Chapter 2 : Soldier's Town

After getting back on his feet, Sora spots a city in the distance and decides to head there. However, two hours later, exhausted by the scorching heat, he collapses to the ground.

At that moment, a man, seemingly between 20 and 30 years old, approaches him and offers a bottle of water.

"Why are you giving me your bottle?" Sora asks, surprised.

The man replies calmly:

"I don't like seeing teenagers suffer from dehydration, especially right in front of me."

Grateful, Sora thanks the stranger, who, after a brief silence, asks:

"What are you doing in the middle of the road? And who are you?"

Not wanting to reveal the truth, Sora hesitates before responding:

"I come from far away, and I'm an adventurer."

Though unsure of his own words, the man seems to understand and says:

"Follow me. I'll take you to the city. It's called Soldier's Town."

Upon arriving in the city, Sora, curious, asks the man,who introduces himself as Ryota,why the city bears such a name.

Ryota then shares the city's story:

"Twenty-four years ago, a fire demon attacked our world. We all thought the end had come. The demon destroyed our city,I was only four years old at the time. But a soldier named Takao, a B-rank warrior, used a unique power.

He formed a white circle around the demon. Though caught off guard, the demon was trapped. But Takao's body faded away, and a massive explosion followed, sending shockwaves into the sky and killing the demon.

That power cost Takao his life, but he became our hero. That's how this city came to be known as Soldier's Town."

Sora, moved by the heroic tale, listens attentively and thanks Ryota for sharing it. Before leaving for urgent business, Ryota gives Sora a few coins, knowing he has no money. Understanding the situation, Sora heads into the city to explore.

After wandering through Soldier's Town, Sora begins searching for a way to earn money. He soon stumbles upon an adventurer's guild.

Curious, he enters and approaches the reception desk, where a friendly woman greets him:

"Hello, welcome to the Wizards' Guild. If you wish to become an adventurer, you'll first need to test your magical power.

**Place your hand on this transparent orb. It will determine your magic rank:

Rank F (Gray)

Rank E (Green)

Rank D (Orange)

Rank C (Yellow)

Rank B (Violet)

Rank A (Blue)

Rank S (Red)

Rank S+ (White)"**

Sora follows the instructions and places his hand on the orb. The orb glows, revealing an orange color.

Smiling, the woman explains:

"Very good, you're off to a solid start. As a Rank D adventurer, you can take on Rank F, E, and D challenges. I recommend starting with an F-rank challenge to assess your abilities.

The harder the challenge, the greater the reward. To rank up, you'll need to complete the most difficult challenge at your current level. And remember: proper equipment is essential. That's why starting with an F-rank challenge is best."

Sora nods, now understanding the guild's rules. The woman then shows him an eye scanner to register his identity.

After completing the procedure, Sora feels ready to embark on this new chapter of his adventure.

By the end of this long day, he manages to find lodging where he can finally rest.