Ethan suddenly recalled the zombie hounds that had leapt down during his initial entry. His gaze snapped upward, confirming the control platform requiring ladder access.
The ladder stood nearby.
Without hesitation, Ethan scooped up his velociraptor companion and sprinted toward it as the remaining zombie hounds surged forward at their alpha's command.
The pack leader's bark triggered the assault. Though faster than Ethan, they couldn't stop him from scrambling onto the platform and kicking the ladder away.
The rusted control console revealed its purpose - operating the massive industrial saw blade below. Ethan tested every lever and button despite the corrosion.
"Holy shit! This ancient thing still works?" The spinning blade's sudden activation startled him. After locating the horizontal control lever, Ethan positioned the saw beneath his platform, creating a buzzing barrier against the jumping hounds.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
Ethan picked off three snarling specimens before the alpha called tactical retreat. Five more fell during their withdrawal, leaving only ten survivors.
"The bastards are waiting for me to descend or this saw to die," Ethan muttered, scanning for the blue weapons cache. His eyes locked onto a damaged truck 20 meters away, its trailer containing the reinforced shipping container.
The saw's abrupt stalling answered his dilemma. Right on cue, guttural growls announced the pack's return.
The alpha attempted a blade-assisted leap onto the platform. Ethan's shotgun blast only grazed its flank as the creature twisted mid-air with unnatural agility.
The velociraptor intercepted the alpha's lunge, locking jaws on its throat. While they wrestled, nine remaining hounds launched themselves across the stilled saw.
Boom! Boom! Boom!
Ethan's shotgun cleared six before jamming. Switching to pistol, he dispatched two more. The final three reached the platform - one met Ethan's knockout punch, another crunched under his boot, while the velociraptor severed the last attacker's spine.
"Good boy, Little Dragon." Ethan scratched his companion's bloodied crest. The alpha lay in grisly segments, though the raptor's wounds appeared superficial.
Two sealed syringes extracted from the alpha's rancid guts proved to be antivirals. The injection halted the velociraptor's convulsions instantly.
Ding! [Objective Complete: 20 Gold Awarded]
The weapons cache revealed its bounty:
Custom HK416 assault rifle (optical scope/laser sight)
3×30-round magazines
20mm underbarrel grenade launcher
20 HE rounds
Tri-color signal flares
2×M18 Claymore mines
Test-firing two rounds through the hangar door, Ethan grinned at the laser's crimson dot. "Now we're talking firepower."
The elevator's upgrade interface displayed chilling statistics - millions perished during this cycle's difficulty spike. Survival forum messages scrolled:
[User_XB12]: Holy shit I made it!! Prison level with caged zombies! Scored a Glock!
[ScaredyCat23]: Chickened out... regrets...
Ethan's fingers hovered over the upgrade terminal. His elevator now stood four levels above the struggling masses.