"El-Mond" Stay here. If you get out you might not last long.
I will find you a body so you can be of use to me.
"Unknown Shark Soul" Yes Master.
"El-Mond" What is your name? I cannot keep referring to you as Shark Soul.
"Unknown Shark Soul" Master, my name is Eldred
"El-Mond" Okay Eldred, why are you here?
If, it is a body you are seeking, wouldn't going out be the best option?
"Eldred" Master I died and unexpectedly my body fell from the sky through to this place.
"El-Mond" The sky? Aren't you a shark?
"Eldred" Master. I was a Duke Level Evolved creature. I could take human form and fly.
"El-Mond" HUMAN FORM!?
"Eldred" Master. For ocean creatures we cannot fly even if we are at the Marquees level.
Because we need human form and we can only go through that Evolution if our core and energy reaches peak level of Marquess.
"El-Mond" Ooh.. so the tales of mermaids are true!.
"Eldred" Master, there are indeed those people, but ours is different. Mermaids or rather one of the sea royalties.
Are born that way.
"El-Mond" Sea royalties?. What is that?
"Eldred" Master. There are Kingdoms in the sea. dominated by a specific group of sea creatures.
The Tàipíngyáng ocean is the First and strongest of the ocean creatures due to their outer gods essence.
"El-Mond" Outer god essence?
"Eldred" Master. It is said that, millions of years ago something fell from the sky and hit the sea and an energy wave spread through the entirety of our Yang Xi world.
Huamns and animals whom couldn't handle the energy died.
Humans that did not die, evolved with special abilities that were only imaginable.
Animals that did not die transformed. Snakes involved into Serpent dragons and the Lizards became dragons with wings as we know now. etc
But a few humans whoms systems were not of the average of their kind absorbed the strange energy like water and became what the rest of Yang Xi called them. (gods)
At the same time inside the ocean. The sea creatures were mutating.
Mermaids. Second of the sea royalties known as Dàxīyáng.
Were the result of humans that were on the sea and other water body's when the thing hit the sea.
Their mutation was formed with their environment.
Other sea creatures were enhanced physically and mentally.
Some even being enlightened into how to grow even stronger to be abel to take human form.
But the sea creatures inside the Tàipíngyáng were the thing landed.
Were not soo lucky as they became something grotesque and stranger than they were.
But were soo strong that, their fights sometimes are the causes of the quakes which the masters kind felt on land.
They are very big but they usually show up in human forms.
Because a child among them is five hundred feet tall and wide.
The Dàxīyáng ocean is the second because they have the blood absence of an old god. Who was smitten by a mermaid.
The young twelve year old mermaid had been wanting to come on land for a very long time due to the many wonderful stories she had red from her ancestors.
Whom were trapped by the ocean because of that thing and because their constitution was poor and couldn't break through to the Duke Level Evolved creature.
She had red and head that if one could become a Duke Level Evolved creature.
They could take human form again.
And so she practiced and kept training.
Absorbing the energy that came with the thing that fell, which now is the reason Yang Xi is what it is today. Our planet filled with energy.
Years passed and at the age twenty seven.
She broke through her kinds bottle kneck and became a Duke Level Evolved creature.
With that came the power to be abel to take human form and so she did.
On the beach laid a topless chiseled fair man with diamond face, brown eyes, short red hair and red pants staring into the sky.
Him sensing an energy Approaching just glanced at the direction of the water it was coming from.
Feeling zero threat as nothing could pentrate his skin unless it was one of the three gods.
But on this day something that was not a god penetrated his skin straight to his heart.
As out of sea walked out a pale skin, heart face, blue eyes, white long hair, hour glass body, wearing a white light silk dress.
The god tiān zhù immediately stood up and in awe.
Stood there staring as. Jiǎozi.. walked out to the shore.
Hello. She said excitingly as her long awaited wish was fulfilled.
She was finally on land and had no idea she was speaking to a god.
Stuttering Tiān Zhù blurts out Marry me.
Jiăozi takes a step back.
No not marry me. Well.. I'd be happy if you did. No wait.
What i meant to say was.
Hello my name is Tiān Zhù. What is your name?
Jiăozi finding his reaction cute giggles and replies.
My name is Jiăozi.
Tiān Zhù showed her around the land and how the humans now were living, treating her like a Queen.
A year later his constant sincerity had won her heart and the two got married.
Amd out of their bloodline combined produced merfolks which contained a gods bloodline.
Which makes their evolution faster than other sea creatures and they can manipulate any form of water.
The stronger their bloodline, the stronger they can manipulate water.
A rarity prodigy among them is the once that can also manifest the power to control the weather and have strengths like those of the Tàipíngyáng.
There are other Kingdoms like. The orca Kingdom in the southern seas.
The Blue Wale kingdom in the south of the Tàipíngyáng. Etc
There are alot but only these four are important expecially the two.
"El-Mond" Very interesting. I can be human again!.
Tell me. How do I use this thing to enhance my growth as you said?.
"Eldred" Master. You just need to drop your blood on it and use this technique to obsorbe the energy to its fullest.
Your current level is low so if too much leaks out you might not be abel to obtain an Earl level Evolved status.
"El-Mond" Teach me the technique.
"Eldred" Master. When you drip your blood on the diamond. Spread your energy around it like a bubble and create a stare case with your energy and let it flow into you.
This is to prevent it from wasting away and then to make sure you can absorbe every last bit of it.
This process is quite painful because you have to focus in stopping it from leaking and have to Stabilise your energy and the new energy that will flow into you and also merge it into your own.
If you lose focus just a little bit you might explode and die.
I did not want to tell you this because I don't want to die. But I believe the masters will is strong.
"El-Mond" I can't die just yet AND WONT!.
Let's! Do this!
"El-Mond" Dropped his blood on it and did as he had learnt. The power in the stone rushed into him like water.
With every minute the pain intensified as the energy was strong and seemed endless.
Twenty minutes later he couldn't take it anymore as he felt like he was about to explode. Full of energy and it was about to overflow.
His eyes turning white as he's fainting his body almost giving up.
But then flashes of how he was killed. How he was betrayed. The happy adulterers kissing and laughing at him.
Anger overtook him and he screamed. AHHHHH!!!
His eyes turns red and he starts obsorbing the energy even faster. Screaming every minute and thirty minutes later.
A Beam of light shoots out of the ocean and into the sky and thunder from the clouds strikes the ocean and it travels down straight at El-Mond.
Ten minutes later it stops and everything goes quite.
The dust clearing reveals. A Piamond Pale face. Deep Hazel eyes. White short Hair that reaches the neck. A Lean uper body and a fish tail.
"El-Mond" Wow this finally feels right.
"Eldred" How is this possible!?
Your now a half step Marquess level Evolved creature and even with a complete half body!?
Is this the miracle of the Yin-Yang Constitution?. Eldred whispers to himself.
El-Mond grins and with a wicked smile he says.
I will be coming for them SOON!
To be continued.