Marcus is confused, surprised by the simple yet menacing skill name.
pain distribution huh.. doesn't really sound like an S rank skill, let's check it out..
Marcus understands now how to use the skill.
This is actually pretty useful? now to drag that woman to my bike.
He looks back to the woman he was dragging a moment earlier.
The woman was awake, Completely traumitized by the murder she just saw.
Infront of her was a scene straight out of a horror movie, A man completely covered in blood with a crimson stained machete in his right hand looking straight at her with a grin on his face.
The woman could only describe the man with one sentence "A devil in sheep's clothing".
The woman uttered stuttering "P-please.. just let me go, I-I won't tell anyone I swear!.
Marcus looked at her totally confused and gave her pitiful look.
"I don't kill woman, Mary was it?"
Mary looked at him looking even more traumitized than before.
"l-look I don't want a-any trouble, I just wanna g-go home"
Marcus looses his patience, taking out a handkerchief from his pocket.
She says immediately after seeing the handkerchief.
"W-WAIT! A-anything but that.. I-I'll come with you"
Marcus grins more than he did before he inquires.
"Do you want help getting on the bike.. or?"
She responds trembling.
"It's f-fine.., Ill get on myself.."
The woman gets on the bike, But before Marcus does so too, he goes to the dead corpse of Quack.
This guy should have a bit of money shouldn't he..?
He takes a look into the pockets of the corpse, he finds a wallet.
The wallet consists of Quacks ID card, The name on it says Carlton Daily.
The wallet also has a credit card with a note attached that says: 'Pin 6677'
He wrote his credit card pin on a paper attached to his credit card.. Kinds stupid ain't it.
Next to the credit card is also a five hundred dollar bill.
Jackpot!! This will surely be enough for a motel and some food.
Mary inquires , her voice cracking .
"W-where are you taking me.."
Marcus responds enthusiastically.
"An abandoned school!"
Mary tries to barely form some words but she couldn't .
Marcus gets on the bike, he heads to a place he used to go when he was a child, his former school, A place that burned down due to Intentional arson.
As they closed in on the place, The air felt heavier , thick with memories.
Marcus felt a breeze of nostalgia and happiness to the good old days–of commiting first degree arson.
Marcus ordered the woman with a serious look on his eyes.
"Get off the bike and head inside"
The woman hesitates to go inside but Marcus pushes her against her will inside the dust filled school.
He ties her with a rope he bought on their way there, against a school chair.
She mutters paralyzed with fear.
"What do you want from me... what did I ever do to deserve this."
Marcus responds calmly.
"You did nothing.. I won't do anything to you but I need you to get your boyfriend here"
She responds confused.
Marcus upon hearing her panicks internally.
"The guy you kissed in the coffee shop"
She thinks for a bit but then answers surprised.
"Scott!? Scotts my brother.."
Damn–such bad luck you got Mary.
He responds casually
"Call him now and tell him to come here, If he doesn't come in 40 minutes–Youll die."
Mary responds eyes wide with terror.
"B-but you said you didn't kill woman"
Marcus responds with a scoff.
"I don't, but he doesn't know that does he now.."
He adds.
"Tell him to come alone and unarmed or else, He'll arrive to a corpse and not his sister.
Mary answers him sobbing, hysteria setting in.
"O-ok... just please don't hurt my brother.."
Mary calls her brother through speaker, As Marcus held the phone to her mouth–She told him to come in 40 minutes or else her death awaited him.
Marcus grabs two long cloths he found on the ground of the abandoned school and covers Mary's eyes and mouth with them.
25 minutes have passed and a creaking sound can be heard in the distance–Marcus takes out his machete and puts it to Mary's throat just far enough from her throat for her to be unaware of it.
Money Scott arrives at the scene.
He exclaims.
"Just what do you think your doing to my sister.."
Mary recognizes the familiar voice of family and cries out muffled screams.
Marcus declares to the furious Scott.
I'll make you a deal scott, Lets fight to the death–If you win, you get your sister back, and if you die I let your sister go–win win isn't it?
Scott inquires angrily.
"And if I don't accept your deal?"
Marcus had a twisted grin on his face as he ran his fingers through Mary's hair–Then without warning, his tounge flickered over the strands. Savoring the moment like a predator toying with it's prey.
Marcus then murmured to him.
"Your sister won't live to tell that tale."
The sounds of Mary's scream get increasingly louder but they remain muffled under the long cloth.
Scott roars at Marcus.
"I accepted your twisted game–Let's get this over with"
Finally a stage set for me to test out my new skill.