Another shitty day of my clueless life. If you are wondering what happened to those "potential parents" that sister Nina told me, let's just say they don't like rebellious kids like me.
"Alex! Gumising ka na! Nakahanda na ang pagkain. Baka maubusan ka naman." Sister Nina
"Coming sister."
Why is it that when Sister Nina is the one to wake me up, I have the urge to follow her? Well, I seriously don't need another "nakabagabag" question in my life. I have had enough of it.
I live at the local orphanage (which I recently learned was a new one when I was abandoned) that has three two-story high houses with a central plaza in front of the gate. Each building houses different residents. The first building is where the nuns and priests reside. The second one is where all the little ones rest, ranging from babies to kids ages 7-9. The last is where I sleep. The BIG KIDS house where kids ages 10-17 are being held. And I am one of those who are on the verge of leaving the orphanage given a little more time.
I am 16 by the way. And I am guessing that the parent hopefuls want to adopt kids who are easier to handle than kids who already have a mind of their own. But still, I wish that I could be adopted despite my attitude problems.
"Sister? Ano ulam?"
Surprised? I can speak Tagalog, okay? Just not that good. I am more comfortable speaking in English, don't know why actually.
"Paborito mo ija, monggo at saka fried chicken." (Your favorite, ija. Mung bean soup and fried chicken.)
"Really?" I smiled a genuine smile.
"Oh my gosh! Ate Alex smiled!!!" Tili ni Sandra
Yes, I rarely, as in RARELY, smile in front of everyone. And only Sister Nina knows how. After she said that, my face returned to its usual poker face.
"Awww, such a shame. We didn't even get to take a picture. You are pretty when you smile Ate Alex." Sander
If you are wondering if maybe Sandra and Sander are twins, then you are quite right. They are fraternal twins who are both equally annoying.
"Shut up twins. Eat your breakfast."
"Yes, po ate!" The twins
We all ate in silence. There are about twenty kids inside the house right now but I won't mention them. While we ate, another nun came rushing in for some reason.
"Sister Nina, Father John is looking for you. It's important." Sister Ana
"Sige Sister. Susunod na ako." (Okay, Sister. Be right there.) Sister Nina
After that, Sister Nina excused herself from the table and went after Sister Ana.
"Hey Sander, what do you think that was?"
"No clue Sandra. Maybe someone is getting adopted."
"I doubt that. It is not adoption season yet." Me
"Ate? Since when did we get an adoption season?" Sandra
"I just noticed that there are months wherein there are a lot of adoptions, whether they want babies or near adults like us."
"Why so nega ate?"
"I am not nega. Just stating that the frequency of people coming in and out of the grounds."
"Don't you want to get adopted ate?" Sander
"Of course, I do. Who doesn't want to get out of here and live a life like a normal kid with a normal family? I just want mine to understand my attitude problems. If there is any."
Why does it always end up like this? As Sander and Sandra tried to counter my comment, Sister Nina and Sister Ana barged into the dining room.
"The twins, you need to come with me." Sister Ana
"As for you Alexandria, you come with me." Sister Nina
"Did we do something wrong again?" asked the twins
"Nope, its just that a family has decided to adopt both of you."
That certainly made their day. They jumped out of their seats and literally ran and hugged Sister Ana and off they went.
"And me? Don't tell me someone actually wanted to adopt me?"
Did I just hear hope in my voice?
Sister Nina just smiled at me and said,
"Just come with me dear. You'll know afterwards."
I reluctantly stood from my chair. I felt like I am about to explode. I don't know what to expect. Is it gonna be bad? Or is it gonna be good? I just hope its the latter one.
I followed Sister Nina out of the dining hall as we navigate through the countless halls of the house that we are in. I did mention that the houses in this orphanage has three-storeys, right? We were eating on the second floor of the house because that's where they put most of our rooms at. It was a choice of convenience for the people who are working here. The first floor of the house has the lobby where potential parents wait for the kids that they want to meet before going to a separate room to have a talk with them. The kitchen is also located on the first floor.
As we descend the stairs, my heart started to pound in my chest. Thinking of all the possible things that could happen right now. Could I be adopted? Am I even gonna be considered to be adopted by people? Or something in an entirely different direction. Anyway, I'll keep my mind open to situation at hand.
I kept following Sister Nina until we hit the lobby but she did not stop walking. I was confused because I thought we would be stopping at the lobby but she urged me to follow her until we were outside the house and were on our merry way to the house where most of the nuns and priests reside.
My hands started getting clammy and my heart kept on beating like drums during festivals. I thought to myself, did I do something wrong? Something that warrants me going to the main residence of the priests?
I quietly followed Sister Nina, dreading what is to come. As we entered the house, I immediately found it... Normal.
My face showed a confused look because I always thought that their house would be so gloomy yet clean. But it's not, and that thought somehow calmed my nerves. The dread is still there but it was reduced by just a smidge. I also noticed that the floorplan of the house is similar to the one where we sleep, so I immediately adapted to the place.
We passed the familiar yet not familiar lobby and into a separate room where the head priest is sitting with a man wearing a fancy suit, and several more men in black in suits, probably body guards of the man sitting with the head priest, surrounding the room with guns just peeking out of their blazers.
I looked at the head priest and he just smiled at me, as he usually does, not giving away anything for me to get a hint from. He beckoned me to sit on the chair beside him that is across the man. I meekly walked to them while lowering my head, actively avoiding eye contact with the man as I walked past him.
He and his body guards give me the creeps, and not the good kind. And what the priest said next sealed my fate.