'Just who is this Patriarch guy? Why is everyone so scared of him? Even the maid Patricia that always comes to clean my room was frozen in fear when she heard I was going to meet him for the so called ritual today, or is there something happening today that I don't know about? I heard it's only a meal I'm going to have with him.' Edward was confused, he didn't know why everyone's faces were filled with concern for him, he was just going to meet with his father. Sure he might be a cold guy but so what? It's not like he was gonna kill him.
Edward stepped into the dining room, Jennette ended her escort at the door as she patted him on the back, urging him to walk in.
As Charles walked into the dining room, he could feel that there was a slight difference in temperature from the hallway he had just passed with Jennette and the room that he stepped foot in.
The room was highly decorated, it was more flashy than his bedroom, the decoration of the dining room made Charles feel like he was in another era, paintings on the wall and a long table in the middle of the room, the table was filled with chairs, more than ten chairs.
And there in the room, on a chair in the middle of the table, Charles saw a middle-aged man, he had red hair and a red goatee. He was dressed in finely crafted linen, the short outer tunic was embroided and adorned with red gemstones.
'So that's a noble? Very much like what I expected of a medieval noble, but why is his hair red? Interesting, it must be natural, I don't think they have hair dyes here.
First of, I have to curtsy and show my respects to him, and that woman dressed in a finely decorated gown sitting by his side looking at me with a smile on her face must be the matriarch.' Edward thought to himself as he motioned into the room, walking slowly and clumsily like any one year old kid would walk.
"I gweet the patwiach and the-" He was in the middle of his curtsy trying to greet his father and his father's wife when he was cut off.
"I believe you are late." The red haired man said, his voice was laced with disdain and his red eyes were filled with indifference, he carefully cut the meat on his place with his cutlery.
There was something about him that made Charles unable to breath normally, it was hard trying to get his body to move when he entered the room and now it was completely frozen as soon as he heard him speak.
Charles recognized it, it was similar to what his supposed step brother did, that red threatening Mana, but this was thicker than what James ever showcased, if Charles hadn't been absorbing and fortifying himself with Mana all this while, he might have fainted on the spot immediately the man spoke.
Charles was sure of it, he could see it leaking all around him, waves of mana coming out of the man's body like steams of smoke, it was red and thick,the man's eyes glowed in the dim light of the room.
"I am Duke Alexander van Flameworth, Ruler of the House of Flameworth, the Southern Duchy of the Jalozi Empire. The Emperor's most trusted mage. The Scorching flame of the battlefield, an eight class archmage. Who are you child?" Alexander, with a serious look on his face, his voice low and venomous, but also commanding, his every word was laced with Power. His piercing gaze swept over the room, focused only at Charles, waiting for his answer.
Charles was intimidated. He had never felt that way before.
'this is more than just Mana What the hell is this? I cannot even move my body, how am I supposed to respond? ' Charles thought to himself as he was completely petrified, he didn't dare raise his head up.
Alexander's expression remained unreadable, his gaze still focused on Charles who seemed to be too scared to even look at him.
'Is this the runt that is supposed to be my youngest son? This fool that can't even withstand this little pressure? His hair is black, like his mother kila, I heard she died, what a shame, she was a pretty woman. But that Red hair? He doesn't look like a Flameworth, the genes of the Flameworth has always been strong, every generation since the founding of our household has had red hair, but why is he the first defect? I know he's only twelve months old today but still, the only thing that makes him look like a Flameworth is his red eyes.' Alexander thought to himself as he calmly studied Charles.
'pathetic, at that age, his brother James could already sense Mana. Well, seems like he'd die in the Mana pool, what a wastte of good seed.'
Charles was still frozen when he finally resolved himself.
'why am I this scared? Standing here like a fool? I have a greater goal to achieve, I need to study magic and master it, there is a probability that I can travel back to my world if I keep studying it. I can't waver here. This is just part of the hurdles I must overcome. Yes! I am not a weakling, I am Edward! The one who climbed to the top, from dirt poor!'
He looked up, for the first time. His gaze directly meeting with Alexander's, making an eye contact. His eyes never leaving his.
"I am Charles Liam Flameworth, child of Flameworth, the youngest child of the Flameworth household!" He yelled, breathing raggedly, he finally said it.
'oho? Would you look at this little runt? Interesting.' Alexander thought to himself, his lips curled up slightly and he retracted the pressure in the room, allowing Charles to breath properly.
"Very well Charles Flameworth. Come and dine with your Patriarch." Alex said, with his expression unreadable and his voice still as low and commanding.
Charles bowed his head, going straight to eat the cuisines that he had not tasted since he was a baby.
'hohoho, this kid is quite amazing.' The matriarch, the woman sitting by the side of Alexander and his first wife thought with a wicked smile climbing up to her ear.