"Come on Izuku, you can do it, just that much of a burden and you're going to give up just like that? Where's the spirit you had earlier, this beach won't clean itself, hey, your form is ugly. Don't use that movement to lift weights, use your back muscles to make it easier, it's not that stupid, don't use your waist. Quickly move that thing then we'll take a break."
Many people may be confused about what Izuku is doing, but it seems that when Achilles wanted to go fishing with Leonidas on the beach, they found that the beach was dirty and full of...Countless junk items, they made an agreement to make this beach Izuku's training ground.
And now Izuku is doing his training on his first day, in the morning Izuku goes to school as usual but when the afternoon comes, he is told to go to Takoba beach. And Izuku's training officially begins.
Actually, Izuku is already quite good at his training, it's just that Leonidas, as his instructor, doesn't want Izuku to just be good, he wants Izuku to go beyond his limits.
Izuku, who heard Leonidas' screams, began to follow his orders. He started to figure out how to carry the stuff without hurting his body, and did he say that he couldn't use reinforcement? Well, in general Izuku has mastered reinforcement, it's just that during this training Izuku is prohibited from using it.
Soon Izuku finished with 1 percent of the trash on Takoba beach.He walked back to Leonidas because he had told Izuku to rest earlier. But is it true that Izuku will be allowed to rest? Of course not.
Izuku, who had just rested for thirty seconds, was immediately given the task of learning magecraft. The break that should have been thirty minutes was cut to thirty seconds.
But at least he could study about magecraft for thirty minutes, which compared to training, was more like a break.
Thirty minutes passed and Izuku would return to his training, with the gloves that Da Vinci made for Izuku's safety. Izuku went back to lifting the junk again, with difficulty he lifted it, his young body was still not used to this.
Luckily, because there is Robust health from Arash. This really helps Izuku with the task given by Leonidas, sparta training which is still not fully sparta .
You might be wondering where the junk that Izuku collected went, the junk went to the recycling center and Achilles himself delivered it, imagine him using His noble phantasm just to deliver trash.
"Come on young Izuku, your form is already good, now you are making progress. Keep up the spirit young Izuku, Rome was not built in one day, unless you have Romulus-Quirinus as your servant, hahaha"
The other servants could only smile, and Izuku who heard Leonidas' words was confused, who was Leonidas referring to.
"Who is this Romulus-Quirinus, what is his connection with building Rome in one day? " Izuku shouted while carrying the washing machine.
"Ah, you don't know, huh? If you knew, you would be amazed. In general, Romulus-Quirinus is a grand servant class lancer. Quirinus's main Noble Phantasm is Per Aspera Ad Astra, the concept of the expansion and development of civilization abstracted into a Noble Phantasm. So basically he can create roma in one activation of his noble phantasm."
Da Vinci answered what Izuku asked, and Izuku who heard that was stunned, there was someone who could do that, this increased Izuku's enthusiasm. He also doesn't want to lose to the heroes he has heard about, he also wants to become a legend, he also wants to be able to help people, he wants to see smiles when saving people, And he wants to be more than all might. More than being little might, his dream when he grows up.
"uooooogggh, I will become a hero who brings smiles to everyone, I will become strong enough to make it happen, strong enough that no one can stop me." Izuku's words burned with passion which made the servants smile.
but there were 2 servants who smirked, Leonidas and Sasaki, they had already seen Izuku's potential, And they are ready to increase their training portion.
Izuku kept trying to push his limits, even though this was only the first day of training, but Izuku was already used to this, as if he had been doing this for years.
Maybe this happened because of the skills that Izuku has, Robust health and Natural born genius.
Time flies so fast, the sun is about to set. Izuku is called by Leonidas to finish his training today, 3 hours of training made Izuku successfully eliminate 2 percent of the trash in Takoba Beach.
They went home because the training time was over, but one thing they didn't know was that Da Vinci was recording Izuku's training.Da Vinci knew that in this day and age, many heroes were trumpeting that they were great heroes through social media promotion.There are many heroes today who use social media as a window for others to get to know them better.Now heroes are mostly seen as idols rather than actual heroes.
Even the heroes themselves think that being a hero is a job that earns a lot of money, whether it is from the salary given by the government or from selling merchandise.
"We are home!!x8"
"Welcome home,I have prepared food for you, I hope you like it" said Inko with a smile
"Inko-mom, of course we will like it, your cooking is the best here, number 2 compared to Emiya's cooking" Da Vinci said while giving a thumbs up .
"But mom, I want to take a shower first, my body is covered in sweat, wait for me at the dining table," said Izuku as he ran towards the bathroom. Inko, who saw Izuku run, could only shake her head.
""Don't run, Izuku, you'll slip," Inko shouted. Izuku, who heard her, could only reply, "Sorry, mom, I'll be careful."
"Sometimes I wonder whose trait Izuku got, I don't think my late husband had that trait" Inko was lost in thought looking at Izuku's behavior while smiling.
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