Teacher: everyone listen, this is Geum Jan-di, a transfer student, please welcome her
All: welcome to our class Jan-di
Jan-di: thank you
Teacher: stares at an empty sit [he's not in class today?] Where's Eun-woo?
Class: he hasn't come
Teacher: ok, Jan-di, sit over there (points to an empty seat)
Break time
Mate: hey mate, mind if I sit here?
Jan-di: not at all
Mate: thanks (sits with her friend) have you heard?
Mate2: yes, Eun-woo is currently with Han-bi
Mate 3: oh my gosh, they are perfect for each other, I really envy her
Jan-di: [who's this Eun-woo guy] excuse me, I've been hearing a lot since, during class, I heard his name countless number of times, who is he?
Mate: he's a very nice person to know, he's pretty popular in school
Mate 2: he's very cute and sweet
Mate 3: and handsome, we his supporter have a channel where we support him, will you like to join the group?
Jan-di: [how will I join a group about someone I don't] I'll pass, thanks (leaves to go outside) this school is very pretty and big
Kim Tae-hyun: (runs in) I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, it was an accident
Jan-di: (returns the ball) that did hurt
Kim Tae-hyun: are you new?
Jan-di: yes
Kim Tae-hyun: I think I got dirt all over your face, let me wash that off
Jan-di: it's okay, carry on with you game, I'll watch it off myself (runs away) [people in this school are strange]
Kim Tae-hyun:
Boy: (background) come over here with ball man
Kim Tae-hyun: sorry (throws it in)
Jan-di: who was that (while running, she mistakenly bumped into someone)
Kim Ha-neul: Geum Jan-di sunbae? You school here?
Jan-di: I'm new here
Kim Ha-neul: did you rub your face in mud?
Jan-di: alright
Soon the closing bell rang, the so called Eun-woo neither attended class nor showed up, after which, Jan-di got changed and went to her mom's store where she found her cooking
Jan-di: (walks in)
Mrs. Geum: I'm glad you're here, someone ordered some food, I just packed it up and was wondering how I was going to deliver it, it's good you're here, deliver this, the address is written on the paper inside the package and the phone number of the person
Jan-di: I'm very hungry, shouldn't I at least rest?
Mrs. Geum: hurry up, I made something delicious, I'll give it to you when you return
Jan-di: alright but I'm tired (takes the order and leaves in bicycle). I'm hungry, I better deliver this on time, I'll paddle faster (she then traced the address to a very big building)
Gateman: you're the delivery lady?
Jan-di: yes
Gateman: you're so young, well, the young master said to let the delivery man come to him
Jan-di: really? [But I'm very hungry, how wicked of him] alright, where is it?
Gateman: just walk straight into the building, keep going, you'll see the main door then walk straight up then go to the 3rd room.
Jan-di: [are you kidding me? If I were supergirl I'd fly, I'm not some kind of...]
Eun-woo: hey, low class citizen, you're the delivery lady? (Takes the food from her, opens it) hey, you missed it all up
Jan-di: you can pay now so I can leave
Eun-woo: don't you have respect for your customer? Where's the "sir"? You won't get your complete money
Jan-di: I've Met with a lot of customers but not someone like you, I would have said you don't want to pay me but waste my time because you're not capable but....
Eun-woo: (cuts-in) heat it up
Jan-di: what? [Why does he always cuts me short]
Eun-woo: you mixed it up and it's cold, I'm sure it won't taste as nice as before, heat it up and serve me then you'll get your money, I might even tip you if you do what you're told properly, the kitchen's by the corner (walks away)
Jan-di: wait, this is a mansion, isn't there supposed to be a servant in it
Eun-woo: yes, you're here (leaves)
Jan-di: I'm the servant?(scoffs)
Eun-woo: (tastes it) not bad, I saw that the shop was new on the block so I ordered it in order to give it a chance, you can leave
Jan-di: my payment
Eun-woo: you haven't completed your task, "sir"
Jan-di: "sir"?
Eun-woo: yes
Jan-di: what do you take me for?
Eun-woo: a low class citizen who doesn't deserve to go to Seoul Haneul Academy and is so careless and disrespect and doesn't keep to the rule who says that customer is also right and someone who....
Eun-woo: if you keep to the rule, I'll give you your money and I don't care if you're hungry
Jan-di: alright, please pay me my payment "sir"
Eun-woo: I'll prefer that, you know, when you're talking to someone who has an higher class than you, you should prostrate and greet (throws the money on the floor) I tipped you, you can leave
Jan-di: (picks the money and throws the tip on the floor) I don't really need your tip, you know, you should try to be more human (leaves)
Eun-woo: more human (scoffs)
Arriving home
Mrs. Geum: what took you so long
Jan-di: I.....
Mrs. Geum: anyway, never mind, The man sent me a tip
Jan-di: a tip?
Mrs. Geum: check the transfer (gives her the phone)
Jan-di: (takes the phone to see the transfer name- Jang Eun-woo) Eun-woo?
Mrs. Geum: (takes her phone) you know him?
Jan-di: not really
Mrs. Geum: well, he's a real gentleman, I pray you find a husband like him one day, he tipped us well (leaves)
Jan-di: [they spoke so highly of him about him being sweet but he's a punk, maybe he's not the Eun-woo but that Eun-woo wasn't present at class, I'll have to find him tomorrow to pay him the tip back even if I need to use my entire savings, I need to save my honour, that money is huge] umma, I'm starving.
Next day
Jan-di: (she had earpiece plugged to her ears as she was listening to cool music while walking through the gate of her school) 🎵lalalala🎵
Eun-woo: (drives in, stops and rolls the glass down) what an awful first view of school in the morning, now my day is going to be bad
Jan-di: bad?
Eun-woo: when my first view of the day is bad, I get a bad day, you low class citizen, earpods are the new trend now not earpiece (drives away)
Jan-di: he could have just drove pass me but he chose to pester me
Kim Ha-neul: (runs in) Jan-di, hey, this is my brother, Kim Tae-hyun
Kim Tae-hyun: is this Jan-di who helped you the other day?
Kim Ha-neul: yes, my hero
Geum Jan-di: hero?
Kim Ha-neul: yes, I knitted you a scarf as a thank you gift (gives it to her), it'll be snowy real soon, Geum Jan-di sunbae, I'll go to class now, bye (leaves)
Geum Jan-di: thanks
Kim Tae-hyun: I didn't know you were the one my sister spoke about, I haven't met with you properly to thank you, the only time I met with you was when my ball greeted you
Geum Jan-di: the ball did greeted me well.
Kim Tae-hyun: well what I'm trying to say is that I'm really grateful because anyone who protects and loves my sister is a good friend of mine
Geum Jan-di: you're welcome, I'm in a hurry to class (leaves).
After talking with Kim Tae-hyun, Geum Jan-di decided to go to class but at the entrance of class, she saw a lot of girls standing there with a cute face, it was crowded, she hated crowded faces so she made her way inside while struggling as no one allowed her to pass, when she finally got inside, she saw Eun-woo sitting beside her seat while reading a magazine
Geum Jan-di:
Girls: oh my gosh, Eun-woo is reading a magazine, so cool, awwwnnn , so cool
Geum Jan-di: who can't read a magazine, what so cool about that? [Oh my gosh I can believe I just said that out loud] (sits down)
Geum Jan-di: get out? I was placed here by the teacher
Eun-woo: fine, don't disturb me, I like it peaceful and quiet
Geum Jan-di: who do you think you are to boss me around? You can change your seat if you're not comfortable about it (but of them engaged in an eye contact with rage flowing through them)
Later that day after class, Geum Jan-di decided to stroll around the school compound, it was huge
Geum Jan-di: oh my gosh, it's like going on around the world
Kid: I'm sorry Eun-woo sunbae
Geum Jan-di: [is he bullying him? He's not only a wicked person, he's a monster] (watching from a distance)
Eun-woo: You're sorry?
Kid: (blood rushing down his noise)
Eun-woo: now you got my hand stained with your filthy blood (she then kicked him causing to land on the floor)
Geum Jan-di:
Eun-woo: (he spotted her then walked up to her) you low class citizen should learn how to mind your filthy business
Geum Jan-di: do you want to kill him, can't you see that he's just a junior, a kid? You shouldn't....
Eun-woo: who are you to lecture me dummy, don't you dare do that, I could get you expelled with just a phone call so stop pushing me and mind your business
Geum Jan-di: (speechless)
Eun-woo: (he then walked pass her, bumping her shoulder)
Geum Jan-di:
Later in class that's all for light wave, let's go into sound waves
Geum Jan-di: [I can't believe he's sitting next to me, I feel like punching him right now, but gosh, I'm very tired, I didn't eat during break, I spent it dancing and scolding him, enough about him]
Teacher: Jan-di? Are you troubled?
Geum Jan-di: ma'am?
Teacher: I've been noticing you, you seem quiet disturbed, are you all right?
Geum Jan-di: yes, I'm perfectly fine, thanks
Teacher: if that so, take out your books and start writing (faces the board back)
Geum Jan-di: alright ma'am (brings out her book)
After class, everyone filed out of the class, Geum Jan-di was being peaceful and quiet as she walked down the path leading to the exit of the school when suddenly, a car drove passed her and splashed water from the puddle of water on the floor.
Geum Jan-di: gosh, (stares at the car plate number) that's that arrogant boy (grinds teeth) Eun-woo
Girls passing: oh my gosh, her uniform is bad, it's embarrassing, she shouldn't walk out of school like that (leaves)
Geum Jan-di: he's making my life miserable
Kim Tae-hyun: (walks in) Eun-woo?
Geum Jan-di: he just splashed water on me in his car
Kim Tae-hyun:
Geum Jan-di: (stares at him while touching the jacket)
Kim Tae-hyun:
Geum Jan-di: OMG,
To be continued.....