Chapter 4 : Even more powerful

Sora stepped into the tunnel, his heart pounding wildly. He suddenly sensed two colossal powers, one of which far surpassed anything he had ever felt before. Turning back was no longer an option,the hatch behind him had closed, leaving him no choice but to move forward.

Advancing cautiously, he suddenly felt the ground tremble beneath his feet. He hid behind a rock and immediately recognized the aura he had sensed earlier. This power came from one of the two beings present, although it wasn't the one that seemed the most formidable.

As he tried to observe the scene discreetly, his foot accidentally struck a pebble, which rolled toward one of the goblins. The creature, an imposing figure with a menacing aura, turned its gaze toward him and declared in a deep voice:

— What are you doing here, human?

A shiver ran down Sora's spine as he hesitated before replying:

— I… I'm just passing through.

The goblin didn't believe a word and charged at him. Sora tried to flee, retracing his steps, but the monster was just as fast. Suddenly, the goblin noticed the corpse of one of his own,his brother. His gaze filled with rage, and a wave of dark energy burst from his body before he launched a devastating attack.

Sora instantly grasped the danger. He tried to force his body to reproduce the mysterious white light he had manifested before, hoping to defeat his adversary. But nothing happened. His energy seemed to have abandoned him. He collapsed to the ground, resigned, convinced that his end was near.

Then, a voice echoed in his mind:

"Imagine what must happen… and it will."

These words reignited a glimmer of hope within him. He focused all his strength and visualized the perfect dodge of the incoming strike. At that exact moment, a white light burst around his body. Terrified, the goblin launched his attack in a final reflex of survival. But in a fraction of a second, Sora vanished from his original position and reappeared behind his opponent. With an overwhelming force, he struck the goblin's back with his fist, causing the creature's body to explode under the impact.

Shocked, Sora stared at his hands, stunned by the power he had just unleashed. But he barely had time to catch his breath before the second goblin, who had witnessed the scene, flew into an uncontrollable rage. Unlike the previous one, this goblin's dark aura felt even more oppressive.

Determined to end the fight quickly, Sora attempted to replicate his technique. He teleported again, aiming for a fatal blow,but this time, his opponent anticipated his move. The goblin, with heightened perception, struck precisely where Sora reappeared.

The impact hurled Sora against the rocky wall. His body ached, and he realized that if he didn't find a solution quickly, he wouldn't survive this fight.

He recalled the words of the mysterious voice in his mind:

"Bring him down… and finish him."

Struggling to his feet, he locked eyes with the goblin, a cold and unshakable rage taking hold of him. His opponent, far from intimidated, charged once more. But this time, Sora had anticipated the move.

With a swift gesture, he extended his hand toward the monster, releasing an invisible force that slammed the goblin violently to the ground. The creature tried to resist, but it was futile. Without hesitation, Sora leaped and delivered a devastating punch to the goblin's head, ending the fight for good.

Exhausted, he collapsed to the ground, struggling to catch his breath. But just as he was about to savor his victory, a monstrous pressure filled the air. A single presence,yet an overwhelming power.

Before he could react, he was lifted off the ground, trapped by an invisible magical force. The goblin standing before him wasn't just any monster,it was their king.

Helplessness washed over him. Was this how it would all end?

At that moment, a figure emerged from the entrance hatch. A young woman, armed with a shimmering sword, leaped with blinding speed and, with a single stroke, sliced the goblin king in two.

She landed gracefully, sheathed her weapon, and approached Sora, extending her hand to him:

— Are you all right?

Still in shock, Sora could only stare at her, amazed by how effortlessly she had taken down such a formidable creature.

Let me know if you'd like any adjustments to the style or tone!