"I didn't really talk to anyone at school today."
"Ah. So that 'ok'."
A smile spread across Leiko's lips.
"Were any of the girls at your school attractive, Ise-itoko?"
"To be honest, I didn't really look or pay attention. I was just waiting for the classes to end."
Leiko's eyes rolled in mock exasperation.
"Ugh. Knowing you, I wouldn't have expected anything less." She said, albeit in a teasing tone.
Issei flushed slightly in embarrassment, prompting Leiko to chuckle again.
"My poor naive Ise-itoko. You're too innocent for your own good."
Raising an eyebrow in confusion at the comment, Issei tilted his head. Leiko looked over to the nearby bookstore and smiled.
'Hmm. I've been wanting to find something to read.'
"This isn't exactly what I had in mind when you said we should hang out, Leiko-san."
After teasing her adoptive cousin for a little while, Leiko had decided to take Issei with her to the bookstore. According to Mrs. Hyoudou, Issei had a lot of interest in the Sun. And after realizing that she desired to buy some new books of her own, Leiko thought this was the perfect opportunity to spend some time with the shy ball of light that embodied her cousin.
"Well since I initiated it, I get to take you wherever I go." Leiko said, sticking out her tongue at him.
"I don't think that's how it works." Issei retorted, before he frowned softly, "And besides, I don't need any books."
"That's true. You don't need any books, but you do need to take part in something other than lying around in your room and waiting for the Sun to rise back up. I won't have my little cousin being a social outcast. You need to get out more often."
The young man sighed from his cousin's remark, and and complied as he looked around the sections and categories of the store. Leiko chuckled and walked away from Issei, giving him some space.
About ten minutes later, Issei stopped and crossed his arms. For a bookstore, it sure had a large space. As he walked further, Issei looked over to the next aisle, and he bumped into someone.
Issei collided with the unknown figure, and they both fell onto the ground. Rubbing his sore chest, Issei looked up to see a young man with short blonde hair and grey eyes. He wore the Kuoh Academy boys' school uniform, albeit without the blazer, and his sleeves were rolled up. Scattered next to him were an assortmnts of notepads and writing utensils.
Feeling guilty, Issei went to pick up the items and handed them to the boy.
"Sorry about that."
The short blonde-haired boy shook his hair to fix it, and smiled gratefully as he accepted the items back.
"Nah, it's all right man."
His grey-eyes then widened in surprise.
"Hey. I've seen you before."
As they both stood up, Issei blinked from the other boy's comment. He didn't remember seeing the guy in front of him at all. The young man pointed to Issei, and he smiled cordially.
"Yeah, you're the new student that came to Kuoh Academy today, right?"
'He's a student there too?' Issei thought to himself, looking down when the young man held out his hand.
"What's up man? The name's Genshirou Saji. I'm the Secretary of the Kuoh Academy Student Council."
Issei reached his hand and shook Saji's own in respect.
"Issei Hyoudou. It's nice to meet you."
Saji smiled wider.
"Nice to meet you, Newby." He replied, his new nickname prompting Issei to pause for a moment, before nodding.
'So this is the guy kaichou told us about." Saji thought to himself, 'She was right. He's got a lot of power. Though by the way he acts, you wouldn't be able to perceive him as strong. His eyes are kind of weird, but it's not like anyone else is normal these days.'
"Wait," Issei began, suddenly remembering a fact about Saji, "you said you were a secretary or something?"
"Yeah, of the Student Council."
"What does the Student Council do?"
"Well, we basically help share students' ideas, interests, and concerns with teachers and the school principal."
"So you're like the speakers for the students at Kuoh Academy?"
"Yeah, I guess you could put it like that."
Both Issei and Saji turned to see Leiko, who had already acquired a few books of her own.
Leiko smiled as she walked over to her cousin. She had already known where he was, seeing as he tended to wander around unfamiliar places. She had to admit, she was a little surprised (and proud) to see that Issei was actually talking to someone. Perhaps, her little cousin was edging out of his own shell.
Just a little bit.
"I see you haven't found any books yet."
Issei let out a light scoff as he looked away, while Saji held back a chuckle at the sight. Leiko crossed her arms and looked over to Saji.
"So, your name?"
"I'm Genshirou Saji. I go to the same school as your cousin."
"Really? Well it sure is a small world, isn't it?"
Looking back to her quiet cousin, Leiko sent him a smirk.
"We're not leaving until you pick out at least one book, Issei."
Sighing at his cousin's stubbornness, Issei looked over to Saji, and nodded his head to the young man.
"It was nice to meet you, Saji-san."
Saji smiled and nodded in respect.
"Likewise, Newby."
Issei's House
"Now that wasn't so hard, was it?" Leiko teased, prompting Issei to frown to her.
"I don't see why you need so many books." Issei commented.
"Because I like to read. Why did you pick only one book?" Leiko answered.
"..." Issei chose not to respond.
"That's what I thought."
After persuading, though if one were to ask him, it was more like forcing, Issei to purchase a book so they could leave the bookstore, Leiko felt a bit more satisfied as she sat on her cousin's couch. She felt proud of herself for bringing Issei out of his shell, even if it was a little bit.