'what.. what the hell was that??!' Edward thought to himself, it was something that he had never felt before, it was unreal, he was just floating on the air. That wasn't anything you can define, that was magic, she casted a spell.
"Ah-goo goo!" He tried to speak and ask her what the hell she did but only baby noises escaped his mouth.
"Oh.. are you surprised my little angel?" She swung Edward slowly from side to side on her arms, filling his cheeks with kisses.
'of course I'm surprised you monster! What the hell was that?' Edward was frustrated that there was no way to ask her what the hell she did.
"It's just a simple levitation spell no need to be so surprised, you'd be learning better magic than this when you grow older." Jennette told Edward in a playful tone.
Edward was in denial.
'spells? Learning spells? Magic? Is this really earth? Then I was being a fool for assuming it was earth all along hahaha, I'm in a world where magic exists, but Marcelle doesn't exist here, what am I supposed to do with this life then? It's just useless, stupid, useless useless useless.' Edward kept cursing his fate. He didn't even know what to do in this new life he was given.
But something intrigued him, he was intrigued by this so called magic, something that he never thought was possible all his life. He wanted to know more about it.
"Now I'm going to drop you so you'll sleep, okay? Jenny has a lwot to doo." Jennette said, talking playfully with a silly look on her face as she tickled Edward.
Edward came up with yet another plan, he figured that what she was always researching had something to do with the magic that she was talking about.
But in the meantime, he had to sleep, he was getting drowsy, being a baby was so stressful for him, he hated it more than the times when he stayed at work too late and got home when Marcelle was asleep.
'when she casted that spell on me, I felt something inside my body, similar to when I died... but it was different, something I can't explain.
It's like knowing something very well but lacking the ability and the proper words to explain it. At that moment, it felt like cold water had been poured inside my soul itself, touching every part of me. I remember exactly how it felt.' He kept thinking as Jennette dropped him off on his crib to go continue her research.
As Edward tried to remember how he felt when she cast the levitation spell on him, he felt his entire body become lighter than before.
'I felt like I could fly then, and I also felt something familiar inside my body but I just can't remember what it was. I'm sure it's happened to me before.' He pondered
'Ah yes, it was the same feeling I got when that bratty kid came to see me that day. The feeling of a foreign substance invading my body, forcing me to fear. Was that also magic? I felt the same type of foreign substance in my body when Jennette cast the levitation spell on me, although it didn't make me fear like the bratty kid.' He started thinking, trying to figure out the massive rush of energy he felt in his body.
'During the few seconds I was on the air, the substance in my body felt like it was something that had return to where it was supposed to be, like it was meant to be in my body.
I don't know what this thing is, but I want to feel that way again, I felt like I could do anything I put my mind to, I felt high and free as I was floating, I'm going to try my best to recall that feeling.' He made up his mind. He was going to try to feel the same way he felt when the foreign substance entered his body, he knew that something that entered his body like that can't just leave easily.
And so he worked up a schedule, during the day time, when Jennette was watching over him, he'll try as much as possible to learn more about the language and culture of the world he found himself in, he wanted to adapt.
At night when there were no interruptions from Jennette, when he was alone and thought to be asleep, he spent it trying to feel that foreign substance again, trying to feel that power again.
He couldn't feel it no matter how much he tried, but he wasn't going to give up that easily.
On a clear night when Jennette had just left his room to go to sleep. He started his night routine.
He sat in a Lotus position on his baby crib, his eyes was closed.
On that night, the window in his room was open for better ventilation, to avoid suffocating Edward.
The moon shined brighter than Edward had ever seen since he was born into this world.
The cool breeze blew from the window, the current was moving steadily towards Edward as if it was being drawn to him or attracted like a magnet.
Edward took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh breeze. His body felt lighter as he meditated that night.
He could feel it, that substance was in the air, he knew how it felt now. It was all around him, in the breeze he inhaled, in the water he drank, food he ate, clothing he wore, this foreign substance, the energy was everywhere.
' it really is amazing, I can feel it all around me. Can I collect it? I feel like I can, why can't I?' He took in a deep breath and started remembering something, it was the time when he learnt Martial Arts from YouTube because he thought they were cool and wanted to learn self defence. He learnt for sometime by watching videos but he never stuck with it because he was never much of a physical guy, but he did go to the gym to keep in shape though.
'I can try using a breathing technique, one that is used to gather the energy of nature otherwise known as ki to perform martial arts. It can be used in this case to gather this energy that is found in nature. But the problem is whether it'll work. No, it will. I can detect it, I can feel the mana in the air, whatever can be perceived can be taken. here goes nothing.'
He relaxed his Diaphragm and contracted his lungs to exhale and used the breathing technique that he remembered from his last life to breathe in.
As soon as he started using the breathing technique, a bright, blinding light shined from his abdomen, chest and head, the light was so bright that it made the whole room appear as if it was day time.
Mana from around the environment was rapidly entering into his little, untrained body, it was too much mana for a little baby to receive.
The light that shone brightly and immensely before suddenly disappeared, leaving complete darkness and the room only illuminated by the moonlight leaking through the window.
There on his little baby bed in the night, filled with an energy that he didn't even know much about, he sat in a lotus position like an experienced monk meditatin. And in that position Edward slept, he slept deeply that night.
The baby had taken in the purest form of mana, one that is taken from nature itself, something that only a few can detect.
He had taken more than just mana, he had taken baby steps to the path of a mage...