About Yang ranking in this world and Yang ratings

Hey guys author here as i'm here to brank down Yangs stats and why there so high and why she's ranked as the 3rd best for the girls highschool basketball even with her upgrade to her stats and how the ranking works in the world Yang lives.


Rankings is based off of the work that you have done throughout out your life in the asp- ect of the field you're in. With the help of the technology and medical break through thats has been granted to the public such the tech- no enhancement and Repo it allow humanity to have strong atomy's and to allow females to give birth to each other.

So in Yangs cause as it's been 40-50 years that all of that has happened it allows thoses of her era to show tremendous outcomes in both talent and intelligence. Help making her in to an genius and prodigy but it doesn't only apply to her. So even though she has worked to get where she is there are also others that are in the same field as her that are also to be called geniuses and prodigies.

Yang ratings:

Yang's rating are as high as they because of the competitive techno enhance that has given her the boast that her her family atomy has received from it. And the hard work she's put in besides just being an genius but also because once she gets older and goes on to thing such as college and the WSBPFWN they will be higher.