Then a nomal elder who was at his peck stage in true ecense relam. He was the host for todays scet enterance test. And most of normal elder are on true esensce relam cutivator. So its common for to have some one as a host in this relam.
On the stage the elder was describing the rules for test. There will be 3 part for this enterance test. First all the participants have to under age of 18 and at least have to reach the 4 th stage of body tempering.
On 2 nd round will be questionings from the elders. And if you guys can draw the attention of core elders. They can also ask you some question. Ther will be only 30 second for you to answer the qeustion.
3 rd will be the hardest round in this hole test. It will be a battle royal between 100 participant in each round. All the elder will give you point in thoes 3 rounds. And thoes who will rank in to 1000 will be outer disciple. And first 20 participants will be direct disciple. If some one of you lucky enough and get a interest of a elder can become personal disciple. And the bigest thing of this test you can become core disciple. If you chosen by any one of the core elders. And a golden core stage cultivator disciple means. You will gone a have the strongest backer in your side. So all the participants try your best to get the chance to enter sect.
There were lots of participants on the test ground. There was some member of a family called min family. Were they came from was located in a boder place in under control of sky sworing sect. Its a remote place there a village named han village. And there was rulling 4 familys. They are min family, bake family, tai family, ni family. They came here to join the scet because one othe member of their rival family joined a sect there was a golden core relam cultivator. And for their bad luck he was also taken as his disciple. But if any of their young genaration member able to join the sect then only they can survive. They are all discussion about that but they stop when their eye fall on a young boy. He dirct to to the place where the core elders and sect leader where siting. Every one on the ground start talking about him. That who is this guy dare to go for the core elders siting area. And why any one doesnt stop him? Is he was not here to take the test? Another guy said look at him he must be bit older then us. That means he may be a core elders disciple. Or even that also possible that he was sect leader disciple.
On the other hand he go near to the elder and sit next to the sect leader. He also greeted all the other core elders. They also greet him as well he arived. The only lady core elder try to litte bit tease him. She was over 250 years old but sitll try to get his hands on a mear child compare to his age. But in power they both are on the same level just little bit of difference. And on a cultivation world age doesn't matter any one can look young by using resources and yechniques. Oh the other hand sect lead ask him to take a disciple under him. If a genious like him teach a disciple he/ she will be get something from him. Then chu bai replied that if you say so then, I will look for a disciple who meets my condition to beacome my disciple.
In ther ground another boy said you all are fools. He is not a participant or not an elder disciple. He was an new core elder of sky sworing sect. Other boy asked, how could that even possible he just bit older then us. Or may be he was using any kind of technique to hide his age? He must be old guy just pretened to be a young guy. The the first person no he is young. He is only 19 year old and a golden core relam cultivator. But how did you know all theos why would we belive you? I know because my senior sister was a iner disciple of this sect. And elder chu bai long is the scariest young genious of this genaration. And in the history of sky sworing sect.