The beautiful empire of The Great Britannor was the center of attraction in the entire continent. The Empire was well known for its large cities, long history and culture, their scientific breakthrough and impressive economy. It was an empire that welcomed many around the world to is magnificence.
Many people from surrounding nations have travelled to Britannor to fulfil their dreams and ambitions. And one of these people was a young man from Persie with his pregnant wife. They both dreamed for a promising future for their newly formed family, hoping that Britannor, the country of dreams, would grant them solace than their former country to pursue their dream.
Rashan held unto his wife's waist gently, avoiding the bustling crowd as they made their way through the busy streets of Aldmoor. His amber eyes focused on the tall and large buildings, seeking for a home to begin their new lives. He felt a tug at his sleeve and stared down to shift his focus to his wife
"Eshgham" He softly called, rubbing her lower back affectionately. "Are you alright? Are you hurt?"
"I'm fine…" his wife, Arsha, breathed out tiredly. "I just needed to catch my breath. You walk too fast" she lightly scolded, giving him a small frown.
Rashan felt the corner of his lips tug, forming a loving smile.
"Not to worry, Eshgham, I'm sure we'll find a place to spend the night."
Arsha gave a light scoff. "You said that hours ago, and we've been walking for a long time."
"Come now, Arsha. Have faith. We will definitely find a home before nightfall. I promise" Rashan grinned widely, placing both of his palms to cradle her cheeks. Arsha only rolled her olive green eyes, she wrapped her tunic purple scarf around her neck and turned her face away. She was tired. Too tired to fight with her husband. And too tired to walk any further.
Rashan watched as his wife made unsteady and tired steps as she trudged beside him, her lips parted slightly as she breathed loudly. Without sparing any thought, he pulled her closer to himself and lifted her off her feet.
Arsha gave a loud yelp as she clung unto her husband's shoulder in surprise. His sudden action came without warming.
"Rashan, what has gotten into you?!" She asked, her eyes wide in shock. "People are staring"
"Let them" he responded with a hearty laugh. "Hold on tight, I'm going to move faster."
And true to his words he did move faster, rushing towards the farther ends of the street, avoiding the questioning gaze of the people around him. He laughed once more when his wife held unto him tightly as she bowed her head in his robes to hide her embarrassment.
Days turned into weeks and the Imani Family had finally settled down in the outskirt of a bucolic town, Aldmoor. Rashan wasted no time in building a home and establishing a store. This Store has been his dream since he was a boy and Britannor was the perfect country to fulfil his dream.
He had found a rundown and abandoned shack close to a river, although it was a drab looking place and his wife disagreed with creating a home there, Rashan went ahead to refurbish the old building. He took his time to fix the rotten, termite infested woodwork and replaced them with woods from Pine and Oak trees. He also went out of his way to prepare the land to make a little orchard for his beloved wife and cleared a small path to the road way that led to the main-land.
Arsha trudged forwards with careful steps towards her husband, in her hands was a tray holding a cup of cool fruit juice. As she drew closer, she saw more of her husband's appearance. His skin was tan, looked rough like an animal hide and his biceps ripped out through his sleeves. He was vigorously cutting off a wood with a saw and boring holes at the sides. His dark hair was tousled and short, and even sitting down it was obvious how all he was, with long limbs and large feet and hands.
Arsha could only wonder what tool he was making to have him too engrossed in his work to not notice her presence behind him. She reached out her small hands and tapped his shoulders.
"Dear," she called
Rashan turned his focus to his wife and then gave her a beaming smile.
"Eshgham" he fondly said and sat upright. He held out his large right hand to carefully pull her towards him. Arsha followed his gesture and sat beside him on the soft and warm grass.
"What are you up to?" she asked him, her eyes fixed on the handiwork. "Another design for the house? You've done more than enough to make our home comfortable."
Rashan gave a light chuckle at his wife's remarks. "These are for our children. I want them to live a fun and comfortable life in this strange land"
"It's going to be different you know, raising our children in a different country, different culture, far away from home. Back at Qeran, there was an old yet healthy tree my mother planted and nurtured. It grew so big and strong- I and my older brother made a swing for our younger siblings to play with. It was good time"
Arsha watched his almond shaped eyes stare at the horizon, his warm amber eyes reflecting the golden hues of the setting sun. Her eyes glazed at the wooden plank in front of them and stared up at the oaken tree, its green leaves swaying to the evening breeze of spring.
She knew the story of the swing back at their little village. That was where she had met Rashan when they were just children and was drawn to his boyish smile and fun loving spirit. She had been hesitant to play in the swing with the rest of the village children, yet Rashan held out his hand and carefully sat her down of the wooden board. He had held her waist gently as he swayed her back and forth. Arsha remembered the feel of the evening breeze blow her brown hair towards her face and gave a small smile. She has always been hesitant, cautious and strict with herself, yet Rashan had shown her a blissful world.
"Our children will love it" she found herself uttering. "In fact, our children will be lucky to have a father like you and they will love you."
Rashan gazed at his wife lovingly and stroked her swollen belly.
"They will love you as well, just as I love you"
Although the country and past the left behind left them with lingering regret, they looked toward the future with big dream and hope for peace. For the sake of their unborn children. This is what any parent would wish for.
Eshgham - My Love