South Sea. In the sea sits a grand littoral cave like castle and in the cave. A Big Silver Throne
And in sits a buffed up half fish and half man. But it's back has a Pectoral black and white fin. With a fish tail also black and white.
"Dunka" Reporting to My King.
It was reported the last place captain Rick was seen heading, was in the northern part of the sea.
"Orca King" Near the formal great whites territory?. Then why is he not back?. Did we not already kill every last of the great whites in that area?.
"Dunka" Please calm your anger my lord. I have sent a few of my subordinates to bring him back!
"Orca king" Leave.
"Dunka" Yes my lord.
Thinking to himself as he walks out. Dunka says.
That idiot just retrieving a simple core has taken you three months?. Hmph.
He better not be covert what is not his!...
Four Orcas arrives at the northern sea with fierce look in their eyes.
One in particular stood out. As it was bigger than Rick.
Rick weighed. Nineteen thousand, six hundred pounds and almost forty-five feet long.
"Ringleader" Okay you both saw how angry, Commander Dunka was, Split up and search, we need to find Rick or Find that core or else you know what will happen to us.
Go now split up. But stay within a range that we can still communicate. This place gives me a weird feeling.
"Other three orcas" YES
The sound waves traveling.... five hundred metres away and inside a littoral cave. "El-Monds" eye Open. ....Orca?. And three of them this time?
What...? are.. they doing here.
SHIT. Are they here for that Orca?. But it's already three months
Whatever. Let's get some information and evolution points from them. Heh. Heh. Heh...
Twenty-five minutes later.
"Orca Ringleader" Any clues of Rick? Or the core? ..... Are you listening!? I said is there any clues of Rick or the core!. ARE YOU ALL DEAF!? WHAT IS...
"Orca Ringleader" WHO!? SHOW YOURSELF!
"El-Mond" interesting.... your senses are sharp.
I guess concealment Agility level is too low for you.
"Orca Ringleader" ....That stench of blood...
Sigh... My subordinates are dead aren't they.
"El-Mond" And you will be Next, unless you answer my questions. Why are you kind here and we're are you from?.
"Orca Ringleader" I will use your BLOOD!.. .
In pacifying my subordinates.
"El-Mond" You Will Try!...
The Orca disappears and tail Slammes El-Mond and Sends him flying.
"El-Mond" Wow its surprisingly fast for its size. If my body wasn't strengthened. This would have shattered my head.
The Orca appearing on El-Monds right. Says in a Menacing tone
"Orca Ringleader" Getting distracted are we?
El-Mond gets tail Slammed and hurls to his left.
The Orca appearing again right to El-Mond slammes him even harder.
It appears beneath El-Mond and slammes him even harder upward.
It then appears above El-Mond and Says in a Menacing voice.
The Orca Ringleaders tail drags in a chain like wave, which raps around its tail and Slammes
El-Mond with it. The force behind it could be seen as it had for a second, created a vacuum like wall around El-Mond as the energy in the attack short through him.
He gets catapulted and slammes beneath the ocean ground and there's sand dust everywhere, from the impact.
"Orca Ringleader" Hmph pathetic. I guess he only could talk big.
The commander would probably be waiting for my report now. I better get going.
The Orca turns around to leave...
But hears the words.
"El-Mond" MY TURN!
To be continued