Sora quickly realized that he was far from being a threat. Izamu explained to him that the power he was emanating was insignificant compared to that of the Thirteen Dakukomanda. Curious, Sora asked who these "Thirteen Dakukomanda" were. Izamu clarified that they were an organization whose ultimate goal was to concentrate all magical powers into a single person.
This organization was led by a leader whose identity remained unknown, as did the identities of the thirteen members themselves. Their respective powers were determined by the size of the magical zone they controlled: the larger the zone, the greater their power.
A former Soldier is said to have fought one of the Dakukomanda, but he did not survive. According to what the King of Soldiers told the captains, the Dakukomanda mentally eliminated him instantly.
Sora then fully realized the gap in power between the Kingdom and the enemies he would have to face. He decided to focus. Sitting cross-legged with his arms resting on his knees, he tried to manifest his own magical zone.
However, no energy appeared. He understood then that he had no magical power within him,unlike his companions, as shown during his previous fight in the tournament.
Kimi encouraged him to try again. Sora refocused, took a deep breath, exhaled slowly, closed his eyes… and found himself face to face with himself. Confused, he asked this mysterious double a series of questions: "Who are you?", "Why do you look like me?", "What are you doing in my head?" His double replied slowly: "I… am…". Before he could continue, blurry memories of two unknown people flashed through Sora's mind, accompanied by desperate shouts of "Sora!". His double spoke one last time before vanishing: "You should never have existed, you son of a bitch!"
Sora opened his eyes, still unable to sense any energy within himself. Kimi, puzzled, confirmed that nothing was coming from him. Sora clutched his head with one hand, overwhelmed by searing pain, and screamed internally:
"That bastard messed up my head!" Consumed by anger, he tried once more to activate his magic. Yukiko and Kimi both urged him to stop, but Sora, blinded by rage,
shouted back: "Shut the hell up!"
Yukiko approached him, her face filled with pity, but she was violently thrown against a tree by the same devastating energy Sora had released during the tournament.
Kimi, despite the chaos, ran toward him with a smile. "Don't come near me, you slut!" Sora roared. In an instant, Isamu subdued Sora with such speed that no one could understand what had just happened. Sora collapsed, unconscious.
— "Has he gone mad?" Isamu exclaimed.
He carried Sora to the locker room before returning to the stands with Yukiko and Kimi.
The third fight of the tournament began shortly after, under a tense atmosphere following Sora's outburst. A ninja armed with an axe entered the arena.
— "An axe?!" Yukiko shouted, standing up abruptly and drawing everyone's attention. Embarrassed, she quickly sat back down, muttering: "That's… unusual…"
The ninja's opponent was a masked figure. Something about that mask triggered a faint memory in Yukiko, though she couldn't place it. The fight began. The ninja moved with incredible speed around his opponent, while the masked figure stood completely still. The spectators assumed he simply couldn't follow the ninja's movements. Suddenly, the masked man grabbed the ninja's arm and slammed him into the ground with such force that the entire arena shook.
Yukiko and Kimi stood frozen in shock, while Isamu smiled enigmatically…