the Last Airbender, and many others.

The second is labeled (Bloodline) the ones on here had me shocked at their absurdity. 'I think anyone who saw Voidling or Outer God as an option would be shocked as well.'

The third was labeled (Ability) the abilities listed weren't bad at all some more mediocre than others.

Standing god walked up to the wheels "This how this works spin the wheel get your stuff and I ship you off "

I looked at God incredulous. 'I thought I was his daughter.'

I heard him chuckle. "You are my daughter, speaking of which I should give you a name." He began pondering his hand, scratching his chin.

"How about Alyss, sound ageless, elegant… what do you think?"

'I gave it a thought and then nodded, it was a beautiful name and I felt it fit me even resonated.'

"So I just spin and that's it."

God nodded to my question. "That's all there is to it."

I shook my head in feign resignation and spun the first wheel, as it began to slow It screeched to a hault on Marvel. Only though I had was. 'Well I'm screwed.'

God just bursted out laughing. After a couple of minutes he stopped and calmed down to a chuckle. "No need to worry you'll be cloak and or unseen most won't even notice you."

'Thats a relief I really didn't know what'd I do if beings far strong decided to just do away with me.' 'Thats not even including the ancient one.'

With that out of the way I spun the second wheel, it passing options like Zeus (Pery Jackson) and Ghoul (Tokyo Ghoul). 'The whole time my worry getting worse the slower it gets.'

After a minute of spinning the wheel came to a stop. When I looked up my jaw dropped. Bloodline Heimdall (God of War)

God looked at the choice appreciatively. "Oh that's a good one immortality, all seeing eyes and control over the Bifröst."

Being more upbeat than before due to her stroke of luck, she spun the last wheel. As the wheel slowly spun to a hault it landed on something that even dumbfounded me. The Void (Warframe)

"I am dumbfounded, like how do I own the void or do I have just have powers like the tenno?" I voiced out of both concern and excitement.

God smiled at me "The void is you and now you are the void, a living paradox."

I smirked at him and hugged him. "This whole being gods daughter thing is going to take some getting use to but… thank you."

He held me in his embrace and smiled. "Anything for you little Alyss," I smiled when he called me that, as we break out hug he pats my back. "It's time to go Alyss." I nodded reluctantly knowing it was time.

Stepping back slightly I waved. "See ya later pops." And then there was a flash.

"Stay safe and enjoy your new life my daughter."