Somehow, I did not doubt his words. I somehow came to accept what he said at face value. I did not doubt his introduction nor that he is my father's youngest brother.
There's just something so right about the situation, but I did not cave just yet. I looked at his outstretched hand before asking,
"Are you taking me with you or not?"
"Not even gonna bother shaking my hand, huh?" He said before retracting his hand.
"Fine. Yes, I am taking you with me because someone found out where you are. Someone dangerous." He said ominously at me.
I was not fazed, not one bit by his words. I already have an inkling about that because I've been getting chills whenever the sisters would take me out with them to buy groceries and the like. It felt like I was being watched. I stared at him, urging him to continue his explanation and it worked. He picked up on my intent and cleared his throat before saying,
"Someone from the Spanish mafia is after you. They're after your family. They stopped after your parents' accident and were oblivious to your survival. But when they got wind of you being alive, they immediately went to work to find you. They had to trace everyone in the company. We're still figuring out how they did that."
He exhaled quite deeply after saying that. He's probably exasperated with the incompetence of his men.
I kept quiet while walking to a nearby couch to sit. I have a few ideas on how that happened but I did not voice out my opinions just yet. He followed suit and sat on a chair opposite me and quietly said,
"We did our best in hiding you, protecting you from them. I even had my best men become priests just to protect you."
He looked at me and continued, "John was my right-hand man ever since I was a teenager, Ria. That's why you don't need to question my respect towards him. It is because of him that you're still alive today. The moment your parents found out about the Spanish mafia targeting them, they immediately asked me to protect you. I was racking my brains on how to hide you and John suggested to him being a priest. Everybody was against it, even your parents, but he insisted. He left to be a priest and decided to build an orphanage, this orphanage, as a contingency plan for when something bad happens. And sadly, it did."
I just listened to him droning on about what happened then but of course, nothing came to my mind. I clicked my tongue when everything came out blank in my head and didn't realize that he heard me.
"Did you just click your tongue at me, young lady?"
He asked while raising one of his eyebrows. I just rolled my eyes and said,
"I did not specifically click my tongue at you nor at what you said. I clicked my tongue at the incompetence of your men and your organization. No offense."
"None taken." He replied.
"The most probable cause of them finding out is that there is a mole within your ranks but that person is hard to pinpoint since you don't know who might have changed sides or who might've infiltrated. It can be anyone but..."
I didn't continue my sentence when an idea came to my mind. I looked my uncle straight in the eyes with a wolfish grin on my face.
"I have the perfect idea of luring out the traitor."
I grinned at him before coming over to whisper my plan in his ear and slowly a smile that can rival the Cheshire cat's appeared on his face. He looked at me before saying,
"You are a cruel and conniving kid, you know that?"
I just laughed at him, quite maniacally at that, and said, "They messed with the wrong bitch, uncle. And you know that, right? I am your blood-relative after all."
I smiled at him before walking away and opened the door. But before I could fully get out through the door, I looked back at him and asked, "When are we leaving? So I can pack my things already. Also, NEVER DISTURB ME WHENEVER YOU KNOW THAT I WILL BE EATING. AND RELAY THAT TO YOUR MEN."
I left him looking at my sassy back before slamming the door in his face went back to the dining room and ate my breakfast without saying a single word to anyone. Everyone just looked at me and continued whatever they were doing before I came in. They knew not to ask any questions whenever I came back from a talk with the head priest. Well, can't blame them. Who would be in a good mood after being reprimanded by the head priest? That is what usually happens to me but this time, something else soured my mood.
I was absently picking at my food when one of the younger kids came up to me and tapped my shoulder.
"Ate, are you leaving us? Will you not play with us anymore?" she asked while tears were welling in her eyes and her little nose was sniffling from trying hard to hold back her tears.
I was startled by the tap but I did not let it show to not worry them. I tenderly smiled at her and replied, "Yes, love. I am leaving the orphanage but I am not leaving everyone here. I will be visiting from time to time to play with everybody. I will also be bringing lots and lots of food and toys for everybody to play with. So don't be sad, okay?"
By the time I was done telling her that, she was full-blown crying. Not the wailing type of crying but the gentle and soft kind. Tears are streaming down her face as she sobs uncontrollably. I patted her head and just let her cry out her sadness. She should cry it out rather than let her bottle it up. It will not help her in the future.
Once she had settled down, I hugged her and kissed her forehead before taking her right hand, since her left hand was hugging her teddy bear, and led her to the recreation room where most of the younger kids are using to let out their creative juices. I played with her for a bit before one of the sisters called me and told me to pack my things since my uncle was waiting for me outside.
I completely forgot about him. Oops! I nodded my head and went back to little Sasha. I told her what I needed to do and she started sobbing again. She hugged me while sobbing and told me to promise to come and play with her again. I softly chuckled and reached out to get her tiny hand and made a pinky promise with her before she let go of me.
I stood up and waved my hand goodbye not only to her but also to every kid that was inside the room. Most of them started sobbing as well but they all held it in. I was surprised when I saw who was standing at the door when I came out of the room.