The distinct aroma of iron rarely wafted around the mansion and to a vampire, the occurrence often meant that someone nearby, most likely human, was injured.
Silas had already jumped to that conclusion the instant that unique metallic scent tickled his nostrils.
Wood carving was an activity he'd always found most amusing. The way wood separated and rolled like butter, so easily, leaving perfect concave lines after the tool, provided him with immeasurable amounts of satisfaction.
Nevertheless, Silas slowly set the curved gouge down on the table and shut those diamond eyes of his to focus on the newest distraction.
It had been a good while since he'd caught a whiff of such fine blood flowing so freely, since the great war it would seem.
Noble blood, no doubt, and whomever it belonged to, they sure had a long night if not the longest in their short, human life.
Curiosity got the better of him and so, he turned to his hearing in the hopes of pinpointing the origin of that succulent odor.
For that, heartbeats were always the beginning of the thread. Silas assumed that whoever it was, their heart rate must have still been in shambles, and right he was for when he'd spotted the wildest drumming of hearts in the circumference of the manor, it was immediately accompanied by a foreign voice.
A sweet and feminine timbre uttering the words, "Yes, I shall serve your son, my Lady,"
Silas needed not hear who the stranger was conversing with as it was evident the Lady of the grounds, his mother, sat in front of her.
It took him mere seconds to determine their voices came from the closest lounge room to the main entrance and it took him even less time to exit his room, flash through the long corridors and stairs before finding himself at the door of the lounge room.
Sure enough, there sat the frame of a young woman he'd never laid eyes upon prior to that moment.
Soft raven hair fell to her small waist, complementing the dark blue dress she donned that embraced her forms so perfectly, going all the way up to her… Generous chest. The golden locket resting atop it attracted even more attention to that part of her body.
Blood was not the only scent emanating from her as the woman reeked of the forest's essence she must have ran through to get there. Although the mud around the scuffed-up skirt of her gown proved it.
"What of your skills, girl?" Lady Persephone's voice blared even though she spoke very calmly.
As their conversation went on, Silas chose not to announce his presence and remain hidden behind the door frame.
The woman lifted her head and for the first time he'd gotten to glimpse the gleamy green of her eyes. Like gemstones they glowed as she stared at his mother. The pale ivory of her seemingly perfect skin was only broken by the cuts that allowed some of her blood to escape.
"My skills?" she muttered feebly.
"Why yes!" Lady Persephone began, setting the tea cut in her hand onto its saucer, "It is my understanding that noble women undergo strict education on the hands of highly qualified professionals from a tender age. You most certainly can read, can you not?"
"Yes, of course," the woman hastily, but shakily answered.
"I'll have to assess that for myself to tell. What of poetry?"
"Yes, my Lady. Mostly classic poetry, many pieces which I've learned by heart," she nodded, looking down again.
"Lovely," Lady Persephone remarked, "What of music? Can you sing at all?"
"I am afraid I was never blessed with a beautiful singing voice, but the piano I can play," she said as she stared at and fiddled with her fingers.
"Show me your hands," his mother demanded.
A little taken aback, the woman hesitated for a second before lifting both hands and exposing them in front of Lady Persephone.
"Closer, girl,"
As ordered, the woman brought her hands even closer for Lady Persephone to take them in hers. She appeared to press on them at places and then caress them at others, "Tender meat," she commented under the woman's frightened eyes, "These wounds seem fresh. I assume you've gotten them on your way here,"
The woman merely nodded in response, her heart thumping even faster against its cage.
"Any handicraft you were taught?" Lady Persephone asked.
"I've been told; I am good at embroidery, my Lady," she hummed.
"That is most delightful," Lady Persephone picked up her teacup again, "In this manor we often hold gatherings and receptions for many occasions. Considering your… Charming looks and your skills you'd be a great entertainer and companion for my guests,"
"Entertainer?" the woman's breath hitched in her throat. She shivered a little more in her seat upon hearing those words.
Seeing her reaction, Lady Persephone let out a small chuckle, "Fear not child, nobody shall lay a hand on you unless you grant them permission to," she took a sip of tea before adding, "See, most of my guests are vampires and for us, the older we grow, the more distant the concept of humanity becomes. Most vampires you'll encounter will be fascinated by your existence alone. They'll want to look at you, hear you talk, read, sing, laugh and perform the most basic of tasks," after a moment of silence, Lady Persephone spoke again, "Right then, I believe we've discussed the most important aspects of our… Exchange. It is time to tend to your state,"
The woman nodded, "When do I have to-" she uttered very hesitantly, her eyes still refusing to meet his mother's.
"Definitely not tonight. You are not in position to spare a drop of blood. Besides, you'll need to be introduced in proper manners first or do you think us savages?" quite a stern tone Lady Persephone had used.
The woman shook her head fiercely, "No! Of course not!"
Lady Persephone gave out another chuckle, "You truly are fun to tease, but I'll stop it here. It'd be cruel of me otherwise. Know that you are free to roam the grounds as you stay here. You are no prisoner but do not cross the property lines. I cannot guarantee your safety outside my land,"
Right next to the saucer that Lady Persephone used for her cup, sat a small, silver bell. The Lady picked it by the tip of its handle between her fingers and rang it gracefully.
Silas knew to better hide behind the corinthian pillar decorating the entrance of the lounge. Less than a minute after the bell had been rang a human maid that he immediately recognized to be Ada came running to answer the Lady's calling.
"Do we have a guest room that is ready for use?" the Lady asked.
The maid bowed, hands clasped in each other, "Yes, my Lady. We always keep one ready on the first floor,"
"Good. I'd like you to show Arabella here the way. She'll be staying in the guest room until further notice. Let the cooks know her meals are to be prepared with utmost care, and make sure her wounds are tended to,"
So, Arabella was her name…
Silas watched as Ada exited the lounge room first, closely followed by Arabella until the both of them disappeared behind the wall leading towards the stairs.
"She's a beautiful little piece, isn't she?" Lady Persephone's voice came right from the door frame where she stood.
Lady Persephone was one of the oldest vampires to roam the grounds and as such she wasn't rivaled by many in her strength, stealth and speed. Silas was an exception to that and thus the fact that she had sneaked up on him left him… Feeling a certain way.
"Another refugee?" he uttered with an icy cold voice that Lady Persephone had very much gotten used to.
"She has managed to cross the border from Lustris to Umbraria all on her own and survived the journey. Impressive, isn't it?" she smirked faintly, "She's fleeing a prince this one,"
"Won't that cause problems for us?" he asked.
"Will the Sterlings ever cease to be trouble for us? I wonder," she bared her teeth as she smiled.
Upon hearing Arabella's last name, Silas' fists clenched tightly as he kept on glaring the way the two women had taken.
"She'll be your very own life stock from now on. Try… To treat her well," she handed him the handkerchief Arabella had used to wipe her blood, which he immediately took.
Silas gave one, discrete nod before unrooting his feet from their spot and flashing towards the stairs.
He again chose to remain out of sight once the women's figures came into view. They'd stopped right before the enormous portrait facing the first half of the stairs.
"That is Lord Emeric Eleazar. I was not born soon enough to meet him, but I hear he was a great man, much like his wife," the maid paused, her smile fading slightly, "I am Ada, by the way. I am human too,"
Arabella's head snapped towards Ada, "And you came to work here," she half asked.
"It is a long story," Ada sighed awkwardly.
"Of course, I am sorry. I didn't mean to pry, I just…," Arabella trailed off, struggling to find her words.
"No worries. I'll take good care of you. You've got nothing to be afraid of under this roof," Ada's smile grew warm again, "I can tell something's on your mind that you'd like to share. Please ask away, I'll do my best to answer," she laid a hand on Arabella's shoulder in a comforting manner.
"Lady Persephone's son…," she stared at her own feet.
"Master Silas," Ada chirped.
"Yes… Is he… Does…," Arabella fumbled through her words as her frame still shook a little.
Ada took a big breath, her eyes widened momentarily as though she'd caught on to what Arabella implied, "He's not a man of many words. He mostly keeps to himself, but he's not in any way cruel. Only make sure to stay on his good side,"
"Of course. Thank you. Your kindness is much appreciated," Arabella muttered while slowly nodding, "My name is Arabella,"