When we finished, it was evening. The last firewood had to be stacked almost by touch, but the work was completely done. Winter was still ahead, although not so soon, so the locals prepared as much firewood as possible in advance.

Also, during the work, I learned from the headman that the standard of living on other continents is higher, right down to technology. From his words, I understood that in this world there are almost savages and there are very developed peoples who have cars, phones, and much more in their cities. In other words, the level of development is not lower than on Earth. But, as it turned out, not all continents can be reached in the usual way. And the high-tech ones are located as if on the other side of the world. You can get there only through special portals. Transportation services are paid and cost a lot. And it is not always money.

After work, the headman took me to his house. It looked like a hut, like everyone else's, but the house inside was quite cozy, clean, and even beautiful in its own way. The kitchen was quite large and spacious. The headman's wife greeted me warmly, sat me down at the table, and said that she would serve everything soon. But before that, I washed my face and hands outside. Yes, the conditions were so-so, but it was better than staying in the forest.

"Where is Maya?" the headman asked his wife.

"It will come soon. She wanted to sort out the herbs before tomorrow."

"Forgive me for butting in," I began cautiously, "but is Maya your daughter?"

"Yes," Rost answered. "And what, did you like her? No wonder, she's a beauty. Just don't be impudent. You'll get it in my face quickly if something happens."

"I just asked. It was she who met me in the forest and brought me to you."

"I know, I know."

Maya did come, but by the time I had already eaten. They fed me meat and porridge, and also gave me some compote to drink. They served buns with it. Tasty, sweet ones. But I would have preferred other buns, not these.

"So, Harry," said the headman, "we haven't found a place for you yet, and we don't know how long you'll be with us. Anyway, you'll be sleeping in the attic tonight. There's a bed and everything else there. It's warm there. You won't freeze. We can't offer any other conditions for now."

"I am grateful to you for this too."

"Here. In the morning, remember, fishing with Rumo. And for now you can rest. Today we have a walk in the village, you can have fun. Maya, show and explain what and how, okay?"

She nodded several times, happily gobbling up the porridge. I liked the way she ate, but I shouldn't watch her all the time—the headman wouldn't like it. It's better to behave quietly for now.

"If you don't mind, I'll go get some fresh air," I said, looking around at the whole family.

"Of course, of course," the headman boomed.

Carefully getting up from the table, I left the house and breathed in the fresh, slightly cool air. And after a hearty dinner, how good it felt!

The door opened and Rost's wife came out. She, by the way, looks a lot like Maya. Or rather, the other way around—the daughter looks like her mother. Also dark-haired and pretty, despite her years.

"Harry, do you really like Maya?"

"Well," I didn't hide it, "yes, she's nice. But I understand everything, so…"

"No, no, what are you saying," the headman's wife hastened to explain. "I'm all for it. She's been coming here alone for a long time. And you seem like a nice guy at first glance."

"You've known me for no more than an hour," I chuckled.

"But I know people," she said more quietly than usual. "When I was young, I once had a man. I was impressed and remembered him for the rest of my life. You see, you people have more, even if for you this is average. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Are you really serious about this right now?"

"Absolutely. Just don't tell anyone, let it be between us. And since I couldn't stay with a person for life, I want at least my daughter to be happy."

I listened to this and was perplexed: as if happiness lies in a big penis. Although, considering what I have between my legs, it is so… But I can't tell the headman's wife that even by human standards mine is not average at all.

"Okay, I understand you. But I can't promise anything. You see, it should be mutual. Otherwise, what's the point of all this?"

"Well, yes, you're right, of course, but try. I'll also hint to Maya that Harry is a very good groom."

She winked and went back into the house. Yeah, I definitely didn't have that in my past life: Mom wants to give her daughter to a human because humans have bigger genitals than felines. Only now I'll have to avoid getting close to Maya, even if she goes along with it. And so on until I find a way to make my device bigger.

Oh! I have an idea! I need to talk to Rumo while fishing tomorrow. He got a scroll somewhere, which means he knows a little about magic and other such nonsense. Of course, it's unlikely that he'll immediately give everything to a stranger, so I'll have to think about what to do with it. If he's also a fisherman, then I can play on that. I'll gain his trust—and then he'll tell me where to get magic scrolls or how to get to the one who makes them.

"Well," a clear voice was heard, tearing me out of my thoughts, "shall we go for a walk?"

I turned around and saw Maya. She was suspiciously beaming with happiness. No, this is some kind of crap. Her mother couldn't have so quickly advised her to start a relationship with me.

"Let's go," I nodded. "I'll at least see what your festivities look like."

"Well, obviously not without Rumo's sister," Maya grinned. "She'll be on fire again. By the way, you might like her. Easy-going."

Without waiting for my answer, Maya walked lightly between the houses. I frowned, trying to understand: was this an attempt to introduce me to Rumo's sister or what?