'I'm still stuck in this water, this treacherous water that I'm very sure is hotter than lava, my skin can't handle the heat this water carries, I'm expecting my skin to peel off but it's not, I'm pretty sure it's a property of this special water, it doesn't want me to die but it wants me to suffer.'
I can't open my mouth or nose to breath because I'm scared, I'm sinking infinitely, it's like gravity itself is beefing with me.
But something is happening to my body, even as I've held my breath for what felt like days? Years? I don't even know, my brain is all messed up, time is the least of my worries, but I know I've held my breath for a very long time now.
The mana that I've absorbed in my body is reacting strongly to the mana of the water.
'Maybe it's because I absorbed the purest form of mana, mana from nature, I don't know why.'
I can see a bright blue light being emanated from my body, but I don't feel anything.
Now I can feel it, Something inside me is boiling, reacting to the intense heat from the water I'm stuck in. It feels like all my body organs have been replaced with water, my entire body feels like liquid now, I can't even feel my skin anymore, my sense of touch is f**ked.
I'm trying to get into a lotus position, it's possible, I'm sinking downward but it's not at a great speed that I can't change position.
Since the entire water is made up of mana, maybe I can absorb it too, it doesn't seem implausible.
I've been in the lotus position and trying so hard to absorb the mana in the water for as long as I can remember but it's not working.
W-wait? The liquid Inside my body that keeps boiling and reacting to the hotness of the water I'm stuck in is my mana? It's a fearful feeling, having the mana in my body turn into liquid, how the hell did it happen? Must be the mana in this water that influenced it somehow. Now that I'm meditating, my mind feels free and sharper, it feels like I've opened my third eye. I can sense everything in my body, it's indeed that of a child.'
I just had an epiphany, an enlightenment.
'If the mana in my body can turn from stateless to liquid, can I turn the whatever's around me, be that mana or matter into another state as well? It's very possible, let me try changing the water around me to enable me breath.'
I'm trying as much as I can to think of a way to influence the mana around me, if there's a way to control and bend it to my will. To cause the water to change to air.
Finally, I've found a way.
'First off, I have to break the chemical formula of the water, from H2O to O2, it's not going to be easy, I'm literally changing the laws of physics and nature here, but I have no choice and after all, from what I've seen, this is what magic is all about, defying the very nature of physics itself.
It'll be best to just turn off my logical reasoning and go with the flow, I can't explain how but I know it'll work.'
It's like trying to explain how a flame can be summoned on a persons palm out of thin air and how that person can manipulate the temperature of the flame and make it warm instead of burning hot, or how someone can wrap themselves with flames and disappear.'
I can no longer feel my skin boiling or burning, because I can't feel my skin anymore. I don't know if I should be happy or worried. 'I'm sure it'll be fine, I hope?'
'The process of dividing the oxygen from the hydrogen in the water is showing positive results, but so far I can only create a few bubbles of air in this vast... I don't know whether to call it an ocean, sea, river or lake. I don't know what waters I'm in, I'll just call it water.
The bubbles are signs that my genius is plenty and that my plan might work, if I can expand the oxygen bubbles to be at least twice my size, I'll be okay.
The oxygen bubbles that I've tried making around me by using my own mana to react with the mana of the water and using my willpower to influence a change of state in the water around me is working.
I can't explain how this worked, I just tried thinking about it very hard, I imagined the water turning to air and I focused my thoughts on it, using my willpower to stop myself from collapsing from lack of oxygen.
The mana in me reacted to my willpower and made what I imagined possible.' Now I'm surrounded by a huge bubble filled with oxygen alone, I can breath well now, I'm still in the lotus position.
'I can't even celebrate my first real use of magic'. I'm trying so hard to stop myself from falling asleep, my eyes are really blurry, maybe it's because this little body can't handle this much stress, being awake for this long without sleep or food.
"It must be because of the blood of the Flameworth." that's how everyone in the family explains every rare, surprising thing that happens to any family member, it is convenient as I can act my my age without trying to act all cute like a child, they'll just say I'm a wise genius because of my Flameworth blood.
I'm still in this bubble and I'm trying to figure out this question before I actually collapse from exhaustion. 'How is magic actually used here? Is it elemental? Are the Flameworth's only Fire mages? Am I a defect that can change the properties of matter? I can think of the chemical reaction for which fire is created and do it with mana immediately, I don't see it as a big deal, I could also mix the oxygen and hydrogen in the air and change it to water and I could break it down like I did and make only air.
Is this odd or normal? I guess it's no use thinking about it. I have to find out on my own when I make it out of here.'
'The entire water is dark and gloomy and eerily quiet, there is no single creature in sight, it's not a normal sight, but then again I guess it's a pool made just for making one year old babies suffer.' I thought to myself as I close my eyes to take a nap, I can't fight the sleep anymore.
I wake up slowly, opening my eyes and my mouth with a loud yawn, stretching my body that has been stuck in the lotus position since I succeeded in creating the bubble.. my eyes widen to the sight around me, the entire water is dyed with red bright light, it's a light that doesn't feel threatening and the source of that light is approaching me..