Our Rebirth as Mortals (ep 2)

Days just passed by, Mio told him that he is going to the town so that he can bring more stuff, but, the truth is he is going back to the palace so that no one doubts him and find out about his hiding spot. Mio wants to spent more time with him, he doesn't want to leave Liang here alone, but he had no choice. Liang agreed to it and stayed there waiting for him. In Liang's eyes, Mio is a nice and decent person, he didn't even suspect him.

Mio miss Liang very much that he wants to go there straight and embrace him in his both arms, but he knows that he can't do that right now or his father gonna get suspicious of him. He stayed in palace for a month and when he found a chance he escaped from there with a lot of stuff and put a note written behind that he will come back in a few weeks so that no one would go looking for him.

When he went back, he saw Liang is sleeping outside the house. He sat beside him and was gawking at him with a gaze full of love, like he was not away from him for a month but a year, he missed him so much that he wanted to kiss him. When he slowly put his lips on him Liang opened his eyes, Mio jumped back and when Liang opened his eyes, he saw that Mio's face is totally red he thinks that he caught a fever and put his head together with Mio's head to check the temperature, but Mio jumped out because he got surprised and embarrassed, for what he was gonna do to Liang a moment ago. Liang asked, "did you catch a fever outside?". Mio calmed himself down and said "no... it... it is because that I bought a lot of stuff from the town, and 'am out of breath", Liang said with concern in his voice "you don't have to buy all this stuff, you were gone for a month, so I felt like something had happened to you". Mio feels happy that Liang is concerned about him, but he can't say he is a noble and lived in a palace or say that he is assigned to kill him by his father. When Mio is still thinking, a sudden roar brings him out of his thought, Mio was so shocked that he jumped on Liang and hugged him tightly. Liang consoled him and said "you don't have to be afraid, I found a little monster to guard this place, don't worry he is tamed", Mio was relieved, and he realized where he is sitting. When he saw he is sitting on his lap his face flushed and his heart started beating faster, he suddenly started blabbering "I... I... I didn't mean to jump on you like that, this ... this is ....", Liang said "it's ok" and put Mio down. They were living happily, Liang starts to notice that Mio is acting quite strange lately, before he thought anything anymore, he heard Mio screaming "Aaaahhhh.....!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me....!!!!!!".

When he rushed there and saw why Mio is screaming, he started laughing loudly, because there is a mosquito bite on his cheek, and he is crying for how his beautiful face got a red spot. Liang stopped laughing and said "pfft... don't cry Mio, the mosquito is in love with you that's why he kissed on your cheeks", Mio puffed his teary face and mumbled "the one I want to kiss me is not doing anything why did the mosquito had to kiss me.....". Liang didn't hear anything what Mio said, but he noticed that Mio's puffed face looked so cute that he wanted to pinch them. He was staring him, completing forgetting about the fact that he has work to do.
